
Please read the entire form for the Leading Fleets application. Incomplete entries will not be judged. All fields need to be completed. 

We will not accept additional information, attachments, or forms with your initial submission. The judges need only the most important information, and our staff may contact applicants for additional information if necessary.


IMPORTANT: We highly recommend editing your information in a Word document and then copying/pasting it into the online form once it is perfect. You may lose all of your edits if you work directly in your browser and an unexpected issue occurs. Keep in mind, the final form will not allow word formatting such as bolds, bullets, colors, etc. Click here for a Word doc of the full application.



Leading Fleets winners will be publicized in Government Fleet publications. Winners will be announced at the Government Fleet Expo & Conference – www.govfleetexpo.com. All applicants will qualify for a registration discount.



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