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2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit


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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Children & Youth, Economic Development, International, International Economic Development, Job Training, Microfinance, Philanthropy, Voluntarism Promotion, Youth Community Service Clubs

Mission: CorpsAfrica recruits, trains and sends college-educated Africans to live in remote villages in their own countries to facilitate small-scale, high-impact projects that are identified by local people, along the lines of the Peace Corps model.

Target demographics: provide a leadership and participatory community development opportunities in Africa

Direct beneficiaries per year: 70 Volunteers and 70 rural, high-poverty communities in four countries

Geographic areas served: Morocco, Senegal, Malawi and Rwanda

Programs: Launching CorpsAfrica's first offices in Morocco, Senegal and Malawi, building partnerships with government, ngos and universities, recruiting volunteers, identifying and placing them in communities, and beginning community projects.

Community Stories

89 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I would highly recommend CorpsAfrica to any young person from Morocco, Malawi, Rwanda, or Senegal who wants to be the change they wish to see in the world.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica's implementation of Human Centered Design and Asset Based Community Development ensures that projects are driven by the communities and will be sustainable long after the Volunteer has left.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I am so impressed by the dedication of the CorpsAfrica staff and the patience and skill of the Volunteers. CorpsAfrica is an excellent organization doing quality work.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I think CorpsAfrica is a fantastic nonprofit that is doing very innovative work in the field of development.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is doing a great job of working to redefine development!

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is a great nonprofit with a hardworking staff! They are redefining development across all of their projects.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is a great idea that fosters values of community service.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Wonderful experience! As a summer intern, I loved my flexible schedule and the people that I worked with. They were all very kind, understanding, and encouraging. I also love their mission and how greatly the community has input in their projects. I look forward to (hopefully) working as a summer intern again!

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is a very thoughtful organization that is creating a change in the way development is done in Africa. By giving young Africans the opportunity to Volunteer in their own countries, CorpsAfrica is turning development into the hands of local people, which is so powerful.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is truly a revolutionary nonprofit!!!!!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is a NonProfit that exemplifies what a NonProfit should be like. This organization is managed by people who truly care about the impact they can make, leveraging resources for meaningful impact. The projects completed here set off a ripple effect in communities by bettering public health, increasing resilience, and creating a new set of crucial skills for both communities served and volunteers alike.

Koloina A.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica's unique model as well as the passion and commitment of its volunteers and staff all make it a really special organization. The volunteers' work at their sites are bringing about tangible positive changes through projects that receive the full support and engagement of the local communities. I am confident CorpsAfrica will continue contributing to sustainable development in Africa and I'm excited to see the organization grow.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica Volunteers are doing great work in their communities. I fully support their grassroots, human-centered model for development, and I feel their emphasis on building a local volunteer base (as opposed to Peace Corps' model of bringing in American volunteers) is sustainable and effective. Excited to see this organization grow!

Gabby A.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is such an impressive organization. As a previous community health volunteer in Rwanda, I have seen the contributions and rapid response their volunteers have had in addressing lapses in sanitation, hygiene, and disease prevention. They promote capacity building and leadership and create opportunity among with local individuals and reach large populations in rural settings. The volunteers in this organization are taking on work that requires resilience and dedication to health development.

Sarah M.15

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer and have became aware of this non-profit through other Peace Corps Volunteers. The organization does really incredible and sustainable work throughout multiple countries in Africa. They give opportunity to people who want to make a difference in their own communities the chance and resources to do so.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I am familiar with this organization through staff who were former Peace Corps volunteers. Corps Africa provides volunteers with the opportunity and skills to find solutions to issues that are affecting their local communities. By providing training to local volunteers, Corps Africa promotes a sustainable development practice. I believe their work will bring positive changes to the communities they operate in.

Naomi B.2

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is a wonderful organization which promotes sustainable, grassroots development. Providing young people with opportunities for public service is in the best interests of the countries involved, and the world. I am excited to see where their mission takes them in the next few years.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica does sustainable, important work for our world. This organization touches the lives of many people around the globe, and I am truly glad it exists.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I’m an Returned Peace Corps Volunteer and know this nonprofit through other volunteers and staff. The work being done by this organization is informed and passionate; I love hearing about the success they are seeing from their projects. I highly recommend getting involved and/or helping CorpsAfrica’s funding.

Aliza B.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I am a returned Peace Corps Volunteer who was evacuated during the Coronavirus pandemic. I found this organization through hearing about their important work via a Peace Corps Magazine. They are doing sustainable work through passionate individuals who want a chance to give back to their countries and the world. Americans have so many opportunities to volunteer and give to the global community, whereas this isn't the case globally. Individuals all over the world have passion and want to volunteer to make the world a better place. CorpsAfrica gives them this opportunity.


Client Served

Rating: 5

I am a member of Rotary International and am leading a project to build an irrigation aqueduct in my former Peace Corps village in Morocco's High Atlas Mountains. We have engaged Corps Africa to provide the "boots on the ground" support in the village to help coordinate and oversee the project. Corps Africa volunteers Hamza Aboubaigi (second from left in first photo) and Mustafa Essalai (on right, in red) have been instrumental in developing the plan for the project. While I previously lived in the same village 20 years ago, I would not have identified the criteria for the project as Hamza and Mustafa were able to figure out shortly after arriving on site. Our success will be Corps Africa's success (inshallah!).

Abd El Hamid H.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

my story with CorpsAfrica began in 2016 as a volunteer; I spent one year serving in a remote village in the region of Eljadida/Morocco. It was such a great experience full of lessons and self improvement. with Corpsafrica i have had the opportunity to serve and give back to my country. currently, I am a volunteer support with CA/maroc; i am still learning alot of things and enhancing my capacities. CorpsAfrica is the example of NGOs that ones must go through.

1 Teena C.


Rating: 5

Great Non-profit that builds the capacity of leaders of African countries.


Rating: 5

The Corpsafrica is effected in my life , it's making you feel better to keep going in that field ,as well as it has a big role to develop the rural areas and change many things there.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

During my time in Peace Corps Morocco, I engaged with a lot of Corps Africa volunteers who were doing really amazing work in their communities and being of service. I think Corps Africa does a really great job of harnessing local talent and training members to be in the best possible position to give back to others. Keep it up!

Amadou Alpha B.


Rating: 5

It gave me the chance to discover myself through volunteer and the capability I ignored for helping vulnerable people in a refugee camp.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Great nonprofit that give a rare experiential platform to young locals to learn how to facilitate change at the grassroot level.



Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is an inspirational organization! As a former Peace Corps volunteer, I love seeing many of my host country national counterparts I worked with be able to volunteer in their country (similar to AmeriCorps). It is giving these young people the skills they need to be successful leaders in their communities. The staff at CorpsAfrica are hardworking and dedicated to the mission of the organization. The CorpsAfrica volunteers are inspiring, passionate, and changing their local and global communities. CorpsAfrica is constantly growing and expanding to new countries in Africa; this expansion and partnership among young African leaders is inspiring and the future of grassroots development.



Rating: 5

As a CorpsAfrica Volunteer, I am currently having a life-changing experience. One which is not only helping me to grow professionally, but which is teaching me to become a more humane/empathetic and critical person. Also a more useful citizen of the world, and my country. Apply to CorpsAfrica!

1 Soukaina Saber B.


Rating: 5

I am CorpsAfrica Volunteer for 2018-2019 and My expérience justify a Great Work to involve Rural Developemnt ans to get rural people useful for there communities



Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica gives me an opportunity as a young African to participate in the development of my continent. As a Senegalese, this is my second experience in Morroco after Senegal. What gave me the desire to come to Morocco this year is my satisfaction and my pride, after seeing the living conditions of my host community in Senegal improved thanks to CorpsAfrica's actions. In Morocco I live with a new community as a full member, I'am identifying with them their everyday problems and I am more than committed to improve them with the help of CorpsAfrica.

1 Selma B.


Rating: 5

Excellent place to be a volunteer. I had a great experience at CorpsAfrica's event at the Moroccan Embassy in Washington D.C. They are doing an amazing job.



Rating: 5

I first heard of CorpsAfrica from a former Moroccan volunteer, and I later became connected with the organization as a volunteer in Washington, DC. I've seen and heard the incredible transformative impact that CorpsAfrica has on its volunteers and the communities they serve.



Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica experience has completely changed my life and helped me to grow up personally and professionally.

Board Member

Rating: 5

I've been a supporter of CorpsAfrica virtually since it's inception. I love its ideal of sending young volunteers, mostly from cities, out into rural areas, which are generally totally foreign to these young people. I think the practice of having/helping local people decide on what they most need that CorpsAfrica can help them achieve AND insisting that they provide significant input (venue, labor, material, etc) to the realization of the project is exactly what's needed to encourage development that is truly sustainable. I've also been happy to see young Moroccans volunteering to work in other African countries. This was one of the goals in the beginning, & I'm encouraged to see it working.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I have closely followed CorpsAfrica in Senegal. As a former Peace Corps volunteer and staff in Senegal I have seen how the CorpsAfrica volunteers exceed the expectations that we had of our Volunteers. Its an amazing program having meaningful impact on the communities where these dedicated volunteers serve. It gives one hope for sustainable development in Africa and pride in the youth of today

Previous Stories

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is an amazing initiative and even more so movement in Africa. Based on the US Peace Corps model is has developed volunteer programs in Morocco, Malawi and Senegal ~ Africans helping Africans. CorpsAfrica started by a former Peace Corps Volunteer offers a similar transformative experience to emerging young leaders in Africa – giving them the chance to be a part of the solution for their own countries.

As a volunteer facilitator, I recently participated in CorpsAfrica's all~countries Conference in Morocco. It was a moving experience for me being a part of this Conference. Young Moroccan, Malawian and Senegalese volunteers came together to learn, participate, share, eat and experience Morocco together ~ developing lifelong friendships. I saw firsthand how their volunteer experience in African villages and small towns have transformed them into confident and compassionate adults that believe that they can make a difference and together can seek solutions for many of the pressing issues in their countries. Listening to their stories on the work they are doing and the impact that they have on the people they are serving, and even more the impact that their experiences have on them, was a hopeful opening into a world where many African youth are disenfranchised and hold little hope. These young adults give one hope for a bright future! CorpsAfrica is able to tap the idealism and energy of young people and give them confidence and optimism – while at the same time giving them the transformative experience similar to that of Peace Corps volunteers – helping to shape their view of the world and their own future.
My hat goes off to this movement and I hope that CorpsAfrica will be able to expand its vision into many other African countries. Its a NGO that deserves to be ranked as one of the best as its work developing its volunteer programs and alumni association is unparalleled. The impact this small NGO has had on Africa is already large and impressive!

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Corps Africa is an organization that strives to meet a crucial need. Corps Africa operates from a belief that these countries and their citizens do not need the help of foreign aid or personnel to achieve their goals but that these countries already have the capable talent and simply need connection and access to resources. Corps Africa fosters dignified relationships and provides the skilled youth an opportunity to serve their country. Corps Africa's ambitious goals and skilled staff have the capability of making a strong and lasting impact to make this world a better place.


Rating: 5

I donate to CorpsAfrica because I believe in their mission of empowering the youth of Africa!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, it is inspiring to see an organization like CorpsAfrica providing the same opportunity to Africans that I had. Development in Africa should be led by Africans and that is exactly what CorpsAfrica is working toward.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is the right way to do development: empowering local communities to solve their own problems. The volunteers lead change by engaging people in conversations and facilitating community meetings to identify and address changing and complex local needs in education, health, small business development, urban planning, and infrastructure

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica exemplifies inspiration, motivation and passion. It focuses on the holistic impact that is made to provide sustainable resources within the communities in which volunteers work. It's refreshing to know that people have an intrinsic purpose to help empower leaders with the proper skills and perspectives to eventually lead their own communities.

Yuxiao H.


Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is empowering emerging leaders in Africa with the skills and perspective to lead their countries out of poverty! It's impact is sustainable and wide-reaching across the continent

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica has a carefully considered, well-reasoned, and evidence-based approach for how to create positive, sustainable development in parts of the world where the need is most significant. Their priority on local partnerships and the realities of economic development makes them an effective venue for supporting human flourishing in Africa.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is a sustainable and innovative enterprise, leading change by working on numerous scales, from communities to international relationships. Rather than intervening and solving problems for struggling nations, CorpsAfrica provides the necessary resources and supervises rather than intervenes. CorpsAfrica is truthfully unique in its purpose and mission, separating it from any other non-profit doing work in Africa. Overall, CorpsAfrica is championing an important mission, empowering individuals throughout Africa and assisting them to lead their communities out of poverty and into success.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is on the path to becoming the leader in sustainable development across Africa. WIth the emergence of leadership development as a key component within the infrastructure of development, CorpsAfrica's human-centered design approach provides the training that emerging leaders need to create long-lasting and impactful change in their communities. This is a non-profit that, while having three programs already, is just getting started. I am excited to see what CorpsAfrica has to bring the the development sector in years to come!

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

A great organization; caring, responsible staff who truly know how to innovate! I look forward to seeing the growth of CorpsAfrica in the near future.

1 malid33


Rating: 5

my experience with volunteering was really a great experience and the were different,
because it made me visit a country different frome mine as well as knowledge of the costmos and traditions of senegal .
i also gained new friends and i was very happy to work with them. i am also happy to work with the villagers who have a good hospitality ( teranga senegalise )
i thank CorpsAfrica which gave me this wonderful and beautiful experience ..



Rating: 5

Corpsafrica gives you an opportunity to change people's lives, including your own. it gives you the satisfaction of playing a role in someone else's life, helping people who may not be able to help themselves.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CopsAfrica is a very great way to experience other cultures and make a difference in people's lives. This volunteering experience opens people s eyes to the realities of their own country while providing them a chance to contribute and help a local community!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is an excellent way to engage young Moroccans in their country, particularly in the rural areas. This volunteering experience opens their eyes to the realities of their own country.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is a great organization that provides the opportunity to young Africans to be part of their own countries' development and empowers rural communities through sustainable projects. I highly encourage people to get involved!



Rating: 5

As a fomer Volunteer, Corpsafrica was a life changing experience for me. It gave me the opportunity to discover new places, new friends and we become family.
Corpsafrica also gave my community the opportunity to change their own lives and develop their village through the implementation of a social project.



Rating: 5

A great amazing, it changed my life completely. I discovered many things about people life in rural areas. Thank you Corps Africa for this opportunity.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Incredible organization doing wonderful work on the ground with local communities. CorpsAfrica not only benefits its volunteers through this enriching, eye-opening experience, but gives the opportunity to local communities to have a say in their own development and lead their own projects!


Rating: 2

On paper, this is a great organization that aims to do great good in the countries where it is working. However, as far as implementation is concerned, a lot could be improved. Micromanagement by the HQ is one aspect that hampers progress in country offices.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Great way to experience other cultures and make a difference in people's lives. You never stop learning!

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is an innovative and sustainable non-profit that is tackling multiple social issues by promoting intercultural exchange, participatory community development, and grassroots volunteerism. As a Peace Corps Volunteer I have benefitted from CorpsAfrica Volunteers' know-how and presence in my region of service. I have seen firsthand how CorpsAfrica volunteers embody the talented, passionate, and savvy leaders who are eager to make positive impacts in their communities, countries, regions, and the world. With CorpsAfrica's locally-based, globally-minded volunteer approach, international development does not have to be a field plagued by paternalism and dependency. Instead, it becomes an embodiment of understanding and cooperation that starts with open-minded individuals and the communities they learn from and contribute to.


Rating: 5

Corpsafrica gave a voice to underserved communities to fully understand their real needs and collaborate with each other to answer these needs. It also allowed young graduates to get a real sense of what is going on in the world before they start their careers.


Rating: 4

As a former CoprsAfrica volunteer, I can say it's been a great and exceptional experience. CA gave me the chance to learn more about my own country and the tools to be more effective in dealing with the community's issues and needs.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is truly an amazing organization doing even more incredible work. Keep up the good work!

2 Badr K.


Rating: 5

Hello guys
I served with CorpsAfrica for almost a year, that was an amazing experience with its ups and down. It was the starting point that has involved me in my society's issues. Thank you to all who are involved.


Board Member

Rating: 4

Corps Africa is a wonderful way to make a dream a reality!
As its motto says, it is a redefinition of development.

The key to its success and its major innovation are empowerment of the young volunteer and the fact of making him/her a key actor of his/her development while serving his/her community.

Youth succeed to gain an extraordinary experience and thus overcomes their different fears.

"Il fallait y penser", someone should have thought of that and the Founder, always inspired by a simple approach the design thinking, dit it !

I'm very excited to be part of this great adventure. Being in daily contact with young students, this project gives hope and even goes further, it can realize dreams!

Well done!

Corps Africa est une merveilleuse façon de faire d'un rêve une réalité!
Comme le rappelle sa devise, il s'agit d'une redéfinition du développement.

La clé de son succès et son innovation majeure portent sur la responsabilisation du jeune volontaire et le fait d'en faire un acteur complet de développement au service de sa localité.

Des jeunes parviennent ainsi à avoir une expérience extraordinaire et surmonte ainsi leurs différentes craintes.

Il fallait juste y penser et la Fondatrice, s'appuyant sur une approche simple de design thinking l'a fait.

Je suis très excitée de faire partie de cette très belle aventure. Etant au quotidien en contact avec les jeunes étudiants, ce projet donne de l'espoir et même va plus loin, il permet de réaliser des rêves!

Excellente continuation.

5 Ndeye Diodio C.


Rating: 5

Africa peace corps est une organisation à but non lucratif qui offre à de jeunes citoyens l'opportunité de servir leur pays, d'aider les populations et d’œuvrer pour le développement de leur pays.

4 Garrett5

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CorpsAfrica is truly redefining development through empowering not only volunteers but the communities in which they work. I have followed the work of CorpsAfrica volunteers and have been impressed over and over again with their passion, commitment, love, and leadership to making life better for the communities they serve.