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Tanhatu (nhanhatu) inhamba inotevera shanu iyo yoteverwa nenomwe.

Tsika[chinja | edit source]

  • Mwari vakasika denga nenyika nezvose zvirimo mumazuva matanhatu, zuva rechinomwe vakaritara rive sabata rokuzorora.

Mitauro yeAfrika[chinja | edit source]

  • VaGulu neVaZigula vanoti mtandatu (n. six) vachireva tanhatu.
  • VaHerero vanoti ta kana tu (to have the same size, length, rise to the same height). Sokuti oviti vi ta pamue - the sticks are equal length.
  • Gurma vanoti táá (1. of the same origin; 2. to be equal, to be resemble).