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Дата приєднання: травень 2007


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  1. Закріплений твіт
    17 годин тому

    Central banks are supposed to inspire confidence in the economy by keeping inflation low and stable. In America, however, there has been a hair-raising loss of control. Our latest cover

  2. 12 хвилин тому

    Emmanuel Macron has framed the run-off on Sunday as a choice between fear and hate on the one hand, and respect, diversity and ecology on the other

  3. 31 хвилину тому

    European sanctions have all but ignored Russian oil and gas. The continent has paid nearly €40bn for Russian energy since the war in Ukraine started eight weeks ago

  4. 50 хвилин тому

    Why did Vladimir Putin, knowing the enormous costs, decide to invade Ukraine? The author of “Why We Fight” provides five rationales for war

  5. 1 годину тому

    Rwanda has one of Africa’s scariest, most repressive governments. Britain has accurately criticised its human-rights violations in the past, although it may refrain from now on

  6. 1 годину тому

    It has long rejected advertising, but “over the next year or two” it plans to launch a cheaper subscription tier with ads

  7. 2 години тому

    “Russia has committed atrocities and, unless it is stopped, images such as those seen in Bucha, Irpin and Mariupol will appear more often,” warns in a guest essay

  8. 2 години тому

    What Elon Musk builds is the work of genius. But when it comes to Twitter, he is often childish

  9. 2 години тому

    The “emissions gap” that dogs climate policy is well known. But the world should pay attention to the adaptation gap too

  10. 3 години тому

    For Ukraine to hold the Russians back, let alone force them to retreat from the territory seized since the war began, will take heavier weapons

  11. 3 години тому

    Which commodity producers stand to win and lose from a green transition? We explain

  12. 3 години тому

    "The Russo-Ukrainian conflict could last in a semi-frozen state for decades, threatening international stability and periodically bursting into renewed fighting," explains author Dominic Lieven. "It might even escalate into nuclear confrontation."

  13. 4 години тому

    A new study from the University of Hong Kong shows how two vaccines fared against Omicron

  14. 4 години тому

    José Morales left Mexico in 1990 and has lived in the United States ever since. His brother Roberto was not so lucky, and was deported. Their stories illustrate the vast and varied panorama of migration from Mexico to America

  15. 4 години тому

    Russia says its war aim is now to “liberate” Donbas. Volodymyr Zelensky says Russia’s renewed assault has begun—but why is the region so important to Vladimir Putin?

  16. 5 годин тому

    Central banks' new­found emphasis on social responsibilities could make them think twice about how tough to be in response to rising inflation

  17. 5 годин тому

    America’s central bank had the tools to stop inflation and failed to use them in time. The result is the worst overheating in a big and rich economy in 30 years

  18. 5 годин тому

    The “wanghong” trend in China has turned some major art galleries into hotspots to which young Chinese flock to take selfies

  19. 6 годин тому

    If China were to invade, Taiwan’s priority should be to hold out. Look at Ukraine: the longer it has fought, the more help it has received from others

  20. 6 годин тому

    It is naive to imagine that supplying only portable missiles (which, after all, still kill Russian troops) would lead Vladimir Putin to exercise restraint

  21. 6 годин тому

    Galleries in China are appealing to social-media influencers to boost visitor numbers. This reopens old debates about the role and value of art


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