UK Research Reserve (UKRR)
Imperial College London was the lead institution for this Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) funded initiative.
The UK Research Reserve programme (UKRR) was established to over academic libraries a secure solution to storing and preserving lower use print research journals and to enable libraries across the UK to resolve storage challenges whilst guaranteeing long term access via British Library document supply services and reading rooms.
UKRR as a project has closed and has transitioned to a service now delivered by the British Library
The following documents summarise the outcomes of the project
- Stubbs, Theo, and Chris Banks. 2020. “UKRR: A Collaborative Collection Management Success Story”. Insights 33 (1): 10. DOI:
- Chris Banks, John Hosking and Daryl Yang, UKRR Project Data Master List: This is the master list of all 28,655 titles offered as part of UKRR which been made freely available as a data set for further analysis by the community
- Theo Stubbs et al., UKRR Final Report, August 2019, DOI: