
Oddiwrth Wiciadur, y geiriadur rhydd.
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Rhestr gweinyddwyr[golygu]

Adam7davies - biwrocrat, sysop

Arwel Parry - sysop

Pwyll - sysop

Dymuniadau am hawliau gweinyddwyr/biwrocrat[golygu]

Os ydych yn dymuno dod yn weinyddwr (sysop), rhowch eich cais fan hyn:


Hey. I would like to ask the community for temporary admin status to help with the interface. In internal Affairs I'm not going to climb, but only fix some JS and CSS. I am an administrator in large projects (in many). Thanks. OlegCinema (sgwrs) 05:49, 2 Gorffennaf 2018 (UTC)[Ateb]

OlegCinema, how in many sites you want to be an administrator... The main thing is that the rights were needed and there would be time. Marshmallych (sgwrs) 18:29, 5 Gorffennaf 2018 (UTC)[Ateb]
Time will always, now I have his many. OlegCinema (sgwrs) 23:15, 5 Gorffennaf 2018 (UTC)[Ateb]