Donate to the Malaria Consortium with stripe

Donate to Malaria Consortium

Your donation helps us improve the health outcomes of millions of vulnerable people, especially children. Recognised globally as a leading specialist health organisation, we are improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of some of the world's most devastating diseases.

Where are you donating from?

I want to make a donation using
  • £10 £10 could pay for 2 long lasting insecticidal nets, protecting two people for up to three years£10 could pay for 2 long lasting insecticidal nets, protecting two people for up to three years
  • £25 £25 could pay for 30 malaria diagnostic kits for health workers£25 could pay for 30 malaria diagnostic kits for health workers
  • £100 £100 could protect 25 children from malaria through seasonal malaria chemoprevention£100 could protect 25 children from malaria through seasonal malaria chemoprevention
  • other
£ (min £2)
Gift Aid

Through Gift Aid, any donation you give will be worth 25% more, at no extra cost to you. That means your donation of £ could be worth an additional £

I confirm that I would like all my donations, past, present and future to Malaria Consortium to be treated as Gift Aid donations. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less income tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Gift Aid is claimed from the tax you pay for the current tax year.

Gift Aid Declaration

I’d like Malaria Consortium to claim Gift Aid on my donation

Giftaid Logo

No, I’m not eligible to add Gift Aid

Is your donation in honour or memory of someone? If so, please include the name of the person you are honouring.

Message added!

Payment details:

Please click below and submit to continue to payment

Your donation will be used to support our work wherever the need is greatest.

For your security, your bank or credit card provider may need to confirm your identity before your card donation can be processed. If you are directed to a page which says “Your card issuer has requested additional authorisation", please be assured this is normal. Complete the information requested by your bank and we'll receive your gift.

If you have made a donation in error or would like to talk to us about refunding your donation, please contact us at