We're excited to bring you a one-of-a-kind crowdsourced Virtual Roundtable featuring two leading privacy activists, Max Schrems, Honorary Chairman of noyb, and Matomo Co-founder and CEO, Matthieu Aubry.

This 30-minute interactive online event will be driven by questions submitted by the community. Comment your questions below πŸ‘‡ and register here: matomo.org/webinar-max-schrems

Every day is Data Privacy Day at Matomo. But each year, we like to acknowledge the day to help raise awareness and promote privacy and data protection.

Check out our blog about why data privacy is important: matomo.org/blog/2014/01/data-p

The Austrian Data Protection Authority has officially ruled that Austrian website providers using Google Analytics are in violation of the GDPR. Other EU Member States are expected to follow soon.

Learn more about what this means for web analytics: matomo.org/blog/2022/01/google

Matomo Analytics is a powerful, secure, web analytics platform that gives you 100% data ownership and user privacy protection.

Matomo 4 is out now!

Make sure you're ready to update to this latest version. We've added more security, privacy and an exciting new feature for users.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help make updating easier for you: matomo.org/faq/how-to-update/

We're excited to announce Matomo 4 has launched! πŸŽ‰πŸš€πŸ₯³

THANK YOU to our team, community and contributors for making this possible!

Matomo 4 comes with greater security, more privacy protection, and a powerful new page performance feature!

Read more: matomo.org/blog/2020/11/announ

More than 10K users have benefited from an easy-to-use, powerful, and ethical analytics tool: Matomo for WordPress!

If you haven't already, check it out for yourself for free. Get insights to increase traffic and boost your website in a privacy-friendly way.

Download now: wordpress.org/plugins/matomo/

To all Matomo 4 beta testers and users out there, we'd love to hear your thoughts!

Your feedback is greatly valued as it'll help us refine Matomo 4 for the November release 😊

Please share what you've learnt and experienced here: forum.matomo.org/t/help-testin

Hey everyone,

We have a powerful new feature in Matomo 4: Page Performance metrics!

You now can understand how fast or slow your website is going, and WHY.

Read more: matomo.org/faq/how-to/how-do-i

Hey everyone!

We're excited to announce a new major beta release of Matomo 4.0.0 πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸš€

Matomo 4.0.0 has been in the making since Jan 2020 and we’re proud to finally release this first public beta.

Read more: matomo.org/changelog/matomo-4-

Hey everyone!

With privacy taking centre stage around the world, it's important to get the basics right.

Learn how to create a GDPR compliant privacy policy with Matomo: matomo.org/blog/2018/04/how-to

Hey everyone,

There have been new developments since the Google Privacy Shield invalidation which require Google Analytics users to act promptly.

If you're still using GA, you risk getting fined.

Read more: matomo.org/blog/2020/08/risk-f

A regular reminder to our friends to keep for your users on your issues list.

- Avoid using third party systems to host fonts, scripts, etc.
- Try Google analytics alternatives like @plausible or @Matomo
- Capture as little personally identifiable information as possible (do you really need their full name, phone number, etc?)
- Purge your PII regularly
- Share info with fewer systems and notify your users

Place their privacy at least equal to your needs.

Hey everyone,

Now that the Privacy Shield no longer applies, many of you might be wondering, "what do I do next?".

If this affects you, here are a few recommendations from ePrivacy: eprivacy.eu/en/news/news-detai

Breaking news: noyb has filed a complaint against 101 websites who are still sending data to the US via Google Analytics/Facebook Connect, even after the CJEU invalidated the Privacy Shield.

Read more: noyb.eu/en/101-complaints-eu-u

Hey everyone,

We're proud to announce Matomo 3.14.0: a new release of Matomo Analytics!

Thanks to more than 16 contributors, 55 tickets have been closed.

Read more: matomo.org/changelog/matomo-3-

Breaking news: the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled that US cloud servers don’t comply with EU privacy laws / GDPR.

Read more about what this means for web analytics, Google Analytics and Matomo: matomo.org/blog/2020/07/storin

Hey everyone,

Quick announcement: Matomo will now pay researchers 5,000 USD for a critical security vulnerability, to keep your analytics data secure.

Although we've had an excellent security track record so far, we recognise security is an ongoing challenge and requires constant vigilance. With this announcement we’re showing our commitment to reward those who help us maintain the highest security in Matomo.

Read more: matomo.org/blog/2020/05/matomo

Hey everyone,

Matomo for WordPress has been reviewed by the WP Lift team ✍🀩

Please have a read and share with friends who'd like a fair review of the new Matomo plugin!


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Server run by the main developers of the project 🐘 It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!