Robert Wiblin


Host of The Podcast: Make the most of your life: help others in high-impact ways!

United Kingdom
Unit: juny de 2009


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  1. ha retuitat
    fa 10 hores

    "Everyone is fucking stunned," says one source close to the Kremlin. Another source says no one in the presidential administration expected a full-scale war—or the sanctions. "You can't resign," said first source. "You can only resign right to jail." WOW.

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  2. ha retuitat
    2 de març

    The shaming of Mearsheimer as a Russian stooge is wrong + dangerous. But this interview does illustrate another point: His theory, and especially its application to specific cases, is totally incoherent when it gets beyond the most generic truisms THREAD

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  3. ha retuitat
    28 de febr.

    3/ We have a longlist of projects we'd love to fund. We’re particularly keen to launch massively scalable projects: projects that could grow to productively spend tens or hundreds of millions of dollars per year.

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  4. fa 6 hores
  5. fa 6 hores

    I'm not an expert in Ukrainian constitutional law but this doesn't sound totally legal to me honestly:

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  6. fa 6 hores

    What actually happened in 2014? It's hard to remember it all so worth refreshing one's memory: "The Revolution of Dignity also known as the Maidan Revolution, took place in Ukraine in February 2014 at the end of the Euromaidan protests..."

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  7. fa 6 hores

    What are the best arguments that Putin is primarily motivated by his ethnic/historical narrative about Ukraine, other than his 2021 essay on the topic () and it featuring heavily in last week's lectures? (Which folks already know.)

  8. fa 7 hores

    In negotiation theory, the best alternative to a negotiated agreement or BATNA (no deal option) refers to the most advantageous alternative course of action a party can take if negotiations fail and an agreement cannot be reached:

  9. ha retuitat
    fa 11 hores

    I hope this is right, but I always worry about wishful thinking. Cosmopolitan liberals oversampling the views of other urban cosmopolitans and letting that bias their read of the situation isn't unique to Trump or Brexit.

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  10. fa 8 hores

    If both sides of a conflict view 'credibility preservation' as the #1 goal then they could end up fighting a total war over something they don't intrinsically care much about, because backing down and looking weak are felt to be so unacceptable.

  11. ha retuitat
    1 de març

    To those tweeting "World War III has already started" as justification for supporting a No Fly Zone which would trigger such a war: no, it hasn't. If World War III had started, you wouldn't be tweeting. You'd either be vaporised, or sobbing in the rubble, wishing you had been.

  12. fa 8 hores

    Might still have nothing to do with it and Putin has surely made things worse for R from any perspective with his actions (a bit like the US-Iraq, error must be part of it). But a steelman of the theory isn't as silly as "it's because Ukraine was going to join NATO tomorrow". 3/

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  13. fa 8 hores

    "Is it that Putin wouldn't want a large hostile neighbour over which it lacks econ leverage, with a decent military and powerful allies, and that R's relative military strength is declining so it would be even more costly to try to drag U off that track at any point in future" 2/

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  14. fa 8 hores

    The "is it because Russia hates NATO" shorthand has probably been unhelpfully narrow. Could instead ask: 1/

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  15. ha retuitat
    1 de març

    Senior EU officials tell me the EU is considering offering qualified Russian 🇷🇺 citizens EU 🇪🇺 passports - to accelerate Russian economic brain drain This is just one of many innovative measures being considered to complement economic sanctions now in place 🇪🇺🇺🇦

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  16. ha retuitat
    2 de març

    The ratchet from a conventional engagement between NATO and Russia is extremely fast, nearly automatic, and well studied, and while it's fun to pretend it's not on Twitter to sound strong instead of confronting the limits of what the west can achieve militarily, it's insane

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  17. fa 21 hores

    The end result is that even if things *might* be hopeless — that is, have a very high annual probability of disaster — so long as they might also be persistently safe, you always have a decent chance of making it through OK even over very long timescales. 5/

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  18. fa 21 hores

    We can't average (1%+0.1%+0.01%)/3 = 0.37% and just project that out. Instead we need to project forward the 3 scenarios individually then average them at the end. You can actually use Max's nice graph for that, averaging multiple projections for values you think plausible. 4/

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  19. fa 21 hores

    In fact the chance of not getting a tails is actually 50%, no matter the # of flips! That's an extreme artificial case but the same issue bites in nuclear risk. Let's say we think the annual risk is either 1%, 0.1% and 0.01%, we don't know which and all are equally likely. 3/

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  20. fa 21 hores

    If a coin is equally like to be weighted such that it comes up tails 100% of the time, or heads 100% of the time, you can't average the two, get 50% for each, and say the chance of not getting a tails after 2 flips is 0.5*0.5 = 25%. 2/

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