Audit and Risk

Panel: The Key to Third-Party Risk Management in APAC - Aligned Assurance

UPCOMING June 06, 2022
| 8:00 p.m. EDT | 1 hour

Join us live at 10:00 a.m. AEST Sydney local time (June 7)

Traditional due diligence methods in risk management policy fail to capture new and evolving risks, especially involving third parties. More than 80% of legal and compliance leaders say that third-party risks were identified after initial onboarding and due diligence, according to Gartner. This results in slower business processes, increased noncompliance, an incomplete risk picture, and a culture that tries to avoid risk altogether. Join this complimentary Asia-Pacific webinar, as Gartner experts break down the key elements of third-party risk management, highlighting opportunities for assurance alignment and cooperation. Gartner experts will offer third-party risk management case studies, and address the most-pressing questions raised by you and your peers.

Discussion Topics:
  • Apply the key elements of third-party risk management to your Asia-Pacific organisation
  • Discover why aligned assurance plays a core role in third-party risk management
  • Find out how leading organisations approach third-party risk management

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about registering or watching.

Hosted by

Krista Lewis

Sales Manager

Alex Ossington

Sr Principal, Advisory

Katherine Clinton

Principal, Advisory

Daniel Hebda

Director, Advisory