List of state parties of the Republican Party (United States)

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The Republican Party, also commonly called the GOP (abbreviation for Grand Old Party), is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States, the other being the Democratic Party. Founded by Slave activists in 1854, it dominated politics nationally for most of the period from 1860 to 1932. There have been 19 Republican presidents, the first being Abraham Lincoln, serving from 1861 to 1865, and the most recent being Donald Trump.

This is a list of the official state and territorial party organizations of the Republican Party.

State and territorial organizations[edit]

  Republican majority

State/Territorial Party Chair Term Start Elected Executive Offices Upper House Seats Lower House Seats Website
Republican National Committee Ronna McDaniel January 19, 2017 Voting members:
Non-voting members:
Alabama Republican Party John Wahl February 27, 2021 [2]
Alaska Republican Party Ann Brown May 14, 2021
(+1 Democrat in caucus)

(-2 caucusing with the Democratic coalition)
(-1 without a caucus)
Arizona Republican Party Kelli Ward January 26, 2019 [4]
Republican Party of Arkansas Jonelle Fulmer December 5, 2020 [5]
California Republican Party Jessica Patterson February 24, 2019 [6]
Colorado Republican Party Kristi Burton Brown March 27, 2021 [7]
Connecticut Republican Party Ben Proto June 22, 2021 [8]
Republican State Committee of Delaware Jane Brady May 4, 2019 [9]
Republican Party of Florida Joe Gruters January 12, 2019 [10]
Georgia Republican Party David Shafer May 18, 2019 [11]
Hawaii Republican Party Signe Godfrey May 15, 2021 [12]
Idaho Republican Party Tom Luna June 27, 2020 [13]
Illinois Republican Party Don Tracy February 6, 2021 [14]
Indiana Republican Party Kyle Hupfer February 1, 2017 [15]
Republican Party of Iowa Jeff Kaufmann June 28, 2014 [16]
Kansas Republican Party Mike Kuckelman February 16, 2019 [17]
Republican Party of Kentucky Mac Brown November 9, 2015 [18]
Republican Party of Louisiana Lou Gurvich February 24, 2018 [19]
Maine Republican Party Demi Kouzounas January 28, 2017 [20]
Maryland Republican Party Dirk Haire December 31, 2016 [21]
Massachusetts Republican Party Jim Lyons January 17, 2019 [22]
Michigan Republican Party Ron Weiser February 6, 2021 [23]
Republican Party of Minnesota David Hann October 2, 2021
(+4 "New Republicans")
(+1 Republican expelled from caucus)
Mississippi Republican Party Frank Bordeaux October 1, 2020 [25]
Missouri Republican Party Nick Myers January 30, 2021 [26]
Montana Republican Party Don Kaltschmidt June 17, 2019 [27]
Nebraska Republican Party Dan Welch March 21, 2015 Nebraska Legislature
(Officially nonpartisan)
Nevada Republican Party Mike McDonald April 22, 2012 [29]
New Hampshire Republican State Committee Stave Stepanek January 26, 2019 [30]
New Jersey Republican State Committee Michael Lavrey December 15, 2020 [31]
Republican Party of New Mexico Steve Pearce December 8, 2018 [32]
New York Republican State Committee Nick Langworthy July 1, 2019 [33]
North Carolina Republican Party Michael Whatley June 8, 2019 [34]
North Dakota Republican Party Perrie Schafer June 21, 2021 [35]
Ohio Republican Party Bob Paduchik February 26, 2021 [36]
Oklahoma Republican Party John Bennett April 10, 2021 [37]
Oregon Republican Party Dallas Heard February 20, 2021 [38]
Pennsylvania Republican Party Lawrence Tabas July 13, 2019
(+1 Independent in caucus)
Rhode Island Republican Party Sue Cienki March 30, 2019 [40]
South Carolina Republican Party Drew McKissick May 13, 2017 [41]
South Dakota Republican Party Dan Lederman February 11, 2017 [42]
Tennessee Republican Party Scott Golden December 3, 2016 [43]
Republican Party of Texas Matt Rinaldi 11 July 2021 [44]
Utah Republican Party Carson Jorgensen May 1, 2021 [45]
Vermont Republican Party Paul Dame November 6, 2021 [46]
Republican Party of Virginia Rich Anderson August 15, 2020 [47]
Washington State Republican Party Caleb Heimlich February 5, 2018
(+1 Democrat caucusing)
West Virginia Republican Party Melody Potter January 6, 2018 [49]
Republican Party of Wisconsin Paul Farrow August 22, 2021 [50]
Wyoming Republican Party Frank Eathorne September 1, 2017 [51]
Republican Party of American Samoa William Sword October 27, 2018
(Officially nonpartisan)

(Officially nonpartisan)
District of Columbia Republican Party Patrick Mara January 14, 2021 D.C. Council
Republican Party of Guam Juan Carlos Benitez February 3, 2021 Guam Legislature
Northern Mariana Islands Republican Party James Ada February 19, 2014
(+1 independent in caucus)
Republican Party of Puerto Rico Ángel Cintrón May 7, 2021 [53]
Republican Party of the Virgin Islands John Canegata September 2012 Legislature of the Virgin Islands
Republicans Overseas Bruce Ash September 14, 2013 N/A N/A N/A [55]

See also[edit]


External links[edit]