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  1. How can we build and sustain meaningful youth engagement and partnership in programming? Read the new guide to find out!

  2. 16 Dec 2021
  3. 45 minutes ago

    Through Capacity building exercises like RM&E coaching and mentoring, The Challenge Initiative built skills of many RM &E officers across several LGAs in Anambra State

  4. 48 minutes ago

    The CPR success story of The Challenge Initiative partnership with Anambra state in 4 years.

  5. 1 hour ago

    Blog Post 🚨- In Their Own Words: The Impact of Coaching in Firozabad. "TCI India’s HIA tools have introduced me to a simple yet systematic way of accelerating the processes for strengthening program." To learn more ➡️

  6. Apr 20

    We need an effective measure for family planning.

  7. Apr 20
  8. 📢 and partners recently updated conversion factors for couple-years of protection (CYP)—the estimated protection provided by methods during a 1-year period. Find the updated conversion factors here:

    A woman client receives counseling on methods of contraception available in a clinic, from a female counselor who is showing her a kit of products.
  9. 13 hours ago

    Demand for is high in the Phillippines. RACE-FP is a decision support tool that estimates the impact of family planning interventions on preventing unintended pregnancies, and maternal and neonatal health outcomes. Learn about RACE-FP ⬇️

  10. Did you Know? Surrogacy in the United States has a high success rate! In fact, once the surrogate is pregnant there is a 95% success rate for a health birth. For more information about surrogacy visit our site,

  11. Apr 18

    | Here's a comprehensive report by , Busara Center for Behavioral Economics & YUVAA on what evidence says on barriers to effective :

  12. Apr 20

    We would like to thank our valued community partners for the USAID ReachHealth Innovation Accelerator. We are excited to have with us some very passionate innovators who will be working on & refining solutions to address the gaps in in the

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  13. 13 hours ago

    Whether Hormonal or non-hormonal, it is important to take up a method that is most suitable for you. is of great benefit to your health as a woman and for your family as well.

  14. 17 hours ago

    Not all heroes were capes 🦸 Throughout Nampula, mobile clinics 🚑 are staffed by 🙋🏽‍♀️community health workers 📣 who travel door-to-door educating communities about & services to ensure they get vital support - no matter the distance Funded by 🇯🇵

  15. The year is 2022! . . . The girl is unstoppable!!!

  16. Mar 11

    23k teen pregnancy cases were reported last year. I bet most people view the situation in only violence window. I urge everyone to think again &again. We're expecting 23k+ children to be born in 2022. Is there a plan to help these innocent babies?

  17. Apr 20

    Unlike many men on her island, Lily’s partner Kasi (photographed here sharing a laugh with her) supports her decision to access reproductive health care. UNFPA's program works to raise community awareness about the benefits of .

  18. Searching for the Best Fertility Institute? Your search ends here! Book an appointment with us now!

  19. Apr 19

    Introducing new products to the market expands choice and can improve outcomes. Read more in the new guide

  20. Apr 18

    🏆 The EXCELL Awards nominations are open! Help recognize extraordinary individuals, small teams, organizations, & countries whose work can inspire meaningful dialogue within the community→

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