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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Civil Rights, Crime & Law, Minority Rights, Public Interest Law

Mission: CAIR's mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions of mutual understanding. CAIR-MN seeks to empower the Minnesota Muslim community and encourage their participation in political and social conversations while also building bridges of understanding with the greater Minnesota community.

Results: We carry out our mission through several programs - free brief-advice legal clinics, presentations and trainings, civic engagement, community and coalition building and police accountability work. CAIR-MN is the only organization of its kind in our state. We are uniquely positioned to meet the needs of the various diverse Minnesota Muslim communities spanning the various geographical, sectarian, linguistic and racial/ethnic categories, as well as levels of religiosity in in the Twin Cities, suburbs and across Greater Minnesota. We are a critical and credible civil rights champion for Muslims and minorities in our state. In addition to anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant discrimination and general xenophobia, Minnesota Muslims also confront anti-black, anti-Arab, and anti-South Asian racism, xenophobia and antisemitism, which intersect with the Muslim, Arab, and South Asian (MASA) communities in Minnesota. We are trusted and respected not only for our legal aid and expertise, and are exemplary in our ability to be a connector who people trust not only for our legal expertise but for our ability to connect other social justice groups with minority communities. Additionally, we deal with cases involving the area of Public Benefits and Pubic Accommodation, and, primarily pre-Covid, cases of school bullying and discrimination. We also receive questions regarding immigration law and even some health-care related issues.

Target demographics: those who have faced racial, religious, or ethnic discrimination.

Direct beneficiaries per year: (despite Covid) our two civil rights attorneys handled over 300 legal cases and uptick from the 160 cases from 2019, ranging from employment discrimination claims to FBI & Law Enforcement harassment, to issues of hate crimes/incidents and travel. Our office has also seen a large increase in housing issues, in particular, for the East African immigrant community, with cases of landlords taking unfair advantage of tenants who don’t understand their rights as renters. Additionally, we deal with cases involving the area of Public Benefits and Pubic Accommodation, and, primarily pre-Covid, cases of school bullying and discrimination. We also receive questions regarding immigration law and even some health-care related issues.

Geographic areas served: Twin Cities Metro and Greater Minnesota

Programs: complaint resolution through pro bono legal aid and advocacy, media justice and balanced views, community empowerment trainings, and civic engagement.

Community Stories

51 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Rating: 5

My experience working as a Volunteer in Service to America (VISTA) as their Community Outreach Coordinator was one of the best professional experiences of my entire career. The staff are all extremely professional and committed. I also met several volunteers, interns, and law clerks doing internships who are very intelligent, compassionate, and determined to eliminate discrimination in all forms. I am so happy to have had this wonderful opportunity with CAIR-MN. I will continue to stay connected to CAIR-MN through their Non-Muslim Advocates & Allies Training Program (NMAATP)



Rating: 5

Hi All, my name is Mustafa Diriye and I'm a Community Organizer and Family Advocate. As someone who follows closely to CAIR-MN, I want to say thank you for Your relentless commitment that inspired all of us to do our best regardless of the challenges we face. You continue to inspire us and gain our admiration with your work and dedication. Your commitment to Our Community makes us proud! We value your input and love to have you around to make us realize how important it is to stay committed even when faced with difficult challenges.

1 Sheryl G.1

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I fundraise for CAIR-MN through workplace giving and it is great to see people’s positive reactions when they learn about the important work that CAIR-MN does to fight for Islamic people’s rights and of the advocacy they do. The workplaces that have invited CAIR-MN to present always have positive feedback and about how much their staff has learned, making for a more aware and considerate workplace. Community Shares of Minnesota is proud to have our partnership with CAIR-MN, they are doing timely and needed social justice work in MN.

Alexis N.1


Rating: 5

CAIR is doing crucial work in the Twin Cities. As my 98 year old neighbor said to me once, discrimination is not new in our home. When he was young, he was bullied for being Irish and Catholic. Today the bullies are still active, and people are still afraid of what they do not know, but we're getting better at educating people! CAIR educates the populace about discrimination, as well as providing defense to those who would discriminated against. The voices of the Twin Cities unite and flourish with organizations such as CAIR!

2 David H.14


Rating: 5

I've been supporting CAIR-MN for several years because religious freedom and liberty are under attack. CAIR counteracts the fake news and corrects misperceptions about Muslims while providing an open, political agenda-free forum for interfaith understanding, community building and preservation of religious liberties for ALL Americans.

1 Biz W.


Rating: 5

I love volunteering at CAIR! They truly value each and every single one of their volunteers and they are very passionate about the work they are doing.

1 Faical R.


Rating: 5

CAIRMN does fantastic work. I got there wondering if I can help out and got inducted to be part of a community. The staff is welcoming, sincere and hard working. The work is noble without question. I am grateful to have walked in to the CAIR office, met the wonderful staff and volunteered.
Opportunities include participating in & leading prolific rallies, helping with events, and any creative venture you are willing to take up.

1 Rob R.1

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This group is serving a vital need at a vital time. They are a loud clear voice for a group of people who are *actively* being targeted and singled out for their beliefs. Targeted by arguably the most shameful administration we will ever experience in the US, and the damage being done will take years to fix. CAIR MN is essential.

1 Yusuf 'Ina D.


Rating: 5

Great organization that advocates the civil rights of all people! Jaylani, ED of CAIR-MN is an amazing person and we are very proud of his leadership in MN!!



Rating: 5

Local Mosque firebombed. Muslim travel bans. Somali shop windows smashed. Muslim students bullied and harassed. These are among the issues CAIR-MN faces head-on. In the two-plus years I've volunteered with CAIR-MN, I've been impressed with the dedication and passion CAIR-MN staffers bring to their work.
CAIR-MN, like countless nonprofits, wrestles with obstacles-- too little money, time, and sometimes, literally, to little bandwidth to meet its mission. But few nonprofit staffers go to the office knowing they may get another death threat. CAIR staffers don't flinch. Working in cramped offices inside an urban church, CAIR-MN staff keep answering the phones, taking calls from parents worried about their kids who are bullied at school. CAIR-MN attorneys keep filing briefs, standing up for Muslims' civil rights.
I am grateful that by volunteering for CAIR-MN, I am part of a team standing up for civil rights. I've tabled, marched, helped set up and enjoyed iftar community dinners, attended conferences and fundraisers. I'm not Muslim and I volunteer because I want to know more Muslims, I want Muslims to be treated with the same rights, respect, and dignity that all people deserve. I volunteer with CAIR-MN because we're doing the work that needs to be done.



Rating: 5

I first heard of CAIR-Minnesota when I saw a post at linked about a family dining at a local restaurant that was attacked by the people in the next booth. I said to myself that could have been my family. The reason: they were speaking a foreign tongue...



Rating: 5

My commitment towards community service started when I began volunteering at CAIR Minnesota. My sister and I became familiar with CAIR through social media. We felt connected and safer in Minnesota knowing that this organization will always fight for us. It was four years ago that we started volunteering with CAIR-MN. I’ve learned so much about my identity and gained knowledge by attending their events and also volunteering at them. The best experiences in life are those that are always fueling your life with education. No matter the event I participated in, it was always one that impacted me. The appreciation I have towards CAIR isn’t one that I only feel. The entire world applauds them for their dedication towards fighting for justice. “CAIR's vision is to be a leading advocate for justice and mutual understanding.” The Muslim community is at ease knowing we have an organization that will always support us. Regardless of faith, CAIR is committed to fighting for all people. Justice isn’t limited to certain groups of people and CAIR shows us that. I thank CAIR for all the work they do in Minnesota. They shed light on situations that many people disregard, which shows us why CAIR is needed in our society. The most valuable lesson I learned from CAIR is, how important fighting for justice and serving your community is. I ask you all to take the time to research CAIR and volunteer with them, 33 chapters are located in the US! My journey with CAIR Minnesota has educated me and helped me understand how valuable helping my community is.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 1

Chapters are very capable of standing up for justice, but they look the other way and do nothing when their national leaders are the perpetrators of injustice.

Ultimately, nothing good can come out of corruption and injustice. The community deserves a legitimate civil rights and Muslim organization that treats all people with the respect and dignity they deserve.



Rating: 5

Working at CAIR has been a wonderful experience, the staff welcomed me and I began to learn so much about the great activism CAIR completes and about the Muslim community as a whole. The staff here are constantly working hard for the rights of all people in the community and hoping to educate everyone they meet. They are always welcoming and passionately committed to helping all those in our community.


Rating: 5

As a community leader in Mankato Minnesota, I call on CAIR every time there is a Civil Rights discrimination case in my community and I have never been disappointed, either CAIR provided consultation on how to approach the issue, or they provide free legal representation to right the social wrongs of our community. We definitely need a CAIR branch office in Mankato to access the service locally. Keep up the good work.



Rating: 5

When I first worked with CAIR-MN, I thought it would be just another job. I did not realize how very active CAIR-MN is active in the community, the Twin Cities, and even all around the state. Plus, I felt like I was home. Great staff, terrific leadership, and I hope much success to come under the new Executive Director.

Client Served

Rating: 5

CAIR is simply amazing, one of the very few organizations fearlessly fighting for civil liberties at ground level.
Thank You CAIR.

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CAIR is one of the most effective organization, working on civil liberties and protecting rights of minorities in America.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CAIR MN has done an amazing job educating people from all walks of life about their rights as a citizen of this community and country. They work tirelessly to bridge the gap between people of various backgrounds and faiths by providing assistance wherever and whenever needed. One of their core principles is "CAIR is committed to protecting the civil rights of all Americans, regardless of faith" and that pretty much captures the essence of this organization.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CAIR-MN works tirelessly to advocate for communities facing illegal discrimination and marginalization from what should be democratic decision-making processes.


Rating: 5

CAIR MN has done very beneficial work for the community. They have helped to organize many events that teach and train the Muslim community to work with the system and be an citizen that works to build and nurture the greater community. The board is a very professional board and the employees are very skilled and qualified group. I am extremely impressed by their work and their team.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

The people who run CAIR MN are upcoming leaders who work very hard to lead Muslims in Minnesota to work with the system to deal with civil rights issues and discrimination.

Many good-hearted people bemoan the deterioration of relations between Muslims and non-Muslims since 9/11, but CAIR MN is actually doing the hard work of repairing the relationship. Through their work on various projects and organizations, their leadership reached out to mainstream institutions and donated their time and money to
constructively enhance Muslims and people of other faiths to work together. Through their leadership, I have seen many Muslim youth now lead in opening other organizations as well as leading
projects to contribute to a better Minnesota.

I was invited to many such forums and was impressed by the level of
organization, hard work and professionalism within the meetings. We recently had a forum with Law Enforcement and it was amazing to see many Muslim and Somali leaders address their concerns to Law Enforcement officials to understand how to secure our country as well as protect our civil rights. Such meetings in the political climate are very hard to arrange and facilitate.

Glenna M.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

CAIR-MN works hard to educate the community while also serving the Muslim population. I was very impressed with the educational program they offered to area local law enforcement members. Their undertaking to educate and improve Muslim/law enforcement relations is vital to future successful exchanges between the two groups. They are a group of dedicated individuals working hard to make Muslims a better understood community.


Rating: 5

An amazing group of young people making a huge difference and making America and MN a better place for everyone.

These are the new Rosa Parks and new MLKs, & other amazing figures who stood up to bigotry, challenged racism and made America better.

Kudos to the volunteers and staff for standing up for Equality and LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.
This is what America is all about.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

So happy to know this nonprofit and service exists, paving the way for practical action in the way of civil rights and making it easier for all communities of people to live freely as they have a right to.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I have been working with CAIR-MN as a Designer for three months now. In my time here, I have come to learn that they are so many things to the community: an affordable legal service so everyone has access to a lawyer; a source of valuable information that everyone (really, everyone!) can benefit from and utilize; an advocate and supporter to people who felt like they had no one on their side; and a huge help to the community itself, by providing positions and internships for young people to get involved in civil advocacy in a meaningful way. I personally feel very close to my work for CAIR-MN. I've had the opportunity to watch true civil advocates in action, while creating work that I'm proud of.


Rating: 5

CAIR-MN provides the most needed service of representation to Muslims and others who need help when they are being discriminated because of religion or because being member of a Minority Group. CAIR-MN not only provides the representation but also provides the Education so these discrimination does not happen again and again.

Keep up the great work CAIR-MN!!!!


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I have worked in the social services sector for more than 15 years and have rarely encountered an organization that is as effective as CAIR-MN at bringing the highest quality legal and advocacy services to some of the most vulnerable populations of people in our communities.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This is the most professionally run Muslim organization in Minnesota. They do tremendous work and the only people who raise issues with that are the Islamophobes. No one opposes a civil rights organization unless they are a bigot.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Best organization in Minnesota! Thank you for all the great work you do for the community!

5 Asma S.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

There has been a tremendous growth of CAIR-MN’s name and reputation in the community since its founding. Each year, CAIR-MN appears over 115 times in local newsmedia. CAIR-MN was named a 2010 “Difference Maker” by the St. Cloud Times, received the 2011 Nonprofit Mission and Excellence Anti-Racism Award from the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits and MAP for Nonprofits, named the 2012 CAIR Chapter of the Year, selected for Minnesota Philanthropy Partners’ 2013 "Nonprofits to Know," and featured in the Rochester Diversity Council “What Works.” Recently, CAIR-MN received the 2013 Difference Makers Award from the American Bar Association’s Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division for “making a difference through pro bono work.”



Rating: 3

CAIR has been wonderful in their fund raising however, CAIR never seems to address the women discrimination that is inherent in Sharia law. Until CAIR publically denounces Sharia, MN Muslims will never bee taken seriously for social change. We can not applaud CAIR when they refuse to speak out on the atrocities of women in other Islamic countries. Stoning gays, female genital mutilation, child brides pre-arranged and even worse, the ignoring of the numerous Honor Killings we have seen in the USA_ these are topics that CAIR has not, or will not address in MN. MN Muslims expect more. MN Muslims can not be respected by their infidel neighbors when these Sharia Law sanctioned atrocities are ignored in the press by MN CAIR.

Comments ( 2 )


CAIR-MN 02/10/2014

CAIR-MN unequivocally condemns terrorism and terrorist organizations. Any action that harms innocent civilians is reprehensible and deserves condemnation. CAIR-MN condemns terrorism whenever it happens, wherever it happens, and whoever commits it. CAIR-MN is not an international human rights organization. It is a civil rights and legal advocacy organization for Muslims and other racial, religious and ethnic minorities in the state of Minnesota. In 2012, CAIR-MN handled nearly 200 cases, including school bullying and harassment, land use opposition, hate crimes and vandalism, racial and religious profiling, and extra-judicial exile. The majority of the cases involved employment discrimination, including discrimination in hiring and firing, hostile work environments, and denial of religious accommodations. CAIR-MN functions on a basic premise: that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. This includes the employees who were called “terrorists” and “monkeys” at work and fired when they complained about the hostile environment; the Muslim students who were bullied and had pork thrown at them at school; the imam whose mosque window was shattered twice in two weeks; the woman who was fired after she chose to wear a religious headscarf; the Jewish student who failed a college exam because she had to miss class for a religious holiday; the American citizen stranded abroad after his hajj trip because he was unlawfully denied a boarding pass; and others. In post-911 America, fear and hatred of Muslims is prevalent. International events directly affect American Muslims, who face harassment, bias, discrimination, and hate in the workplace, at school, and in the community. There is an unprecedented opportunity to balance public discourse and empower the Minnesota Muslim community to engage their neighbors, employers and elected officials. CAIR-MN’s “Know Your Rights” training has reached over 30,000 Minnesotans since 2007. Through its “Positive Interactions” employer training module, CAIR-MN has trained nearly every corporation in Minnesota. CAIR-MN regularly offers CLEs on’ Understanding Your Muslim Clients and Colleagues” and presents at numerous conferences throughout the state. There has been a tremendous growth of CAIR-MN’s name and reputation in the community since its founding. Each year, CAIR-MN appears over 115 times in local newsmedia. CAIR-MN was named a 2010 “Difference Maker” by the St. Cloud Times, received the 2011 Nonprofit Mission and Excellence Anti-Racism Award from the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits and MAP for Nonprofits, named the 2012 CAIR Chapter of the Year, selected for Minnesota Philanthropy Partners’ 2013 "Nonprofits to Know," and featured in the Rochester Diversity Council “What Works.” Recently, CAIR-MN received the 2013 Difference Makers Award from the American Bar Association’s Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division for “making a difference through pro bono work.” American Muslims are going through challenging times. In our nation’s history, we have seen other minority groups treated the same way — and it could be a new group in the future. So we’re not just advocating for Minnesota Muslims, we work to protect the rights that many Americans have sacrificed their lives for.


CAIR-MN 02/10/2014

CAIR-MN unequivocally condemns terrorism and terrorist organizations. Any action that harms innocent civilians is reprehensible and deserves condemnation. CAIR-MN condemns terrorism whenever it happens, wherever it happens, and whoever commits it. CAIR-MN is not an international human rights organization. It is a civil rights and legal advocacy organization for Muslims and other racial, religious and ethnic minorities in the state of Minnesota. In 2012, CAIR-MN handled nearly 200 cases, including school bullying and harassment, land use opposition, hate crimes and vandalism, racial and religious profiling, and extra-judicial exile. The majority of the cases involved employment discrimination, including discrimination in hiring and firing, hostile work environments, and denial of religious accommodations. CAIR-MN functions on a basic premise: that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. This includes the employees who were called “terrorists” and “monkeys” at work and fired when they complained about the hostile environment; the Muslim students who were bullied and had pork thrown at them at school; the imam whose mosque window was shattered twice in two weeks; the woman who was fired after she chose to wear a religious headscarf; the Jewish student who failed a college exam because she had to miss class for a religious holiday; the American citizen stranded abroad after his hajj trip because he was unlawfully denied a boarding pass; and others. In post-911 America, fear and hatred of Muslims is prevalent. International events directly affect American Muslims, who face harassment, bias, discrimination, and hate in the workplace, at school, and in the community. There is an unprecedented opportunity to balance public discourse and empower the Minnesota Muslim community to engage their neighbors, employers and elected officials. CAIR-MN’s “Know Your Rights” training has reached over 30,000 Minnesotans since 2007. Through its “Positive Interactions” employer training module, CAIR-MN has trained nearly every corporation in Minnesota. CAIR-MN regularly offers CLEs on’ Understanding Your Muslim Clients and Colleagues” and presents at numerous conferences throughout the state. There has been a tremendous growth of CAIR-MN’s name and reputation in the community since its founding. Each year, CAIR-MN appears over 115 times in local newsmedia. CAIR-MN was named a 2010 “Difference Maker” by the St. Cloud Times, received the 2011 Nonprofit Mission and Excellence Anti-Racism Award from the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits and MAP for Nonprofits, named the 2012 CAIR Chapter of the Year, selected for Minnesota Philanthropy Partners’ 2013 "Nonprofits to Know," and featured in the Rochester Diversity Council “What Works.” Recently, CAIR-MN received the 2013 Difference Makers Award from the American Bar Association’s Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division for “making a difference through pro bono work.” American Muslims are going through challenging times. In our nation’s history, we have seen other minority groups treated the same way — and it could be a new group in the future. So we’re not just advocating for Minnesota Muslims, we work to protect the rights that many Americans have sacrificed their lives for.

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

During my brief volunteer stint with CAIR-MN, I watched them do great social justice and anti-discrimination work. They were tireless, and they achieved amazing things with very limited resources. If you are opposed to discrimination of any sort, this is an organization worth supporting.

1 Tiffany X.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CAIR is a spectacular nonprofit organization with staff, interns and volunteers that are truly passionate and dedicated to what they do. CAIR as a whole is a "community connecter" that works tirelessly to give voice to people, bridge cultural differences, protect and strengthen civil liberties for all Americans.



Rating: 5

Year in and year out CAIR is recognized for its efforts to help protect civil liberties here in Minnesota. This can only be attributed to the tireless efforts of those that volunteer and work at CAIR. They work to protect and defend the constitutional rights of American Muslims, thereby supporting the rights of all Americans.



Rating: 5

I have been working with CAIR MN as an events coordinator intern for three months now. The ground that CAIR MN has covered in such a short time is really amazing. The best thing is that it allows everyone a platform to have a voice, helps in bridging cultural differences and stand up for the rights of those who are unable to do themselves.

The success stories of CAIR MN really speaks for itself and I feel very fortunate to be a part of CAIR MN.



Rating: 5

This is a fantastic organization that does important work in our community to protect and strengthen civil rights! Sincerely, A non-Muslim in his right mind.



Rating: 5

There are many negative feedback entered here.

All the bad reviews were entered by right wing extremists coming to this page from a hate website called Bare Naked Islam. This website is hosted in Israel to promote hatred of muslims and Islam so that the Western world can be duped to engage in a war with the islamic world. These people promote genocide of muslims so that Jews can reclaim all land mentioned in Bible and rebuild the Temple Mount by destroying the dome of the Rock. Yet they call themselves as followers of the most peacefull religion in the world: Christianity.

Kudos to CAIR for all the good work they do. Please continue to support CAIR and if you wish to learn more about those right wing fanatics, check the following page:


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

As a lifelong campaigner against fascism and racism in Britain I have frequently found myself crossing swords with the vicious professional Islamophobes working in the USA to spread their message of hatred, not only of Muslims but of Christians like myself and of Jews. Among the worst of these is the BareNakedIslam site run by Bonni Benstock-Intall, a New York-based Holocaust denier who has called for the return of the Nazis to Germany to sort out their "Muslim problem". BNI not only encourages the mass murder of Muslims (for example in Burma and Occupied Palestine) but calls for the genital mutilation and/or public execution of "leftists". Without the work of CAIR the views of such neo-Nazi scum would be effectively unopposed within the USA. These filth like to smear CAIR as "unindicted co-conspirators" in a terrorism trial (meaning, no evidence found so not guilty) while cheerfully supporting the actual terror campaigns of the Jewish Defense League (banned by the FBI) . They call themselves "patriots" while calling for the violent overthrow of their President (elected twice by a majority of Americans) and demanding legal sanctions against Muslims and Jews because of their religion. CAIR are guardians of what is best in America against the hatred of losers jealous of the success (through hard work) of America's Muslims and Jews. They are true American patriots, and as long as CAIR are still fighting America's corner it will remain a country worth visiting. God Bless America, and God bless CAIR.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 1

If find their attitudes to be exceptionally offensive. Their beliefs and views expressing their supremacy are a personal affront to those of us who are devout Christians.

Comments ( 2 )


CAIR-MN 01/29/2014

CAIR-MN is not a religious organization. Our staff, board, and advisory board are multi-faith, multiracial and multicultural. It is a civil rights and legal advocacy organization that provides free legal services to Minnesota Muslims and other racial and religious minorities. CAIR-MN functions on a basic premise: that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. This includes the employees who were called “terrorists” and “monkeys” at work and fired when they complained about the hostile environment; the Muslim students who were bullied and had pork thrown at them at school; the imam whose mosque window was shattered twice in two weeks; the woman who was fired after she chose to wear a religious headscarf; the Jewish student who failed a college exam because she had to miss class for a religious holiday; the American citizen stranded abroad after his hajj trip because he was unlawfully denied a boarding pass; and others. American Muslims are going through challenging times. In our nation’s history, we have seen other minority groups treated the same way — and it could be a new group in the future. So we’re not just advocating for Minnesota Muslims, we work to protect the rights that many Americans have sacrificed their lives for.


CAIR-MN 01/29/2014

There has been a tremendous growth of CAIR-MN’s name and reputation in the community since its founding. Each year, CAIR-MN appears over 115 times in local newsmedia. CAIR-MN was named a 2010 “Difference Maker” by the St. Cloud Times, received the 2011 Nonprofit Mission and Excellence Anti-Racism Award from the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits and MAP for Nonprofits, named the 2012 CAIR Chapter of the Year, selected for Minnesota Philanthropy Partners’ 2013 "Nonprofits to Know," and featured in the Rochester Diversity Council “What Works.” Recently, CAIR-MN received the 2013 Difference Makers Award from the American Bar Association’s Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division for “making a difference through pro bono work.”


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I am the Executive Director of another non profit in Mpls. with similar goals as CAIR-MN. We have found the current Director and Development person ready to cooperate and work together with those outside of their immediate community. Their education to employers and support/advocacy of individuals about their rights is invaluable to our community. In the past staff from CAIR-MN offered training to local families who were about to host civilian visitors from Iraq. She taught us about prayer times, dietetic issues, cats and dogs and other things that helped us feel more relaxed hosting out guests. We look forward to ongoing cooperation working to improve living conditions and community health here in MN.

Bri L.


Rating: 5

CAIR MN is a great organization that is really working to create more understanding regarding Islam and to protect the rights of people in diverse communities. The people working here are all very friendly and knowledgeable, and I hope to volunteer with them again.

Nahid K.

Client Served

Rating: 5

CAIR-MN assisted me in challenging discriminatory behavior on the part of customs and immigration officials at MSP upon returning home to Minnesota from an international trip. CAIR may focus on protecting the civil rights and liberties of American Muslims, but such work protects the civil rights and liberties of all citizens and residents of our nation, regardless of religious affiliation. As a supporter and board member of CAIR-MN, I appreciate its work in partnership with numerous like-minded organizations working to protect the civil rights and liberties of all Americans and residents of the country.


Rating: 5

CAIR MN is the only organization that fights hard to protect the civil liberties of Muslim Americans. They are in the forefront as well in building bridges and coalitions between the non-Muslim and Muslim members of our community.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As a civil rights advocate, it has been the most amazing and rewording experience working with CAIR-MN. The cases I work on make a difference in people's lives and the trainings I conduct help create and foster tolerance and understanding among members in the community. It is empowering to stand up and defend the rights of those whose rights have been violated because of hate, discrimination, or out of pure ignorance of the law or religious beliefs of others.


Rating: 5

CAIR-Minnesota is a dynamic non-profit organization that works on ensuring the civil rights of Muslims throughout the state. It provides a voice to so many people that don't know what to do when they experience discrimination. It also provides excellent training so employers and others can better understand the Islamic religion and how it relates to employment.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CAIR Minnesota is a highly efficient and growing advocacy organization with a mission to support the legal rights of Minnesota's growing Muslim population. With a full time staff of 2, they are able to provide critical advocacy, education and outreach. they are highly competent and extremely hardworking.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

It is amazing how much CAIR-MN is able to accomplish with just a small amount of resources. The impact they have around the state in the media, in trainings, and in protecting civil rights is amazing. They are tireless, passionate, and skillful advocates for fair and respectful treatment for everyone. I have watched their work from a distance and I'm also helping with some of their long-term planning. The value and impact of CAIR-MN is amazing now, but I also think they will have an even more transformative role in the future.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CAIR-MN functions on a basic premise: that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. The individual stories and accomplishments that come from our office are extremely fulfilling — the 300 employees who were granted their legal rights in the workplace after CAIR-MN intervened on their behalf; the student who was allowed to make up a college exam she missed for a religious holiday; the high school students who were able to put an end to daily harassment; the woman who was hired after initially being told to remove her religious headscarf in order to continue with her job interview; or the warehouse employees who were allowed to speak their native language during their breaks.

Right now American Muslims are going through challenging times. In our nation’s history, we have seen other minority groups treated the same way — and it could be a new group in the future. So we’re not just advocating for Minnesota Muslims, we’re protecting the rights that many Americans have sacrificed their lives for.

There has been tremendous growth of CAIR-MN’s name and reputation in the community since it was created in 2007. In 2010, CAIR-MN appeared over 115 times in local and national newsmedia. Also in 2010, CAIR-MN was named a “Difference Maker” by the St. Cloud Times. Last year, CAIR-MN was awarded the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits’ Mission & Excellence Anti-Racism Award.

1 Kathleen21


Rating: 5

I have worked with CAIR-MN for almost a year now. One of my projects was to interview staff, board members, clients and other supporters to see what CAIR-MN means to them. I was truly inspired by the stories of these remarkable people who all have a personal tie to CAIR-MN and an immense passion for the work that CAIR-MN does. To hear each personal story, and each unique way that these lives have been effected by CAIR-MN proved to me even more the importance, depth, and validity of this work. I got to hear, time and time again how CAIR-MN is making a difference, not only in individual lives but in communities. Furthermore, what makes me such a strong supporter of CAIR-MN is their strategy of empowerment and education and their passion for justice and equality for all people.


Board Member

Rating: 5

CAIR-MN is one of the most effective and bold civil rights organizations in the Midwest. The organization addresses a range of issues from bias/harassment at schools to workplace discrimination and media representation to combating Islamophobia. CAIR-MN is widely recognized for its work, and most recently, was named a 2011 Anti-Racism Initiative Recipient by the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits. Since its inception, CAIR-MN has successfully advocated for policies that ensure that kids aren't harassed because of their religion in schools, mosques aren't being targeted unfairly, individuals can work in an environment that doesn't violate their religious rights, and many other fundamental components of our civil rights. The work and impact of this organization is truly remarkable.