ICONIC aims to develop theory, methodology, and algorithms to propagate uncertainty in mathematical models of socio-economic phenomena in future cities. Funded by a 5-year, £3M EPSRC programme grant, this project is a collaboration between University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, the University of Manchester, and the University of Strathclyde, as well as a number of project partners.

ICONIC brings together a research team with the appropriate combination of skills in modeling, numerical analysis, statistics and high performance computing. To give a concrete target for impact, the ICONIC project will focus initially on uncertainty quantification for mathematical models relating to crime, security and resilience in urban environments. Then, acknowledging that urban analytics is a very fast-moving field where new technologies and data sources emerge rapidly, and exploiting the flexibility built into an EPSRC programme grant, we will apply the new tools to related city topics concerning human mobility, transport and infrastructure. In this way, the project will enhance the UK’s research capabilities in the fast-moving and globally significant Future Cities field.


December 2018: ICONIC Workshop on Data Science and Crime University of Strathclyde – Summary of event.
November 2018: Programme announced for ICONIC workshop on Data Science and Crime, University of Strathclyde, 11 December 2018.  Registration closes on 5th December 2018.
November 2018: International collaboration with University of Sydney for ICONIC project on criminology.
April 2018: Our paper Stochastic modelling of urban structure has been published in Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
April 2018: Mark Girolami has been appointed the Lloyd’s Register Foundation / Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Data-Centric Engineering.
April 2018: Nick Higham has been awarded a Royal Society Research Professorship.

April 2018: Mike Giles has been elected SIAM Fellow.
September 2017:
ICONIC project mentioned in article “Policing the Future” in PC-Pro magazine. October 2017 issue.
August 2017: New Publications page includes publications by team members.
July 2017: New Talks page includes talks given by team members.
June 2017:  Postdoctoral researcher posts are available at all four institutions. See the recruitment page for details.

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