When you choose to publish with PLOS, your research makes an impact. Make your work accessible to all, without restrictions, and accelerate scientific discovery with options like preprints and published peer review that make your work more Open.


Published Peer-Reviewed Protocols

Research scientists devote countless hours to the development and refinement of procedural methods, or protocols. At PLOS ONE, we believe that your methods deserve more than a footnote. We invite you to submit your protocols for peer review and formal publication in our journal.

Why publish protocols?

Ensure reproducibility by sharing detailed, step-by-step protocols

Take advantage of expert peer review feedback to refine and shape your protocol.

Expand your publication record with a formal peer-reviewed article.

Increase the visibility and discovery of your protocols through indexing and archiving.

Two options to publish


Lab Protocols

Lab Protocols describe reusable methodologies in all fields of study. They consist of two interlinked components:

  1. A step-by-step protocol posted to protocols.io, with access to specialized tools for communicating technical details, including reagents, measurements, formulae and dynamic flow charts.
  2. A peer-reviewed PLOS ONE article contextualizing the protocol, with sections discussing applications, limitations, expected results and sample datasets.
Lab Protocols

1. Protocol title
2. Interactive features
3. Step-by-step instructions with
reagents, and more

4. Article title
5. Introduction
6. Materials & methods
7. Expected results


Study Protocols

Study Protocols describe detailed plans and proposals for research projects that have not yet generated results. They consist of a single article on PLOS ONE that can be referenced in future papers. Already common in healthcare studies, sharing a study’s design and analysis plan before the research is carried out credits researchers and improves transparency.

Why researchers love protocols

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