Twins fetal development - 32 weeks pregnant

Jonathan Dimes for BabyCenter
Your twins' arms, legs and bodies continue to fill out - and they are finally proportional in size to their heads. By 32 weeks, they each weigh about 1.7kg each and look more like newborns. They measure about 42cm each from crown to toe.

You may notice that your twins aren't moving around as much this month. Don't worry; they're just running out of space in your uterus. As long as you can feel them squirming, you'll know they're fine. Believe it or not, they still have some growing to do. You can expect them to gain at least 600 grams more before birth.

Your twins' organs are continuing to mature and they are passing large amounts of water through their bladders: good practice for the urinating they'll do after birth. Soon you can wonder what your twins are wishing for - brain scans have shown that fetuses have periods of dream sleep around month eight.

Some babies have a head full of hair already, others have only a few wisps. Thick hair at birth doesn't necessarily mean thick hair later on, but babies with fine hair after delivery usually have thinner hair in adulthood.

Your twins should already be getting ready for delivery by turning upside-down - their heads should be pointing down. Your doctor or midwife will be paying careful attention to your twins' position in the coming weeks - as some do turn back round again.

Your twins' skulls are still quite pliable and not completely joined, in part so they can ease out of the relatively narrow birth canal. But their bones in the rest of their bodies are hardening. The fetuses' skin is also gradually becoming less red and wrinkled.

If you don't already talk to your twins, this is a good time to start - by 32 weeks their hearing is much more developed. Don't feel ridiculous if you're already chatting in baby talk. Some evidence shows that newborns pay closer attention to high-pitched tones.

Polly Logan-Banks
Polly Logan-Banks is an experienced editor with a keen interest in producing evidence-based content. Polly is passionate about ensuring that every child gets the best start in life.

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