Support us

We wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for all the people who have helped us along the way. We’re truly grateful for all your support and encouragement.

Here are a few ways you can help us:

Tell us how we’ve affected your career

This is vital for measuring our impact, which allows us to fundraise and improve our research over time.

Take our survey

Tell your friends about us

Think of your one or two friends who would be most interested, and recommend they check us out – we’ve found many of our biggest success stories this way.

Make a donation

We rely on donations to fund our work.

Learn how to donate

Some other ways to help:

Recommend someone to work with us

Our biggest bottleneck right now is finding more staff who are an excellent fit with the team. Recommendations are seriously appreciated.

Share our content on social media

Invite your friends to like our Facebook page and retweet us on Twitter.

Start a student group

If you’re at university, you could help to start an ‘effective altruism’ student group. Find out more on our student groups page.

Tell us your career story

We’re looking for stories of career decisions and interviews with people in the careers we’re investigating.

Stay updated

Stay updated on our progress as an organisation to learn about how else you can help.