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  1. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    25. tra

    I don’t get why people would leave twitter just because someone they don’t like bought it. I didn’t leave the PGA when Gilmore joined it. I handled it with class and welcomed him to the tour. Hell, I even bought the man a beer. You people could learn a thing or two from Shooter.

  2. 17. tra
  3. 17. tra

    Always enjoyed how being skiddy was code for being short…but I’ll take it 🙌

  4. 15. tra

    Sad to hear that has stepped down from the Captaincy. Can’t help but feel if he were captain in another time when put more emphasis on tests…he would’ve been hailed as a great. Congrats Joe.

  5. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. tra

    Former Surrey and England bowler Stuart Meaker says he felt 'compelled' to help Ukrainian refugees, by driving solo to Poland with a van full of supplies 👏

  6. 12. tra

    Lovely interview by for out today. Really did the scene justice and painted the realities of it very well 👏

  7. 7. tra

    Pre-season has taken on a new meaning to me. First time in 15 years I don’t have to worry the eternal question of 1 or 2 jumpers….Good luck to everyone in the new season.

  8. 5. tra

    Hope their marketing get a huge bonus for that 😅

  9. 4. tra

    Words cannot describe the pain of a parent having to bury their only child. This is extremely hard to watch.

  10. 3. tra

    For anyone interested in what it was like to volunteer out in Poland for the Ukraine refugees, please take a look Or share the episode to those who’d like to get involved but aren’t sure how

  11. 29. ožu

    Thank you for allowing me to share the messages of what’s happening on the frontline of the refugee crisis…appreciate the support 🙏

  12. 27. ožu

    Absolutely loved chatting away to Jonathan Agnew on the podcast. Been such an interesting, eye opening journey and hopefully that comes across.

  13. 27. ožu
  14. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    24. ožu

    This week : IPL build up, a controversial tour of the WI, and from Poland where he’s helping Ukrainian refugees.

  15. 24. ožu
  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. ožu

    Good on , who has been delivering essential supplies to Ukrainian refugees in Poland. Enjoyed our chat. He's set up a Just Giving page, too

  17. 23. ožu
  18. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. ožu

    Great to see pop up this morning from Poland helping assist refugees He has seen U.K. visa process first hand and from his point of view it isn’t good…

  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    23. ožu

    Dear all..what is doing is amazing…chatted to him yesterday from Poland on please have a listen ..about 20 minutes in

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    22. ožu

    What a busy and fascinating show ! Including on taking supplies to Poland for Ukrainian refugees. on making history. And finding out more about Listen here


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