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Sanchit Deshmukh
Stanford EE PhD | Engineer
Cupertino, CAJoined June 2009

Sanchit Deshmukh’s Tweets

New research output in Science Advances: In cooperation with our colleagues from and , we investigated the heating of individual filaments in functioning metal-oxide RRAM devices. Please view the link below for the full article
Repeat after me: 1. The vaccine doesn't cause blood clots. 2. The vaccine doesn't cause brain fog. 3. Doesn't cause chronic fatigue. 4. The vaccine doesn't cause kidney failure. 5.The vaccine doesn't affect the heart/intestines.6. The vaccine doesn't put people on ventilators.
Hello Beta Pictoris b! Also the scale bar is 3 AU (or 3 times the distance between earth and the sun) and this system is 63 light years away! Mind. Blown.
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beta Pictoris b, the first planet discovered around the star, is also one of the very small number of planets (...6?) where we have been able to construct a movie showing its orbit. It’s another @semaphore_P special!
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Great thread with a refreshing set of guidelines for aspirational academic PIs!
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If I ever become a PI, I will prioritize respecting and promoting the wellness of my trainees over advancing my research discoveries. Healthy work environments promote good science. Science born out of disrespect and abuse is not worth it. #AcademicTwitter #phdchat @PhD_Balance
I've been a *huge* fan for years, which made it a special pleasure to take part in this episode. They masterfully connect research on empathy with the chaos and opportunity of modern life. Check it out!
As student in India with no connections, I worked remotely with a grad student at Harvard doing data work for them on the side. Learnt a lot & wrote about experience in my essay. Now, as a faculty member, I love working remotely with promising RAs in a similar fashion.
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For a student at a college (outside the US) which does not have many opportunities to work as an RA, how else can someone build research experience in their undergrad? #EconHelp
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Dear fellow men- stop this behavior. It’s gross, unacceptable, and makes you look like a fool. You need to evolve and grow the hell up.
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stop this. stop this right now. I’m not a piece of meat for you to ogle at. I don’t exist for your pleasure. i’m a scientist taking time to communicate what excites me about space. you don’t get to abuse that by coming into my space.
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I prefer the Canadian model, where a student completes a Masters and *then* applies to do a PhD. It is a big decision for someone to go straight from a Bachelors into a PhD. #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdchat #HigherEd
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Why, when people choose to earn a masters instead of continuing on to a PhD, do we seem to diminish this accomplishment? Especially when others who earn a Masters are celebrated? This is such crap. They earned their masters, they should feel proud of this accomplishment
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Oh that makes sense, no wonder my advisor has been offering to get me coffee lately 😂
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When talking to a grad student, try rephrasing your questions to get a more positive answer. How is writing going? -> Would you like a coffee? When are you graduating? -> Can I buy you a coffee? What will you do after? -> Want to see a picture of a dog?
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Women were 2.5x less likely to ask questions in a seminar than men, regardless of seniority. Instead, they questioned their own understanding, and whether they'd be taken seriously. If you only hear from part of the room, you limit everyone's learning.
For a second I thought reflections simply bind the three phenomena together, but nope, this goes all the way to the wave-like nature of light and sound. Needless to say, light and sound being wave-like (amongst other manifestations) was not at all obvious 2000+ years ago
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This is a beautiful fact: Aristotle regarded echoes, rainbows, and reflections as belonging to the same category of natural phenomena.
Nobody is perfect, but everybody can be coachable. Our ultimate success is less determined by where we’re at right now and more determined by how much pride and ego we’re willing to give up to learn from others and get where we want to go.