Press Highlights 2022

April 2022 · April 29, 2022
Huge server attack hits crypto exchange
CSO Online Germany · April 29, 2022
Powerful HTTPS DDoS attack on Cloudflare customers
Le Monde Informatique · April 28, 2022
Cloudflare stops a massive HTTPS DDoS attack
EveningReport New Zealand · April 12, 2022
Op-Ed: Employees are make or break to the Zero Trust journey
Le Monde Informatique · April 07, 2022
Part 1: Zero Trust: a necessary but difficult journey
Behörden Spiegel · April 06, 2022
Ängste begegnen | Facing fears
Enterprise Talk UK · April 06, 2022
Cloudflare completes acquisition of Area 1 Security
Enterprise Times UK · April 05, 2022
Cloudflare completes acquisition of Area 1 Security
March 2022
Silicon France · March 31, 2022
Big 2022 Focus on Zero Trust, SASE
Information Age · March 30, 2022
Tech sector welcomes Budget 2022 support
The San Francisco Examiner · March 28, 2022
‘The Slap’ of a newborn social media landscape
L’Entrepreneur France · March 23, 2022
Cloudflare unveils email security tools following acquisition
Dev Insider DE · March 21, 2022
Automated management with Cloudflare API Gateway
Mynavi News TECH+ · March 18, 2022
Cloudflare Offers API Gateway - Can Detect API Abuse
Security Brief Australia · March 17, 2022
Cloudflare responds to API security issues with new solution
Dark Reading · March 17, 2022
Cloudflare Announces API Gateway
Le Media 05 France · March 17, 2022
Cloudflare WAF: free protection for web servers
Association of Health Care Journalists · March 17, 2022
U.S. hospitals brace for potential Russian cybersecurity attacks
Global Security Mag France · March 16, 2022
Cloudflare announces the launch of API Gateway
SearchEngineJournal · March 15, 2022
Cloudflare Announces Free Web Application Firewall
CNN Philippines · March 15, 2022
DDoS attack: What's going on?
Security Brief Australia · March 14, 2022
Cloudflare announces new widely available security tools
RetailBiz Australia · March 08, 2022
Female tech leaders weigh in on IWD theme
Human Resources Online Singapore · March 02, 2022
IWD 2022: What are HR's biggest DEI challenges?
February 2022
Computer Weekly · February 28, 2022
Cloudflare: Our network is our product
IT Business · February 25, 2022
Technical solution to legal problems
Route to Networking Podcast · February 24, 2022
Raymond Maisano at Cloudflare
The Business Times Singapore · February 18, 2022
Budget 2022: Renewed push for digital innovation seen as a plus
Computing Security · February 17, 2022
Beware the ticking clock
Le Monde Informatique · February 17, 2022
CIO Webconference replay: Cybersecurity in the SASE era
IT Brief Australia · February 15, 2022
Cloudflare acquires Vectrix for CASB functionality
Bloomberg Technology · February 11, 2022
Cloudflare CEO: Amazon Not Innovating on Price
FinSMEs · February 11, 2022
Cloudflare Buys Vectrix
Cyber Security Connect · February 11, 2022
The war on email security and how to win it
IT Daily Germany · February 10, 2022
DDoS Attacks: Why companies are so at risk
CodeZine Japan · February 09, 2022
Cloudflare Launches Public Bug Bounty Program
Nature Magazine · February 08, 2022
The race to save the Internet from quantum hackers
Data Center Knowledge · February 08, 2022
Denial of Service Attacks Expected To Get Bigger, Nastier
IT Pro Podcast · February 07, 2022
Inside the DDoS arms race
SecurityWeek · February 02, 2022
Cloudflare Launches Public Bug Bounty Program
SC Magazine · February 02, 2022
Cloudflare launches public bug bounty program
Bleeping Computer · February 01, 2022
Cloudflare launches a paid public bug bounty program
IT Channel France · February 01, 2022
Cloudflare revises and expands its partner program
January 2022
Les Echos Weekend · January 28, 2022
TikTok, the new world clock
The Associated Press · January 21, 2022
Yemeni rebels say Saudi-led airstrike on prison killed 70
Silicon France · January 19, 2022
Cybersecurity: 5 priorities for CIOs
Global Security Mag France · January 18, 2022
Cybersecurity study: Cloudflare looks ahead to 2021
Biztech Asia · January 17, 2022
Enterprise Technology Show Featuring Cloudflare
FOCUS Online Germany · January 06, 2022
Web address No. 1: TikTok knocks Google off its throne
Console Devtools Podcast · January 06, 2022
Dev infrastructure - John Graham-Cumming (Cloudflare) - S02E01
Siècle Digital · January 04, 2022
SEO : 8 mistakes to avoid in natural referencing