Dr Alyce Wilson


Public health registrar & clinician Passionate about health equity and advocacy

Wurundjeri Country
Đã tham gia tháng 9 năm 2013


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  1. 8 thg 7

    This whole thread 👇 We have approx. 400 public health physicians in Australia - many of whom do not work in disease protection & prevention. 57% are over 55. We need to talk about the immediate & long term health of the public health workforce

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  2. 8 thg 7
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  3. 7 thg 7

    Likewise academic and research community. The people deemed 'vulnerable' are the strongest and most resilient members of our community

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  4. 7 thg 7

    Shout out to @annaliesevd and the rest of the crew working day and night to protect Victorians. The team has been working crazy hours since January and still going. Absolute legends. Thank you! 👏👏👏

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    7 thg 7

    I would really appreciate if the creators of Bluey would drop us a season to get us through another six weeks of lockdown.

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    Melbourne Metropolitan back into 6 weeks of stage 3 restrictions. Lockdown all over again. It’s ok friends, let’s do this. Let’s learn from this. Be vigilant.

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  7. đã Tweet lại
    6 thg 7
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    We need to stop giving public platforms to racists. This is not entertainment. There is a huge human cost It dehumanises & harms people of colour. It traumatises It forces POC to have to humanise themselves just to be seen and heard and to justify their existence. STOP

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    6 thg 7

    Our new study on Respectful Maternity Care in Ethiopia. What needs to be done to prevent the mistreatment of women in addition to staff training? Get the answers at Proudly with and Michelle.

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  10. đã Tweet lại
    6 thg 7

    The Pacific Journal for Reproductive Health is calling for short case studies on the delivery of SRHMAH services in the Pacific region and how COVID-19 has affected services & care populationshttps://pacificjournalreproductivehealth.org/index.php/pjrh/announcement/view/6

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  11. đã Tweet lại
    5 thg 7

    Working in a low socioeconomic community as a frontline GP is hard, and it’s getting harder. Our model of primary care does not serve those on low incomes well, or the GPs who undertake this work. Here's something about my work in .

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    Good. Now let’s hear from Scott Morrison, Josh Frydenberg, Peter Dutton and Deb Frecklington on how they condemn Pauline Hanson’s remarks and will stop doing preference deals with her.

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  13. đã Tweet lại
    6 thg 7

    It is almost like this piece of rubbish show and the other piece of rubbish show Sunrise are now in a battle to see who can be the bigger piece of rubbish.

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  14. 6 thg 7

    Disgraceful . Stop giving this woman a platform to share her racist hate speech, misinformation & vitriol. Stop with the all white panels. You are complicit in sharing and facilitating racism

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  15. đã Tweet lại
    5 thg 7

    Sexual and reproductive health services have been deemed essential by the Victorian government throughout the pandemic. Abortions are healthcare. Reproductive justice must prevail over postcode politics.

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  16. 5 thg 7

    Just tried to explain gene mutations to my 6 year old by using the teenage mutant ninja turtles as an example....not sure how effective that was 🤔

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    4 thg 7

    Respect, compassion and empathy must be central to our response to COVID-19. Read 👇🏾

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    4 thg 7

    Really impressive to see the people - men and women - of speaking out, standing up and marching to say enough is enough - violence against women must stop. The death of Jenelyn and thousands of women in PNG over the years cannot be in vain. Australia must also do the same.

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    Jenelyn Kennedy was 19 years old. She was tortured for days before being killed, allegedly by her partner. People in are rising up to call for an end to domestic violence. Enough is enough.

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  20. đã Tweet lại
    3 thg 7

    New recommendation from the on mode of birth - currently no evidence to indicate that caesarean section for women with COVID-19 reduces the risk of vertical transmission to the newborn. Mode of birth should continue as per usual care.

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