Matthew YglesiasConta verificada


Writer and editor, Slow Boring. Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center. Bloomberg columnist. Vaxxed and relaxed. These tweets are worth what you pay for them.

Washington, DC
Participa desde julho de 2008


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  1. há 24 minutos

    I've been here almost 20 years and have never been invited to an orgy by a sixty-something, but I guess I don't hang out with as many Republicans as Cawthorn does.

  2. há 3 horas

    It’s not a question of “free speech” exactly, there are obviously tons of forums in which tough on crime politics is welcome. But many people here were behaving with an understanding of the social role of universities and academic research that I found disturbing.

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  3. há 3 horas

    For now I guess I'll just say that this incident wrote about from a while back significantly increased my level of concern about ideologically motivated publication bias in empirical social science going forward.

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  4. há 3 horas

    That NYT piece 10 days or whenever about free speech has been an absolute killer to my productivity and I've written easily a half-dozen unsatisfactory unfinished drafts about what I think about it.

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  5. há 4 horas

    My version of this is that to be a small-d democrat requires you to have open eyes about the practical need to engage in some squalid compromising rather than break the system and end up with something worse.

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  6. há 4 horas

    Do you? Or do you just need the old Churchill joke that there’s no alternative that would reliably do any better?

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  7. há 5 horas
  8. há 6 horas

    If everyone agrees that: (a) Originalism is good (b) Precedent is also good (c) A modest, apolitical judiciary is also also good Then everyone can just keep on Calvinballing toward their policy preferences without too much fuss.

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  9. há 6 horas

    This is the way IMO there’s no sense arguing about legal theory.

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  10. há 7 horas

    Probably because The Third Man is so cool, everyone wants to do their spy stuff in Vienna.

  11. há 7 horas

    And that’s fine — of course Republicans think decisions should be friendlier to Republicans, to people who Republicans like, and to ideas Republicans favor. But that’s different from a policy agenda aimed at creating flatter, more neutral distribution channels.

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  12. há 7 horas

    You obviously *could* try to impose common carrier rules on Facebook or YouTube or Twitter but nobody ever seems to actually propose that — instead the idea is just that moderation, rules-enforcement, programming design, etc should be friendlier to Republicans.

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  13. há 7 horas

    I think people tend to make a category error and see Republican complaints about “big tech” and “censorship” as part of a regulatory policy agenda when they should be understood more like complaints about “the liberal media” — ref-working without a defined goal or end state.

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  14. retweetou
    há 8 horas

    This chart is a good illustration of 's geometry argument. NYC has lots of bridge/tunnel lanes open to automobile traffic, but the AM hourly peak passenger throughput of bus/rail dwarfs automobile traffic.

  15. há 9 horas

    What's unfortunate about Trump is that all my life I've been critical of term limits, but if he wins in 2024 and I'm going to glad we have them — nothing worse than being forced by events to change your mind about something.

  16. há 9 horas

    The most random things used to put up a $100 million box office.

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  17. há 9 horas

    Power of the Dog and CODA are both streamer originals, but one is true cinema (very wide) and the other is like a glorified TV movie (only slightly wide). The Tragedy of Macbeth is so narrow that it's highbrow niche arthouse stuff.

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  18. há 9 horas

    Cinema is when you get the really wide 21:9 aspect ratio.

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  19. retweetou
    há 16 horas

    On basis of that study, says that w/ current permitting process, impacts fees, exactions, & construction costs, the *only* kind of project that's economically feasible is a 24+ story high-rise in city's highest-demand neighborhoods. /19

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  20. há 17 horas

    Burr Steers did a really impressive debut movie and then … uh didn’t really follow it up with much.

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