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  2. 23 jam lalu

    First 'unfuck' yourself than ask your kids !

  3. 12 Ogo

    It’s okay to not be okay , break the stigma 💪🏻❤️

  4. 12 Ogo

    We are There are 2 of us. E1 has Depression, Tinnitus, an Eating Disorder and Insomnia. N1 has Depression, Ulcerative Colitis, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Anxiety Attacks. We have them, they don’t have us, no matter how hard it gets.

  5. 11 Ogo

    Taking care of my stomach with fresh organic garlic and my 1st attempt at growing it just from a box. Food for better

  6. 11 Ogo

    A smile can hide a lot of pain. 🧠

  7. 11 Ogo

    Anyone else get this problem? 😆

  8. 11 Ogo

    If you missed my segment on You can catch it streaming on Let’s end the discrimination and start educating our teachers, parents, children, law enforcement, law makers, etc... Education and understanding will create a society of COMPASSION💚🎗

    Tunjukkan thread ini
  9. 11 Ogo

    Just blitzed through Reasons to Stay Alive by partly coz of curiosity and partly work related. Brilliant book. Here are some the bits I liked most. Everyone should read this book.

  10. 11 Ogo

    Just seen this and it couldn’t be any more accurate if I saw a post like it ... It’s okay to cry It’s okay to feel emotions It’s okay to want to break down and need someone! Men you can talk and still be human! Don’t be ashamed 💙 your all incredible 💙🙌🏻

  11. 5 years ago today, the world lost a legend, the world became a sadder place, Robin Williams filled the world with laughter & will never ever be forgotten 😔

  12. 11 Ogo

    Five years ago today the world lost a legend. Let's remember him and the importance of looking out for those around us. If you, or someone you know, needs help then please know support is available: Samaritans: 116 123 Mind: 0300 123 3393 SANEline: 0300 304 7000

  13. 10 Ogo

    Health isn't just about what you eat. It's about what you are thinking and feeling too.

  14. 10 Ogo

    First joint 10.5 mile walk in the north west. 20 lads having conversation about mental health. Thank you lads we did it

  15. 10 Ogo
  16. 10 Ogo
    Membalas kepada

    Hi! My name is Metika and I am a PhD student in Behavioral Neuroscience studying the neurobiology of drug addiction at UNC Chapel Hill. I’m also a college grad, a in the making and an avid advocate 😊

  17. 10 Ogo

    Some great resources here

  18. 10 Ogo

    I'm speaking to youth of 14-20 years in Kawangware at Gatina Youth Centre. 🧠

  19. 10 Ogo

    Bees love Lavender & it has been proved to have the same calming effect on them as it does on us. Here is a fascinating video about a study done by Monash University, Australia, showing this & more! 'Honey Bee Brains & Lavender' (2016).

  20. 10 Ogo

    I wouldn't spend so much time tweeting about if I didn't think it were possible to change the conversation. We can do this. Our words can make a difference.

  21. 9 Ogo

    tip: It's easy to forget, but you are not your PhD. If your PhD is having a bad day, that does not mean you are a bad person. You are more than your PhD.

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