Modelling and optimisation-based control of flexible energy systems for more sustainable and efficient energy networks
The growing deployment of distributed energy resources, as well as of utility-level renewable energy sources in transmission networks, can result in significant environmental and economic benefits but, at the same time, in reduced total system inertia and controllability, hence in new challenges to the power grid operation. Within this context, flexibility (i.e., the ability to adjust to the time-varying grid conditions) plays a crucial role for the transition towards power systems that can efficiently accommodate high shares of renewable energy sources. Managing the flexibility in urban districts and in distribution networks, requires control and optimisation tools not yet available. Furthermore, there are several multi-energy systems within a district (i.e., systems with integrated electricity/heating/gas systems), which currently lack coordination, and which can be regarded as excellent flexibility providers. There is still a very limited understanding of the true impacts of the flexibility on the power system as well as of how to devise effective frameworks for coordinating an arbitrarily large number of flexibility sources. Filling this knowledge gap is essential for the transition to a more sustainable energy grid. In this talk, promising optimisation-based approaches to manage multi-energy systems and storage devices will be discussed.
Dr Alessandra Parisio (SM’18) is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at The University of Manchester, UK, where she is/has been investigator on research projects supported by EPSRC, Innovate UK, EC H2020 and industrial partners in the areas of building energy management and distributed control for flexibility service provision. She is vice-Chair for Education of the IFAC Technical Committee 9.3. Control for Smart Cities and serves as editor of Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks (SEGAN), IEEE Transactions on Automation and Science Engineering and on Control of Network Systems. She received the IEEE PES Outstanding Engineer Award from the IEEE UK and Ireland PES chapter in January 2021 and the Energy and Buildings Best Paper Award for 2008-2017. Her main research interests include the areas of energy management systems under uncertainty, model predictive control, stochastic constrained control and distributed optimisation for power systems.
Zoom Meeting Details
- Link: https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/94453710540?pwd=Wm9SVCtSWlhhTEp6L0Q1Z2RLQXBQQT09
- Meeting ID: 944 5371 0540
- Passcode: =5VNNa