Advertise with us

Take your message to the global development community.

At Devex, we can connect you to the right target audience within our global network to help you meet your strategic advertising goals. You have the unique opportunity to reach our diverse yet niche audience of development, health, humanitarian, and sustainability professionals in the public, private, and social sectors.


Digital advertising

As the media platform for the development community, Devex is the go-to resource for news, funding and job opportunities for over a million professionals. Devex offers graphical and text-based advertising throughout our platform, including the Home Page, News Pages and Jobs Pages, so you can communicate impactfully about your programs, services or initiatives.

1.5 million+

Average monthly page views

1.3 million+

Average monthly unique page views

32.5 million+

Annual page views


Average pages per visit

1:29 min

Average visit duration


Newsletter advertising

Over 735k development professionals subscribe to Devex newsletters to stay in the know about the latest headlines, jobs and business opportunities. Reach the right segment of our audience for you through text-based sponsored announcements, graphical banner ads and featured placements across our two daily newsletters and five weekly newsletters.


Opt-in subscribers


Average open rate




Special Edition Coverage

Position your brand and your message in front of our most engaged audiences at key moments throughout the year. Devex is the only news organization dedicated to covering major world events such as the World Economic Forum, the World Bank meetings, the World Health Assembly, COP and the U.N. General Assembly through the lens of sustainable development, global health, and humanitarian assistance. We produce special edition coverage providing a premium advertising opportunity for an exclusive partner on a dedicated landing page and through special edition newsletters.

1.5 million

Emails sent


Average Open Rate


Targeted E-blasts

Choose your target audience and deliver your message directly to their inbox. You can tap into a fully customized audience narrowed down by relevant keywords on Devex member profiles, country location, job title, education level and/or previous employers.


Average Open Rate


Average Target Audience


Sponsored Social Media

Connect to our broader audience of followers and influencers through Paid Posts, Twitter Chats or Video clips. Whether you are interested in direct promotion or want to focus on social engagement, adding a social media component to your advertising campaign is a must.

3 million

Monthly reach


Total followers


Facebook followers


Twitter followers


LinkedIn followers

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What our advertising partners say

"We partnered with Devex to promote a new Monitoring & Evaluation Leadership in Learning 8-week online course and saw more registrations during the time we advertised with Devex than with other marketing efforts. We haven't had any other single strategy reach as large a segment of potential Leaders like the investment with Devex!"

Kim Castelin, Global Research and Engagement, Washington State University

"As a fairly new organisation, we wanted to make sure we reached our target audience in a cost effective way. Since advertising on and across the many newsletters they send out, we are increasing our audience base, increasing the numbers of people signing up to do our free courses and most importantly reaching those most important to us – humanitarian field workers. Working with Devex has allowed us to elevate our brand and get our courses in front of our core audience."

Vishnee Sauntoo, Former Marketing and Communications Lead, Humanitarian Leadership Academy

"Partnering with Devex on a series of in-depth sponsored content articles enabled us to demonstrate the transformative power of technology to improve the health and well-being of underserved populations. Devex's audience is comprised of exactly the type of organizations we seek to serve with our Vantage solution – from NGOs, governments, donor agencies to private sector companies. Working with their team of experts has proven to be an extremely valuable way to show how our technology improves decision-making and operational effectiveness to solve social problems at scale."

Dr. John Sargent, Co-founder, BroadReach

"As a longtime advertising partner with Devex, we see great value in both the quantity and quality of prospective students we are reaching. Devex provides Duke with the unique capability to connect with the most highly qualified global development professionals. Our most recent targeted e-blast nearly doubled the daily traffic to our site, where visitors spent 5+ minutes learning what our program has to offer."

Stephanie Alt Lamm, Associate Director of the Master of International Development Policy Program, Duke University

"Having worked with Devex over the years in a variety of ways, we turned to them to help us promote the Moving Worlds Institute as we looked to boost applications for our new 6-month immersive program for mid-career, high achieving professionals. We had a limited budget and only a few weeks before the application deadline and Devex worked with us to put together an advertising package that met our needs. We received an amazing response – over 2x the traffic to our website from our first time advertising with Devex – demonstrating the impact of repeat impressions and importance of brand recognition."

Mark Horoszowski, Co-founder & CEO, MovingWorlds

"Advertising our procurement opportunities with Devex through graphical banner ads in their daily procurement alert and targeted e-blasts has helped us expand our supplier database and ensure a competitive procurement process. In addition to the metrics Devex shared after our ad campaign, I am happy to report that we had a lot of new companies requesting the tender documents so the evidence backs up the stats."

Edson Madeira, Procurement Specialist, Research for Community Access Partnership, Cardno Emerging Markets

"Running sponsored social media with Devex was a good investment. Through Facebook posts, the ads resulted in over 250 survey participants which was extremely helpful for my research on mental health and wellbeing in aid workers. I look forward to working with Devex again."

Tarli Young, School of Psychology, University of Queensland

"Through sponsored content and targeted e-blasts we were able to attract top experts to apply to join the Global Fund Technical Review Panel, working to eliminate HIV, TB and malaria as public health threats."

Silvio Martinelli, Head of Access to the Funding Department, The Global Fund

"Our employer branding ad campaign in Devex's Global Development Briefing and Development Insider newsletters paired with sponsored social media led to a huge spike in traffic to our careers page. Timed to coincide the Devex's Career Fair, it was some of the highest traffic we've seen in a long time!

Hannah Mosher, Director of Marketing & Communications, Tetra Tech