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Stripe Blog: Changelog


Additions and updates to the Stripe platform

API changelog 

Keep track of changes and upgrades to the Stripe API.

  1. Payments

    Stripe Connector for Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) now supports the Payment Element, Checkout, and four new payment methods.

  1. Connect

    US platforms can now send funds to Express and Custom connected accounts in 3 additional countries—South Korea, United Arab Emirates, and Gambia.

  2. Terminal

    Stripe Terminal has expanded to Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, and Sweden. Hardware can be ordered directly from the dashboard or the API.

  3. Payments

    The official Stripe Connector for VTEX is now available to businesses globally

  4. Billing

    You can now simulate changes to a subscription over time with test clocks.

  1. Issuing

    Stripe Issuing is now available to businesses in the UK directly from the dashboard.

  1. Issuing

    US-based users can now ship cards to any international address.

  2. Issuing

    View and clone sample code to handle real-time Issuing authorizations on GitHub.

  3. Issuing

    Users with custom cards can now view inventory for their cards, envelopes, and carriers in the Dashboard.

  4. Connect

    US platforms can now send funds to Express and Custom connected accounts in 5 additional countries—Kenya, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Turkey.

  1. Invoicing

    Invoice numbering on the merchant of record (connected accounts) is now available when the on_behalf_of parameter is used.

  2. Invoicing

    You can now apply your brand settings to generated PDF invoices.

  3. Invoicing

    The customer portal is a secure, Stripe-hosted page that lets your customers manage their invoices. It clearly surfaces outstanding invoices, while also providing your customers an easy way to view their invoice history.

  4. Billing

    Your customers can now provide free-form reasons when canceling a subscription in the customer portal.

  1. Payments

    You can now configure compatible payment methods for Payment Intents and Checkout Sessions from the Stripe Dashboard.

  2. Radar

    Radar Analytics is now available to all Radar users. Users can view benchmarks to compare fraud metrics, get an overview of Radar actions, and assess rule performance.

  1. Billing

    Pre-authorized debits in Canada can now be used with Stripe invoices, subscriptions, and the Hosted Invoice Page.

  2. Billing

    You can now ask customers why they canceled their subscription when they cancel through the customer portal.

  1. Invoicing

    We've added the option to send invoices with a due date of 'today'.

  2. Billing

    You can now control what language the customer portal is rendered in with the locale parameter on the portal session object.

  1. Connect

    Connect OAuth flow for Standard connected accounts will only allow a single Platform to be connected to a Standard account.

  2. Connect

    Platform controls for new Standard accounts give platforms the option to manage payout timing and co-brand the dashboard.

  3. Billing

    You can now share a price estimate with a customer and convert an approved quote into a subscription or invoice with a click.

  4. Billing

    We’ve expanded the retry limits for smart retries. You can now retry failed payments up to eight times over two months.

  1. Billing

    You can now automatically calculate sales tax and VAT on subscriptions and invoices.

  1. Radar

    Radar for Fraud Teams users can view payments blocked by Radar, false positive rates, and dispute trends in the new Radar report.

  2. Invoicing

    You can now send an invoice from the Stripe iOS app or by typing '' into a browser.

  3. Mobile

    We've released version 16.6.1 of Stripe's Android SDK, which exposes suspend APIs to be called within a Coroutine.

  4. Invoicing

    Stripe invoice emails now come with a PDF of the invoice attached to assist your customers with record keeping or easier connection with their accounting systems.

  5. Sigma

    You can now query the tax ids saved for your customers using the new customertaxids table.

  6. Invoicing

    We've released a new invoice editor, so you can preview invoices in real-time as you customize them.

  7. Billing

    You can simplify your Elements integration by creating subscriptions before attempting payment. Collect payment information and confirm payment intent in a single flow to activate the subscription.

  1. Billing

    Subscription schedules data is now available in Sigma.

  2. Billing

    You can now let your customers pause and resume their subscriptions from the customer portal.

  1. Checkout

    Your customers can now use Link with Stripe to securely save their payment information and pay with 1 click on your site and across thousands of businesses using Checkout.

  2. Billing

    The transfers_data field is now available for subscriptions with destination charges created via Checkout.

  3. Dashboard

    To speed up reconciliation, you can now include your custom metadata (such as a unique product ID or location code) when downloading financial reports.

  1. Checkout

    You can now let customers adjust item quantities directly on the Checkout page.

  2. Climate

    Stripe Climate is now available to businesses globally.

  3. Billing

    The on_behalf_of field will now be exposed on customer portal sessions, making it easier for Connect platforms to distribute the portal to their connected accounts.

  4. Billing

    You can now allow your customers to view and edit their tax IDs through the customer portal.

  1. Checkout

    We've added support for usage-based or tiered subscriptions—Checkout will automatically show a pricing breakdown to help customers understand the charges.

  2. Connect

    Connected accounts can now directly log in to their Express Dashboard from, without visiting the platform’s website or app directly.

  3. Payments

    We've added support for Canadian businesses to accept Discover, Diners Club, and China UnionPay cards from customers around the world.

  4. Billing

    You can now enable or disable EPS and Przelewy24 payment methods on subscriptions and invoices.

  1. Payments

    To avoid capturing incorrect email addresses, Checkout and Hosted Invoice Pages now highlight misspelled email domains.

  2. Billing

    Tax IDs are now more configurable—you can set a default tax ID or specify a list of tax IDs to be displayed on the PDF of an invoice or credit note.

  1. Checkout

    We’ve improved the buyer experience for Checkout by reducing the initial render time by 65%, as well as adding better loading states for slower connections.

  2. Billing

    Hosted invoice pages now have a cleaner design, automatically surface payment methods based on your customer's location, and are faster on mobile.

  3. Payments

    The PaymentMethods API now lets you set up recurring SEPA Direct Debit payments using Bancontact, iDEAL, and Sofort credentials as well.

  1. Payments

    You can now collect CVC information for payments using previously stored cards, helping verify customer identity and reduce fraud.

  1. Payments

    Businesses based in Mexico can now accept OXXO using a customizable hosted voucher.

  2. Mobile

    We've released version 20.0.0 of Stripe's iOS SDK, which includes Swift Package Manager support, Catalyst support, a new card scanning beta, and significantly reduces the size of our SDK by removing OpenSSL.

  3. Radar

    You can now block payments from cards linked to previous fraud activity on your account using Radar for Fraud Teams new prior_fraud_disputes_with_card attributes.

  4. Checkout

    Checkout now includes a summary of your customer's purchase in their email receipt.

  5. Sigma

    We now support queries using Prestosql v334 SQL syntax.

  1. Dashboard

    One-off invoices can now be duplicated in the Dashboard.

  2. Dashboard

    The Payments page now loads 2-3x faster.

  3. Billing

    You can now limit Coupons to only apply to specific products.

  4. Checkout

    You can now create Promotion codes that your customers can apply to recurring payments through Checkout.

  5. Billing

    You can now generate Promotion codes that your customers can redeem for a discount on your product or service.

  1. Dashboard

    We've added Acquirer Reference Numbers (ARN) to the Dashboard to help your customers trace card refunds.

  2. Dashboard

    We’ve revamped dispute evidence submission to make it easier and faster.

  3. Development

    We’ve reduced latency on API write calls by 7% on average (and up to 30–40% for some extreme edge cases).

  4. Dashboard

    We've improved the branding settings in the Dashboard to make it easier to preview and customize your email receipts, hosted invoices, and Checkout page.

  1. Checkout

    You can now apply discounts when creating subscriptions by setting the coupon parameter for Checkout.

  2. Checkout

    You can now customize the background color of your Checkout page.

  3. Billing

    You can now choose to automatically cancel a subscription if it's disputed.

  4. Connect

    Platforms can now see the specific reason a connected account’s address has not been verified in the Dashboard.

  5. Connect

    Platforms in Australia and New Zealand can now use account debits to charge connected accounts for products or services directly from their Stripe balance.

  6. Payments

    You can now choose whether Stripe sends debit notification emails for SEPA Direct Debit payments.

  7. Connect

    Platforms can now update payout delay days and whether Stripe should debit a connected account for negative balances from the Dashboard.

  8. Connect

    A new field (calculatedstatementdescriptor) on charges provides a preview of the exact string we sent to card networks.

  1. Billing

    You can now pause payment collection on subscriptions via the Dashboard or the API.

  2. Payments

    In addition to the succeeded webhook, we now also alert you when a payment has started processing. This applies to payment methods with delayed success confirmation.

  3. Checkout

    You can now collect your customer's shipping address in Stripe Checkout.

  4. Billing

    You can now number invoices sequentially across your account instead of sequentially for each customer.

  1. Connect

    We've increased the amount of time platforms can hold funds for Express and Custom connected accounts in the US from 90 days to two years.

  2. Checkout

    You can now use the API to list all Checkout Sessions or filter for specific subscription or payment_intent ids.

  3. Connect

    Express accounts now support multiple team members. Administrators can invite additional users to help manage their account.

  4. Checkout

    Checkout now supports specifying tax rates when creating subscriptions.

  5. Dashboard

    It's now easier to compare data across time periods in the Dashboard.

  6. Billing

    Use subscription schedules to start subscriptions on a future date, backdate a subscription, automate upgrades and downgrades, and more.

  7. Payments

    You can now specify a customer when saving a payment method for future use. We’ll automatically attach the payment method to the customer once it’s set up.

  8. Dashboard

    You can now send invoices, receipts, and other Stripe emails from your own custom domain.

  1. Sigma

    You can now query the payment method saved by customers using the new payment_methods and payment_methods_metadata tables.

  1. Sigma

    You can now query the payment method used for a charge using the new payment_method_details table.

  2. Checkout

    Stripe Checkout now supports iDEAL payments in addition to cards, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

  3. Radar

    Radar can now score cards for risk even before they’re used on a transaction. Use the Setup Intents API and enable the feature in Radar’s settings.

  4. Payments

    We’ve simplified how refunds work with the Payment Intents API: just pass the PaymentIntent id when creating a refund.

  5. Dashboard

    We now provide a combined view of logs and events for payments made with the Payment Intents API in the Dashboard.

  6. Payments

    Our new Payment Methods API now includes support for SEPA Direct Debit and iDEAL.

  1. Checkout

    Checkout now supports subscription plans with trial periods using the subscription_data.trial_from_plan parameter.

  2. Terminal

    The Android SDK is now generally available, with an improved reader pairing experience.

  3. Sigma

    We've added support for the new Payment Intents API—use the payment_intents and payment_intents_metadata tables in your queries.

  4. Dashboard

    You can now view information about a SetupIntent in the Dashboard by searching for its object ID.

  1. Mobile

    We've updated the Stripe mobile SDKs for iOS 13 and Android 10.

  2. Radar

    The new risk settings tool lets Radar for Fraud Teams users easily adjust their risk tolerance.

  1. Checkout

    The new setup mode on Checkout lets you collect or update card details from customers without having to process a payment.

  2. Connect

    Platforms can now export connected account information as a CSV from the Dashboard.

  1. Terminal

    You can now use WiFi to connect a P400 card reader to your point of sale application.

  2. Connect

    Express accounts now support 5 new languages (German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese) for the onboarding flow, dashboard, emails, and text messages.

  3. Radar

    Set rules with the new is_off_session attribute, which detects if a customer was charged anytime after they initially completed the checkout flow.

  4. Mobile

    We've released version 16.0.0 of Stripe's iOS SDK and version 10.0.0 of Stripe's Android SDK. They support the Setup Intents API, allowing you to authenticate a card when it's being saved for future payments.

  5. Mobile

    Our updated mobile SDKs now support in-app 3D Secure 2 authentication, letting you customize the appearance of the authentication UI.

  1. Checkout

    You can now customize the text of the payment button in Checkout by specifying a submit_type.

  2. Checkout

    You can now include the Session ID in the Checkout redirect URL to easily display a confirmation when the payment is complete.

  3. Checkout

    Checkout now ensures your endpoint acknowledges the checkout.session.completed webhook before redirecting your customer.

  1. Connect

    Platforms can now create Express accounts for individuals and businesses in Canada.

  2. Radar

    You can use the new INCLUDES operator in Radar rules to match substrings in metadata and string attributes. For example, ::color:: INCLUDES 'red' matches all red products ('light red', 'dark red', 'red') if you pass in custom metadata for a product's color.

  3. Radar

    You can use the new digital_wallet feature in Radar rules to detect if a payment uses Apple Pay, Google Pay, or other secure payment methods.

  4. Billing

    The hosted invoice page now accepts iDEAL, Bancontact, giropay, and SOFORT for EUR invoices.

  1. Dashboard

    You can now add a payment, directly from the Payment or Dispute page, to your Radar block list to prevent future payments that use the same email or credit card.

  2. Billing

    You can now add multiple tax IDs to a customer. A customer's tax IDs are displayed on invoices and credit notes issued for the customer.

  3. Billing

    You can now specify a name, address, and phone number for a customer. These are displayed on invoices and credit notes issued for the customer.

  4. Billing

    You can now set the preferred language for a customer. This language will be used to localize invoice emails and PDFs as well as credit note PDFs.

  5. Billing

    Tax Rates can be applied to Invoices and Subscriptions to collect and report on tax. You can apply up to five Tax Rates to Invoices, Subscriptions, InvoiceItems, and SubscriptionItems.

  6. Billing

    You can now indicate a customers’ tax status on the Customer object. The customer’s tax exemption status can be one of none (the default: the customer is subject to taxes), exempt (the customer is exempt from taxes), or reverse(the EU “reverse charging” scheme applies.) This tax status will affect Invoices and Subscriptions created for that Customer.

  7. Billing

    You can now issue a credit note to reduce the amount of a finalized invoice.

  8. Dashboard

    In addition to English, Japanese, and Italian, you can now use the Stripe Dashboard in French, Spanish, German, and Simplified Chinese.

  1. Connect

    We've updated the connected accounts page in the Dashboard with new badges, columns, filters, and sorting options so it’s easier for platforms to find and prioritize connected accounts.

  2. Development

    We updated our API reference with instant load, search, click to copy, dark mode, and more.

  3. Payments

    Charges now have a billing_details property which displays billing information from the payment method as it was at the time of the transaction.

  4. Payments

    Charges now have a payment_method_details property which provides a consistent shape for reading the details of a payment method from the time of the transaction.

  5. Dashboard

    You can now customize which columns are displayed in the customer list to see what’s most important to you.

  6. Dashboard

    You can now export search results as a CSV from the Dashboard.

  7. Sigma

    We've upgraded the Stripe Billing tables with new schemas. We now also support querying the products table.

  1. Dashboard

    You can now use the Stripe Dashboard in Italian.

  1. Billing

    You can now display custom fields and add a footer to your invoices.

  2. Billing

    You can now set limits on usage or amount billed on subscriptions using thresholds.

  3. Payments

    You can now access the URL for a charge or refund's receipt via the API.

  4. Radar

    You can now write rules with shipping and billing address. For example, you might write a rule to compare whether the shipping and cardholder billing address are the same.

  1. Radar

    APIs to interact with Radar Reviews and Lists are now available.

  2. Radar

    Radar List Items can now be added in bulk by uploading a CSV or TSV file.

  1. Radar

    Radar will now automatically allow any charge that is both authenticated with 3D Secure and is also protected from being disputed for fraud due to a liability shift to the issuer.

  2. Billing

    You can now set a default payment source for a subscription or an invoice.

  3. Development

    Webhook endpoints can now be managed via the API in addition to the Dashboard.

  1. Connect

    Platforms can now add, delete, and edit owner information of connected accounts through the Dashboard in addition to the API.

  1. Radar

    Rules can now compare metadata on customers or destination accounts. For example, reviews could trigger if ::destination:category:: = 'new' (if you use destination objects and set a destination's 'category' metadata).

  2. Radar

    Rules can now compare numerical metadata. For example, reviews could trigger if ::customer_age:: < 21 (if you pass in custom metadata for a customer's age).

  1. Radar

    Radar will now automatically allow any payment that is protected from being disputed for fraud due to a liability shift. For example, if the payment is verified by 3D Secure.

  1. Payments

    You can now receive a charge.expired webhook when an uncaptured charge expires. (The charge must be captured within 7 days.)

  2. Dashboard

    Upgrade to version 2.0 of our iOS Dashboard app, which includes a new design, an updated home screen, and iPhone X support.

  1. Mobile

    We’ve released version 13.0.0 of Stripe’s iOS SDK, which adds support for Masterpass by Mastercard payments.

  2. Development

    We’ve introduced new error codes to make it easier to programmatically handle API errors and understand how to resolve them.

  1. Radar

    Set rules for recurring payments with the new is_recurring parameter.

  1. Development

    We've released version 6.0.0 of Stripe's PHP library, which includes support for automatic request retries.

  2. Radar

    3D Secure often — but not always — shifts liability for fraudulent charges from your business to the card networks. Now, you can write Radar rules based on whether there's a liability shift.

  3. Radar

    You can now set rules based on whether 3D Secure is recommended, required, optional, or not supported for a specific payment.

  4. Payments

    A source's card.three_d_secure property can now have the value recommended, indicating that the 3D Secure process can be attempted with minimal impact on conversion rate.

  1. Radar

    You can now write custom Radar rules for CVC, ZIP, and address verification using the outcomes pass, fail, unavailable, unchecked, and not_provided.

  2. Mobile

    We've released version 12.0.0 of Stripe's iOS SDK, which includes support for creating tokens for Connected Accounts.

  3. Dashboard

    We’ve improved how we show your balances and transfers in the Dashboard.

  4. Radar

    You can now write Radar rules using the card BIN, card fingerprint, charge description, and email associated with the payment.

  1. Payments

    We’ve localized Stripe Elements into Polish. (Elements now support 14 locales.)

  1. Radar

    You can now use is_3d_secure_authenticated to set rules based on whether additional customer authentication occurred during a charge made with 3D secure.

  2. Radar

    We've added a new default Radar rule to automatically allow charges made with 3D Secure.

  1. Development

    Our new Mastercard test number (2223 0031 2200 3222) helps you ensure your checkout flow properly handles cards starting with a 2.

  2. Payments

    The Payment Request Button Element supports Apple Pay and the Payment Request API (including Google Pay) with a single integration.

  3. Payments

    You can now update a Stripe PaymentRequest after it has been created.

  4. Payments

    The Payment Request Button Element now exposes a click event, which enables you to detect and control when the browser payment sheet opens.

  5. Radar

    You can now write custom Radar rules with CVC, ZIP code, and address verification.

  1. Sigma

    You can now build queries in Sigma using fraud and charge outcome data from Radar.

  2. Mobile

    Version 5.1.0 of our Android SDK brings a new UX flow for collecting payment and shipping details, as well as support for Alipay.

  1. Mobile

    Version 5.0.0 of our Android SDK lets customers manage payment sources inside your app and adds a Material-styled card input widget.

  2. Dashboard

    You can now @mention team members inside notes within the Dashboard.

  3. Dashboard

    We've simplified the flow for refunding payments in the Dashboard. Also, you can now attach notes for your teammates on refunds.

  1. Mobile

    Android Pay is now available to your customers in Taiwan and Spain.

  2. Radar

    View and edit a customizable blocklist of cards and emails from the Dashboard. Future linked payments are considered high risk and blocked by default.

  1. Billing

    You can now specify which specific payment source to use for an invoice (e.g. ACH instead of credit card).

  2. Radar

    You can now create rules that check for missing charge attributes (e.g. email domain).

  3. Billing

    You can now receive an invoice.upcoming webhook before a subscription's renewal.

  4. Mobile

    Version 4.1.1 of our Android SDK includes a utility library for Android Pay and improved support for sources.

  5. Development

    We've released version 5.3.0 of Stripe's Java library, which includes support for expanding objects.

  6. Dashboard

    You can attach notes to any payment (visible to all team members) in the Dashboard.

  1. Development

    We've added signatures to webhooks so you can validate their authenticity.

  1. Payments

    You can now use our new test tokens (instead of just card numbers) to test charges.

  2. Development

    We've added versioning for webhooks in case you switch between API versions.

  3. Connect

    Marketplaces and platforms in Hong Kong can now use managed accounts.

  1. Mobile

    We've released version 3.1.0 of Stripe's Android SDK, which includes support for sources.

  2. Connect

    Managed accounts are now available for marketplaces and platforms in Belgium.

  3. Radar

    You can now create Radar rules based on custom metadata on charges.

  4. Mobile

    We've released version 10.0.0 of Stripe's iOS SDK, which includes support for sources.

  5. Mobile

    We've added a card input widget to the Android SDK with version 3.0.1.

  1. Radar

    We’ve improved the UX for creating and editing rules.

  2. Development

    We've released version 2.0 of Stripe's Ruby library, which includes a configurable HTTP client and support for extracting response metadata.

  3. Development

    We’ve added a quick way to search across all our docs.

  4. Dashboard

    You can now send email receipts in Italian.

  1. Dashboard

    Anyone can now sign up for our preview in New Zealand—no invite required.

  1. Mobile

    We've added prebuilt UI for collecting shipping information to our iOS SDK.

  2. Mobile

    We've added translations in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and simplified Chinese to our iOS SDK.

  1. Connect

    Australian marketplaces and platforms can now use managed accounts.

  2. Billing

    Subscriptions and invoices now support tax rates with up to four decimal places.

  1. Development

    Our docs are now faster, with simpler navigation and richer code snippets.

  2. Dashboard

    Companies in Hong Kong can sign up for our public beta without an invite.

  3. Mobile

    iOS Dashboard v1.4 supports partial refunds, better search, and more metrics.

  1. Checkout

    Checkout now supports Remember Me for Australian users.

  2. Billing

    You can now view and filter subscriptions that have been canceled in the Dashboard or via the API.

  3. Connect

    Platforms can now provide a default bank descriptor for payouts to connected accounts.

  4. Billing

    The API now includes a top-level /subscriptions endpoint.

  5. Billing

    There’s a new view in the Dashboard for managing subscriptions.

  1. Dashboard

    Portuguese businesses can now request an invite to our private beta.

  2. Payments

    Test payments from other countries using our new international cards.

  3. Connect

    Platforms can now create destination charges for connected accounts even with automatic transfers enabled.

  4. Payments

    We’ll be supporting Apple Pay on the Web when it launches this fall. Sign up to learn more!

  1. Dashboard

    You can now quickly change your two-step verification device or add additional devices.

  2. Dashboard

    We’ve made transfers easier to find in the Dashboard. We also gave list views in the Dashboard a facelift.

  1. Mobile

    We added a weekly view to most graphs in the iOS Dashboard. The app also works in landscape mode now!

  2. Mobile

    Added support for accepting Discover cards with Apple Pay to our iOS library.

  3. Dashboard

    Singaporean companies can sign up for our public beta without an invite.

  4. Dashboard

    Businesses in Hong Kong can now request an invite to our private beta.

  1. Billing

    You can now preview the effect coupons have on subscription totals using the API.

  2. Mobile

    We’ve now made it easier to find and view transfers in the iOS Dashboard

  3. Payments

    Stripe automatically updates American Express cards globally with Smarter Saved Cards.

  1. Dashboard

    Exporting a list of disputes to a CSV is now much speedier.

  2. Dashboard

    Businesses in New Zealand can now request an invite to our private beta.

  3. Dashboard

    We’ve now linked charges to the specific transfer in which those funds will be paid out.

  4. Connect

    In addition to an account ID, the connected accounts list now also shows a meaningful name.

  1. Dashboard

    You can prioritize disputes by when they’re due with quick filters in the Dashboard.

  2. Mobile

    With the iOS Dasboard app, you can now access your most recent payment and search faster by using Force Touch.

  3. Dashboard

    You can now edit metadata on customers, product, charges, and more directly from the Dashboard.

  4. Dashboard

    Any team member can now subscribe (or unsubscribe) to email notifications if your company receives a dispute.

  5. Connect

    We’ve added international test bank accounts for managed accounts.


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