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Clear Fund Board Meeting - December 29, 2009

On December 29, 2009, the Clear Fund Board of Directors held a meeting.


If you'd like to listen to the entire meeting, the link below allows you to do so. Please note the following:

  • All Board meetings are monitored for (a) comments that are both easily misinterpreted and insignificant; (b) comments that may compromise the privacy of people who are not Board or Staff members. These comments are then removed. This meeting contains 4 such removals, totaling approximately 2 minutes. Most of this came from discussion related to a still-ongoing (as of 1/28/2010) negotiation. Because we are in ongoing negotiations, we chose to keep these discussions confidential.
  • You can follow along more easily if you have the same attachments in front of you that the Board members had. The attachments are provided below.

Board meeting audio - full meeting (1 hour, 41 minutes)


Minutes of the Clear Fund Board Meeting - December 29, 2009


Below are all the attachments that Board members used at the meeting. Note that none of these documents represent official Clear Fund positions; they were prepared by staff as proposals to help facilitate discussion, and all official decisions were made after their preparation.