Lux Necromancing   


28 | they/she | ⚠️ do NOT attempt to perceive it won't end well for you ⚠️ | contact: |

Los Angeles, CA
Iscrizione a marzo 2010
Data di nascita: 28 gennaio


Hai bloccato @LuxManning

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  1. Tweet fissato
    21 apr

    Hi! I'm Lux! I'm pretty soft, and so are my friends. Come check us out and see what we're up to. Chat's pretty cute 😳 Twitch // TikTok // Discord //

  2. I'm grumpy and want attention but this is literally the one time Sneakers has not wanted to cuddle 😕🤌🏻

  3. "Hey sorry I can't come into work. It's a no bones day. Yeah. Yeah no the pug doesn't have any bones today. Yeah I'll see you next time. Thanks."

  4. 17 ott

    No actually I don't think I will be losing this game thanks tho ggs ^_^

  5. 17 ott

    20 mins ago I cried thinking about how pretty people are sometimes and now I'm feeling all gooey and squishy

  6. 17 ott

    Sometimes starting a conversation or replying to a text feels like my skin is on fire while also being naked in a snowstorm and there's a button in front of me that would fix it (doing the thing) but no matter how hard I try I can't reach it and then I just fall asleep

  7. 17 ott

    I'm here, wiggling, singing, and I literally look so good

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  8. 17 ott

    I look so hot making dinner rn wtf?

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  9. 16 ott

    Some more footage of Urashimea globosa from the Sea of Japan

  10. 15 ott

    Abandoned Miss Piggy covered in moss

    Questo contenuto potrebbe includere materiale sensibile. Scopri di più
  11. 14 ott
  12. 15 ott

    I am weed has gone to the realm of a tier 3 meta-meme similar to previous hits like "then perish" or "this is fine"

  13. 15 ott

    Idk please reach out to trans friends right now. I just feel really on the outside looking in to the world rn.

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  14. 15 ott

    Trans discourse where millions of people affirm and double down on the assumption that we are not legitimate in our identities is goddamn depressing man I don't wanna but I maybe need to hop of Twitter for a minute. I'm gonna keep DMs open since twitter is how I talk to friends

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  15. 15 ott

    I love sitting alone in a hot car, really reminds me of being a kid

  16. 15 ott

    Can y'all respond to this with something that's made you smile recently? My brain is starting to feel very fried today and I think it'd be nice to read about stuff that has made y'all happy recently?

  17. 15 ott

    Wouldn't it be cool to be someone's girlfriend wow never thought I could have that title but like.... yeah I can

  18. 6 ott 2020

    Fun fact: in order to make the movements of the Audrey II puppet in “Little Shop of Horrors” look realistic, the plant was filmed at 12 frames per second and then sped up to 24 frames in the final cut, which meant the actors in those scenes had to perform and sing in slow motion!

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  19. 15 ott
  20. 15 ott

    don’t be distracted: the war on Christmas starts NOW.

  21. 15 ott

    What's up dweebs where are we dropping today what are the vibes and hijinks?


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