
We’re extremely grateful to all those who have supported us over the years. 80,000 Hours wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the help of many, many people. We’re deeply grateful for your support and for this opportunity to have a big impact.

First, we’d like to thank all our donors.

Thank you to all our users who have provided us with detailed feedback, and taken the time to fill out our many surveys.

We’d like to thank everyone who has worked at 80,000 Hours, either as staff, volunteer or intern, especially:

  • Richard Batty, Matt Gibb, Robbie Shade, Niel Bowerman for helping to launch High Impact Careers.
  • Tom Rowlands for helping with the initial launch 80,000 Hours.
  • Seb Farquhar, Jess Whittlestone, Roman Duda, Ilan Fischer, and Jake Nebel for daring to work with us in the early days and getting us going as a professional organisation.
  • Everyone who has worked at central CEA, providing us with operations, especially Tom Ash, George McGowan, Tara MacAuley, Tonja Wright, Marek Duda and Kandasai Griffiths.
  • The original staff and founders of CEA, who house us, including Michelle Hutchinson, Robert Wiblin, Tom Ash and Holly Morgan.
  • Our trustees, Toby Ord, Nick Beckstead and Will MacAskill.
  • All our other interns and freelancers, including Ozzie Gooen, Jen Brennan, Isaac Lewis, Peter Orr, Amber Morgan, Kyle Scott.

We’d like to thank everyone who has taken time to give us advice, including Holden Karnofsky, Carl Shulman, Paul Christiano, Adam O’Boyle, Cal Newport, Matt Clifford, Soushiant Zanganehpour, Jeff Kaufmann, James Norris, Alex Flint, and many others.

We’d like to thank everyone at Y Combinator.

We’d like to thank the University of Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute for their advice and help with office space.

We’d like to thank Google for their Google Grants program, which provides us with free AdWords advertising. We would also like to thank Mack Grenfell and others at the digital marketing company BrainLabs Digital, who have provided pro bono support making the best use of our Google Grants allowance. Before that, our Google Grants were managed pro bono by Lucy Morris and Dyllan Cartwright at SearchStar.

We’d like to thank the staff at Roberts Immigration, who gave us pro-bono help to move to the USA.

And thank you to the other following companies who have provided us with discounted services: