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Stripe Climate

Remove carbon as you grow your business

With Stripe Climate, you can direct a fraction of your revenue to help scale emerging carbon removal technologies in just a few clicks. Join a growing group of ambitious businesses changing the course of carbon removal.

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Contribute a fraction of your company’s revenue to fund frontier carbon removal technologies right from your dashboard in just a few clicks.

Fund frontier carbon removal

We direct 100% of your contribution to carbon removal. Our scientific advisors help maximise the long-term impact, and we allocate your contribution the same way we allocate ours.

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Let your customers know about your commitment with a new badge updated automatically on Stripe-hosted checkout, receipts, and invoices. Our asset kit makes it easy to use the badge anywhere you see fit.

Available now for global businesses

It will take a global, collective effort to scale carbon removal. Stripe Climate is available to Stripe users globally.

Early adopters

Join ambitious businesses

A growing group of early adopters is helping change the course of carbon removal.

The case for funding carbon removal

Carbon removal is critical to counteract climate change

To prevent the most catastrophic effects of climate change, we should aim to limit global average temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, which corresponds to reducing global annual CO₂ emissions from about 40 gigatons per year as of 2018, to net zero by 2050.

To accomplish this, the world will likely need to both radically reduce the new emissions we put into the air, and remove carbon already in the atmosphere.

Path to limit global temperature increase to ~1.5°C
Limit global temperatures increase to:
Historical emissions ~2°C path ~1.5°C path Current path
Carbon removal needed to limit global temperature increase to ~1.5°C.
Historical emissions via Global Carbon Project,1 "Current path" shows SSP4-6.0,2,3 removal pathways adapted from CICERO.4 For simplicity this chart only shows CO₂, though the modelled scenarios account for other greenhouse gas emissions, all of which will need to be reduced.

However, carbon removal is behind

Existing carbon removal solutions such as reforestation and soil carbon sequestration are important, but they alone are unlikely to scale to the size of the problem. New carbon removal technologies need to be developed – ones that have the potential to be high volume and low cost by 2050 – even if they aren’t yet mature.

Today, carbon removal solutions face a chicken-and-egg problem. As early technologies, they’re more expensive, so don’t attract a critical mass of customers. But without wider adoption, they can’t scale production to become cheaper.

Early adopters can change the course of carbon removal

Early purchasers can help new carbon removal technologies get down the cost curve and up the volume curve. Experience with manufacturing learning and experience curves has shown repeatedly that deployment and scale beget improvement, a phenomenon seen across DNA sequencing, hard drive capacity and solar panels.

This thinking shaped our initial commitment and first purchases. If a broad coalition of like-minded buyers commits substantial investment, we’re optimistic that we can shift the trajectory of the industry and increase the likelihood the world has the portfolio of solutions needed.
Stylised representation of experience curves from the Santa Fe Institute.5

How we find and fund

Our portfolio and scientific reviewers

We work with a multidisciplinary group of top scientific experts to help us find and evaluate the most promising carbon removal technologies. Explore our growing portfolio of early-stage carbon removal projects, read the criteria we use to select them, or view our open sourced project applications.

Target criteria

See what we look for when evaluating projects.

Project applications

View our open source project applications.

Work in carbon removal

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Our portfolio

Fall 2021 projects

44.01 turns CO₂ into rock, harnessing the natural power of mineralization. Their technology injects CO₂ into peridotite, an abundantly available rock, where it is stored permanently. This storage approach can be paired with a variety of capture technologies.


Ebb Carbon mitigates ocean acidification while capturing CO₂. Using membranes and electrochemistry, Ebb removes acid from the ocean and enhances its natural ability to draw down CO₂ from the air for storage as oceanic bicarbonate.


Eion accelerates mineral weathering by mixing silicate rocks into soil. Their pelletized product is applied by farmers and ranchers to increase carbon in the soil, which over time makes its way into the ocean where it’s permanently stored as bicarbonate. Alongside their technology development, Eion is also conducting a novel soil study to improve the field's measurement of CO₂ uptake.


Sustaera uses ceramic monolith air contactors to capture CO₂ directly from the air for permanent storage underground. Their direct air capture system, powered by carbon-free electricity and built with modular components, is designed for quick manufacturing and capture at scale.


Spring 2021 projects

Seachange leverages the power and scale of the world’s oceans to remove carbon. Its experimental electrochemical process sequesters CO₂ in seawater as carbonates, an inert material comparable to seashells, thereby enabling energy-efficient and permanent CO₂ removal.


Running Tide removes carbon by growing kelp in the open ocean. After maximum growth, the free-floating lines of kelp sink to the deep ocean where the embodied carbon is stored for the long term. Running Tide’s approach is simple and scalable, powered by photosynthesis, ocean currents and gravity.


Over geological timescales, CO₂ chemically binds to minerals and permanently turns to stone. Heirloom is building a direct air capture solution that enhances this process to absorb CO₂ from the ambient air in days rather than years, and then extracts the CO₂ to be stored permanently underground.


Mission Zero electrochemically removes CO₂ from the air and concentrates it for a variety of sequestration pathways. Its experimental room-temperature process can be powered with clean electricity and has the potential to achieve low costs and high volumes using modular, off-the-shelf equipment.


CarbonBuilt’s process readily converts dilute CO₂ into calcium carbonate, creating a “no compromise” low-carbon alternative to traditional concrete. As a profitable and scalable solution for permanent CO₂ storage, CarbonBuilt’s technology platform can serve as a critical component of future carbon removal systems using direct air capture.


Future Forest is conducting a field trial to accelerate mineral weathering by crushing basalt rocks into dust, spreading them onto the forest floor, and then measuring CO₂ uptake. This first-of-a-kind trial will help assess the potential for scale as well as the potential ecosystem impacts associated with enhanced weathering.


Our 2021 reviewers

Habib Azarabadi, PhD

Arizona State University
Direct Air capture

Holly Jean Buck, PhD

University at Buffalo

Wil Burns, PhD

Northwestern University

Anna Dubowik

Negative Emissions Platform

Petrissa Eckle, PhD

ETH Zurich
Energy Systems

Erika Foster, PhD

Point Blue Conservation Science
Ecosystem Ecology

Sophie Gill

University of Oxford Department of Earth Sciences

Katherine Vaz Gomes

University of Pennsylvania

Steve Hamburg, PhD

Environmental Defense Fund
Ecosystem Ecology

Lennart Joos, PhD

Out of the Blue

Susana García López, PhD

Heriot-Watt University
Direct Air capture

Kate Maher, PhD

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Alexander Muroyama, PhD

Paul Scherrer Institut

Daniel Nothaft, PhD

University of Pennsylvania

Zach Quinlan

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Vikram Rao, PhD

Research Triangle Energy Consortium

Phil Renforth, PhD

Heriot-Watt University

Sarah Saltzer, PhD

Stanford Center for Carbon Storage
Geologic Storage

Mijndert van der Spek, PhD

Heriot-Watt University
Direct Air capture

Shannon Valley, PhD

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


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