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2012 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Depart Smart Dba Clearcause Foundation

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Children & Youth, Disaster Aid, Safety Education, Youth Development

Mission: To become a world leader in travel safety awareness education to help people identify and avoid risks so they can get help and home to the people they love. We strive to solve the problem of poor consumer travel safety protections and reporting, and travel safety illiteracy.

Programs: With more than 30m us citizens go abroad, depart smart provides travel safety assessments, checklists, webinars, workshops, an online course is in development. Depart smart also promotes public service announcements in the forms of videos, social media, billboards and more.

Community Stories

27 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Rating: 5

Every year our students travel to a foreign country to study abroad. This should be an experience of a life time. Unfortunately, many students fall ill, get hurt and even die abroad. When this occurs, no one is held accountable and it needs to change.

The foundation’s continued work is a bright spot for many students and families. ClearCause is a great organization and is dedicated to protecting our students abroad.

Review from Guidestar


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

ClearCause Foundation has given me an incredible opportunity to work hard and perfect my professional skills all while helping to grow a unique and important cause. The work that Executive Director Sheryl Hill does to make sure that ClearCause is effective and ethical makes a great difference in the lives of students who chose to travel abroad.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to provide administrative support for an awesome organization.

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

I worked with Sheryl Hill and the organization assisting with branding, marketing and operations. The need is so great for telling the ClearCause story to help our youth stay safe during their trip of a life time. The organization continues to be the right course to bring awareness, education and assistance to youth and families. Keep up the great work! We need you!

Review from Guidestar


Board Member

Rating: 5

Clear Cause is already getting important legislation passed. The organization's educational outreach is helping to save countless lives. Sheryl Hill has assembled a team of passionate individuals who believe in this cause, and who know without doubt that they can make study abroad programs safer for America’s youth. They never lose sight of this goal. Hill’s sheer determination, stemming from her own tragedy and those of other families, is inspiring.

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

Clear Cause shines the light on frequently overlooked risks of traveling abroad. Beyond the primary mission of keeping students safe abroad, Clear Cause awareness, education and resource deliverables are broadly beneficial to any traveler.

Since the organization is still in its start up phase, extraordinary expertise, vision, commitment and energy are required on behalf of its executive leadership and volunteers. Sheryl Hill, as Clear Cause's founder and executive director embodies all of these critical attributes.

Review from Guidestar

2 Ann-NextChapter


Rating: 5

I have been volunteering my time and skills for ClearCause for the last two years helping with messaging and communications. I was drawn to ClearCause by their passion for protecting students traveling abroad. They believe strongly in the value that international travel can bring to students. Their mission is to ensure that those same students who are looking for new experiences, a broader perspective, a world view grounded in personal experience, have the knowledge, skills and resources to plan ahead, travel safely and know what to do if a crisis occurs. The commitment of the ClearCause team is unwavering. They are driven to find the best ways to connect with students and prepare them for safe travel abroad. They pull together amazing resources and volunteers to supplement their tiny staff and deliver amazing results.

Review from Guidestar


Client Served

Rating: 5

Clearcause and Sheryl Hill et.al. became associates of ours about two years ago when we faced a desperate situation due to life-threatening failures of a study abroad provider. From our first contact, through many milestones, and even now, Sheryl and Clearcause have been our lifeline to support, resources, and accurate information. Every time we asked for information or support, Sheryl and Clearcause were there with the data, resources, and industry connections and references we needed. Professional, Passionate, Knowledgable... highly critical work done with integrity... our highest recommendation for the years of support given already and the critically important work ahead.

Review from Guidestar

1 Bianca8

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Clearcause is shining a bright light of the safety of our children... It was 3 years ago I met Sheryl Hill and became involved in Clearcause... I am amazed at the inspiration and ways that the organization continues to help families across the country. Its important to continue supporting and speaking about what is happenings because we can prevent these deaths and our children can travel safe! The entire Clearcause team is doing wonderful work!

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 1

While the work of the organization is needed and has merit, how the executive director handles the business end of things has a lot to be desired. It's unfortunate that she feels that the how she runs the business doesn't matter as long as she is able to do the service, because doing business that way really doesn't honor the kids the organization is supposed to be serving.

She paid me in cash and never required a contract. Then she tried to pay me in clothes, so she could hide what she was doing from her husband and the board of directors. Then she finally gave me a check for $100 from the organization for work she never intended on letting me do. When I tried to call her on these and other questionable things she was doing, rather than take it as an opportunity to do the right thing, she retaliated and severed the relationship. She not only lied to her husband, but she wasn't honest with the board, either.

While the work needs to be done, it is wrong to use the organization as an excuse to do whatever you want. If she wants control and absolute say to do whatever she wants, then do it under a for-profit set up. Otherwise, she needs to learn that the resources and assets belong to the organization and are not her personal toy.

It's not an either/or thing. It has to be a both/and thing, and it's not that she can't do better, but rather she doesn't find it necessary to do better. It's unfortunate because how you run your business is what the IRS uses to determine whether or not you should have an exempt status or not, not on the services you provide.

Review from Guidestar

1 Noëlle3


Rating: 5

ClearCause understands the devastation that befalls a family after the death of a child. More importantly, the ClearCause Foundation wants to do something to prevent this from happening to any other families. That is why I became involved. I am a mother of a 20 year old daughter who died while studying abroad in Costa Rica, in a vehicle driven by her professor, on roads that were known to him to be unsafe to travel . I am also a psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of traumatic stress – I know how senseless deaths impact individuals, families, and communities; and I now my family and I are experiencing our own PTSD.
ClearCause is serious about pursuing legislation that will hold universities accountable and that will mandate them to provide adequate safety standards and oversight of their study abroad programs. We want our children to learn, we also want them to return! I am pleased with CCF’s persistent and strong effort to make change happen, and I will continue to support CCF until our work is done. Bravo to Sheryl and Allen Hill for embarking on this cause, and bravo to all the families who are joining them.



Rating: 5

I have been working with ClearCause Foundation as a volunteer and web designer for almost 2 years, and I am constantly amazed by the organization's ability to inspire change and bring awareness to safe global youth travel.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I have been involved with ClearCause Foundation as a a web developer, helping the organization present their message clearly using the internet. During the time I have been involved with ClearCause Foundation, I have been very impressed with the fantastic work that they do to advocate for safe global youth travel; I am consistently humbled by how little parents and students know about safety while abroad. Donors, volunteers, and advocates should know that their donated time and resources helps ClearCause Foundation make tangible improvements in students' lives.

Review from Guidestar

1 Daynia C.

Client Served

Rating: 5

I met Sheryl about 4 years ago when my son got a letter from a company who wanted him to study abroad as a Student Ambassador. I had my own reservations about the program,so I did my research. That is where I found Sheryl and I am so glad I did. I had already lost one child to Sudden Cardiac Death at the age of 7 and I was not about to send my oldest child abroad without doing a thorough investigation of the company, its members, & its track record! I am so thankful that I came across Sheryl's story because it helped me make the right decision for my son! Not only did she help me with my decision,but she was and still is a source of comfort when my spirits are low,regarding my daughter. She never fails to send an encouraging note or just an online hug. I also took the chance to send another tragic story,regarding the death of young man from my area, to Sheryl and she posted it on her sight to bring more awareness to the issues involving our young children and adults traveling abroad! As a result,that mother has contacted me and we will have lunch very soon! I cannot say enough about how important this foundation has been in my life and many others! I know,without a doubt,Sheryl will continue to serve parents around the world who are struggling with the thought of sending their child to another country, as well as making the world a safer place for those who do decide to take the trips!



Rating: 5

I found Sheryl via indepth internet research over a year ago after the lost of my son on a study abroad program 100% preventable and because of the program's careless decision making. I researched because I wanted to know how many students like my son lost their lives carelessly, how many were injured, what oversight are there on these programs, what laws were there. I found out there was nothing that protects our students and no accountability. The pain, the lost, the despair, how this have taken down what we have built as a happy family MUST never happen to another student and family. I thought I was very thorough...my son was too. Did everything was advised to do...printed embassy information, he received his 8 shots for the jungle, got all meds advised. Went above and beyond got him a snake boot to protect him. It was the decision of the program. I like Sheryl and ClearCause advocate for the safety for your kids...we no longer fight for our own.

They get away with it, their programs go on. Look at it in this way...they get to commit murder without with careless decision and get away.



Rating: 5

Sheryl Hill does the work of angels in speaking and counseling with families who have lost loved ones. ClearCause is also a great resource for families and others to obtain information and assistance so our young people can be safer when traveling and studying overseas. I heartily admire Sheryl and her dedication to this cause.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I met Sheryl a little over a year ago when I was first launching my app, React Mobile. I am a true believer in ClearCause's mission and was blown away by Sheryl's story and passion to enhance the safety of students traveling abroad. ClearCause offers a wealth of information and helpful resources, such as the ASAPP (A Student Studying Abroad Preparedness Plan) Checklist. We share a common goal to enhance personal safety and look forward to finding ways to promote ClearCause in the future.


Board Member

Rating: 5

I am the co-founder and also a Board Member of the ClearCause Foundation (CCF). Sheryl and I are both deeply committed to the mission of CCF to promote safe global youth travel. Please help however you can to volunteer your talents or provide financial support to our ClearCause. Sincerely, Allen Hill



Rating: 5

I was introduced to Sheryl Hill at a Clear Cause event about 6 months ago. Immediately, I was drawn to hear more and participate with this mission. You see, one evening around 3 AM, I received a phone call from my daughter who was traveling in Italy. She was in the hospital and so very scared. Even though I was in a state of panic, she needed to hear my reassuring and calm voice. Fortunately, she was traveling with good friends who didn't leave her side throughout the entire ordeal and we were able to communicate with the hospital administration and she is in good health, safe and now at home. However, it was an extremely distressing time... I can't imagine how a parent would feel when they are not able to receive adequate and timely answers when their children Sheryl's "cause" is "clear" - getting the message out to keep children safe while traveling. Wouldn't you agree? Kimbra Ness, Trust Advisor and Owner of Kimbra Ness Global Real Estate, Keller Williams Premier Realty, Lake Minnetonka www.kimbraness.kwrealty.com

1 Amara K.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Hi my name is Amara Solomon Kamara, and I am a full time certified personal trainer, by career. It was through this, that I met Sheryl and was her trainer for a year. I have also attended some of her events for clearcause, and have donated to the cause. Sheryl pation to safe American kids over sea can be seen in her when shes talks about it. The tears in her eyes, knowing that this goverment is powerful and is capabale of putting actions in place to protect our siblings abroad on an exchange programs, but doing nothing about it. As a parent it is indeed, difficult to deal withwhat happens in our school system here, in turns safety for stundents, let alone over seas. Its nerve breaking! Changes can be dificult, but when it hapens, we are gald that we did it. Please help Sheyl change the world.


Client Served

Rating: 5

I have grown up with Sheryl and the rest of the Hill family. I am a true believer that events in our lives, while some tragic, happen for a reason. The death of Tyler, is why this foundation exists and Sheryl makes it her mission everyday to protect young lives like his and like mine. I am so thankful to have known her son and even more grateful to have a woman as strong and driven as her to run ClearCause Foundation.

Review from Guidestar

1 Nancy54

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I met Sheryl Hill at Accelerate Minnesota last month and since then I have become a firm believer in and recruit for spreading her mission of safety first to youth, parents, and study abroad administrators. She has educated me about the need for standards of practice for all travel programs, from those at our public schools through private institutions. How many deaths and traumatic experiences will it take until regulations or at least safety minimums are established by legislators? I applaud Sheryl and CCF for their huge steps forward. This year, I am proud to be part of helping CCF take even larger steps toward making study abroad an extremely positive, life changing, rather than life taking, experience.

1 Cyndi G.


Rating: 5

I feel strongly that ClearCause is an organization that can make a significant difference in the safety of our loved ones (e.g. children) as they continue to travel more frequently and at a younger age. Many people, unfortunately are just not yet aware of the need until something tragic happens during travel. I have know Sheryl Hill, ClearCause founder for 20 years on a personal and professional level. She is a motivated individual who is organized, connected, compassionate and able to accomplish whatever she decides needs to be done. I give ClearCause an excellent rating!

1 Mary81

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I heard about ClearCause Foundation while attending a class taught by the founder. I work occasionally with students traveling abroad and believe this foundation will serve an unmet safety need for such travelers.



Rating: 5

Sheryl Hill runs ClearCause from the heart, out of a passionate need to keep our young people safe while traveling abroad. I was shocked to hear the perils that lie overseas for our children, and appreciate the information and solutions that ClearCause brings to the table. ClearCause seems to be the only organization that is bringing awareness to unsafe conditions, and their voice needs to be heard. I specifically appreciate the safety measures they have put in place and am telling all my friends with school age children to check in with ClearCause and know the facts before they let their child travel out of the country.



Rating: 5

It was only recently I met Sheryl Hill, Founder of ClearCause. It is impossible to be with Sheryl for even a minute before recognizing her passion and dedication to working for a safer tomorrow for American students going abroad. Parents too often have no idea the travel organization to which they are entrusting their child is unreliable and unfit to handle real emergencies. Mrs. Hill is already having an impact - the US State Department is taking notice as are several schools who unwittingly are also often part of the problem. This is a new nonprofit that has "just begun to fight."


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This is a very important cause that will help to ensure safety for hundreds of students going abroad every year. I have spent several years in total studying abroad as both an undergraduate, intern, and postgraduate in several different countries, and having a network through a foundation like ClearCause is extremely important when in need of support- whether it be medical, work, or personal issues. Wonderful foundation created for a great cause.

2 Sheryl H.

Board Member

Rating: 5

Our first year officially on June 6. Very proud of our heavy hitting directors and advisors and the milestones they have achieved. Our commitment to transparency is displayed through the GuideStar Exchange Seal. Google grants for nonprofits is helping us advance awareness. Our directors and advisers are working diligently on services like an emergency preparedness plan, minimum guidelines, and SafeTY assessments to test the readiness of youth to advocate for themselves abroad. Dedication and tireless efforts of many passionate individuals has brought ClearCause to its first year milestone on a shoestring budget. Please help us keep youth safe abroad by volunteering or 'gifting' to our ClearCause. Thank you.

Review from Guidestar