Výsledky hledání
  1. 5. 4.

    sometimes it's better to let things go...even if it's hurt like hell :)

  2. 7. 4.
  3. 5. 4.

    You've got me waging a war deep in my mind 💔

  4. 31. 3.
  5. 6. 4.
  6. 8. 4.

    I wish I could believe I'm worthwhile. I wish I could believe I'm not ugly. I wish I could believe in keeping trying. Feel like I did everything wrong and it's too late to fix it. So now I'm just trying not to fuck up too badly before I die alone.

  7. 7. 4.

    Living with anxiety isn’t fun. It’s a constant battle of everyone being mad at you sometimes to your world just falling apart. Shoutout to those having a rough week because this girl is too!

  8. 8. 4.

    Debts are not only about money but they are tied up with mental health, physical health, stress, and sacrifices. You suffer if you won’t pay them . .

  9. 9. 4.
  10. 6. 4.

    I keep having hallucinations and delusions. It’s so difficult dealing with them as I don’t know what’s real and what’s not.

  11. 2. 4.
  12. 20. 1.

    I really lost myself forever

  13. 30. 3.

    because of , because of being unproductive? A cycle? It all started w/ & now we over think & & is out of control too.

  14. Sometimes I wish I could have my pain go away I wish it be washed all the way. Hate all of it. Make it stop.

  15. 7. 4.
  16. 5. 4.

    Whenever you feel that your sorrows are the greatest , go to the hospital that day and you will see that people are living two moments of their lives between life and death, and you will realize that your pain is less than theirs

  17. 7. 4.
  18. 8. 4.

    You can read a fascinating look at the changing trends of when people are beginning to identify and receive the care they need here: .

  19. 8. 4.

    Le pire on oublie le génie que c'était Pas de chance ses nombreux troll le rattrape

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