IPEN: toxics-free


We are a global network of public interest orgs in 126 countries working to eliminate toxic substances & places.

Придружио/ла се септембар 2012.


Блокирао/ла си корисника @ToxicsFree

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  1. Закачен твит
    8. феб 2020.

    Working together for a toxics-free future for all🤙 2020 🇪🇹

  2. пре 16 минута

    Global Action () on the must include: ✅New Global Controls on Hazardous Chemicals in Plastic ✅The Plastic/Chemical Producers Paying For the damages/harm caused from their products

  3. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 2 сата

    Indeed, the Ministerial Statement made reference to plastic being a at all stages of its life cycle. "The frame needs to be the crisis on plastics in general and not just a question of " for . READ:

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  4. је ретвитовао/ла
    2. сеп
    , , и 2 других
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  5. је ретвитовао/ла
    2. сеп

    At the Ministerial Conference on today more than 120 countries supported the establishment of an INC to develop a new legally binding instrument to address the lifecycle of .2

  6. 2. сеп

    Highly Hazardous Pesticides in Costa Rica 🇨🇷 En Costa Rica se usan 133 plaguicidas considerados altamente peligrosos ⁩ ⁦

  7. 2. сеп

    Lead Paint’s Toxic Legacy Today Warning About the Hidden Danger of In the US, a mom is warning other parents to have their homes inspected for lead paint after her toddler was diagnosed with lead poisoning.

  8. је ретвитовао/ла
    1. сеп

    My message at the inauguration: Human rights principles can and should inform the transition towards a chemically safe, circular economy.

  9. је ретвитовао/ла
    31. авг

    Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ contaminate indoor air at worrying levels, study finds

  10. 31. авг

    the world’s biggest Oil & chemical companies including BASF ExxonMobil Dow Chemical DuPont Ineos BP and Shell – are opposing global controls of toxic + persistent chemicals in used in consumer plastic products

  11. 31. авг
  12. је ретвитовао/ла
    29. јул

    Big Oil's future is in plastics. But as public concern over plastic waste grows, industry is touting "advanced recycling" as the solution. The problem is, the technology doesn't work on the scale that is needed and key projects have been major flops. w/

  13. је ретвитовао/ла
    29. авг

    The pesticide inhibits mitochondrial respiration in adipocytes. Clear sign that throws energy metabolism out of whack & might contribute to obesity. This occurs at 1 pM, i.e. 351 pg/L, which is just 0.000000000351 gram/Liter.

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  14. 31. авг

    Good News Highly polluting leaded petrol now eradicated from the world Now let’s eliminate lead paint To ⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦

  15. 30. авг

    IPEN Job Opening: Director of Communications & Development As Director, you will collaborate closely with IPEN team members as well as regional affiliated organizations and individuals all over the world. Interested? See:

  16. је ретвитовао/ла
    30. авг

    Latest data from shows children & young adults are at risk for unintentional poisonings. Yet only 47% of countries have poison control centers & 41% have legally binding controls on lead paints. We need stronger protections to keep children safe!

  17. је ретвитовао/ла
    30. авг

    Want to learn more about banned in the global North still legally produced for sale in the ? Join us for discussion on on 2nd Sept.

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  18. 30. авг

    Plastic wastes contaminate food chain: The study found that the levels of dioxin & PCBs in eggs in some locations “were so high that residents could not eat a 1 egg without exceeding the health safety limits for these chemicals established in the EU.”

  19. 30. авг

    Recycling Plastics ‘Significant toxic hazards': Report highlights growing risks from plastics recycling

  20. 28. авг

    The Oil/Gas/Coal Industry Makes: - Fuel - Plastic - Chemicals/Petrochemicals toxic air, land, water, waste, food patients - Money And they are planning to make much much more Read ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

  21. 28. авг

    “Plastic fragments alter the structure and chemistry of the soil; additives, such as have been linked to soil contamination Crops grown in soil containing plastic debris have lower yield, height, and root weight.”


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