
Free Software Awards: Nominate those who help us live liberation by November 30th

The dedication of the developers, documentation writers, community organizers, and volunteers of the free software movement is what has helped us all live liberation in the years the free software movement has been active. Just using free software makes you part of our collective journey to freedom, but some go above and beyond in their … Read more

From Open Software to Open Culture

Opportunities and challenges of open source to support the United Nations mandate Side Event at General Assembly High Level Week to Explore Potential of Open Source Technologies for the United Nations By definition, open source development is collaborative, inclusive and revolutionary—and open software has become ubiquitous. Whenever we are online, we are benefiting from open software. … Read more

GFOSS participates in GSOC 2021 with 10 open source projects

On May 17, 2021, Google announced the open-source projects that will participate in Google Summer Of Code 2021. GFOSS participates this year with 10 open source projects, and students who will successfully complete the program will be rewarded with stipends for their contributions. GSoC offers students from around the world the opportunity to contribute to … Read more Community Network: Tending to Our Communities’ Needs with Care and Flexibility

At the beginning of May 2020, the community network team was approached by the Mayor of Elassona, a municipality in the Thessaly region in central Greece. He was asking for help with a very common problem that villages in our municipality face: lack of access to Internet connectivity. “Sykea” or “Sykia” is an isolated … Read more

Linux Foundation and NCWIT Release Free Training Course on Diversity in Open Source

Inclusive Open Source Community Orientation (LFC102) is a new training course from The Linux Foundation and National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) and is designed to provide essential background knowledge and practical skills to create an inclusive culture in the open source community.  The course delves into facts about diversity in tech, the … Read more

Study and survey on the impact of Open Source Software and Hardware in the EU economy

Fraunhofer ISI and OpenForum Europe are conducting a study for the European Commission which shall investigate in detail the economic impact of Open Source Software (OSS) and Open Source Hardware (OSH) on the European economy. The study should identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of open source in relevant ICT policies. The Open Source impact … Read more

The Critical Role of Open Source and Open Standards on the Road to Secure and Robust Healthcare

FIWARE is known for its ability and speed to address urgent challenges and the needs of society, companies, and public administrations. The need for ready-to-use solutions, based on Open Source and open standards principles – to help automate data sharing – continues to grow rapidly. This has, once again, become evident during the current COVID-19 … Read more

13th conference FOSSCOMM 2020 – November 21–22, 2020 – Call for Presentations

The Free and Open Source Software Communities Meeting or otherwise FOSSCOMM aims at all Free and Open Source Software enthusiasts, regardless of the knowledge level that they own at this field. From the first conference held in 2008 at the National Technical University of Athens until today, the conference’s aspiration is to showcase the usefulness … Read more