Themed weeks
We provide a series of bespoke themed weeks, which are a great way to raise awareness of different sectors, and the range of opportunities within them. Typically, these weeks cover areas that compliment our careers fairs and careers forums, and comprise of a range of smaller-scale events such as 'careers cafés' and 'professiona in residence'
Focus on weeks 2021-22:
- Focus on...Start-Ups and SMEs (November)
The Start-Ups and SMEs Week sees a range of companies, such as start-ups, SMEs, and entrepreneurs discuss topics and deliver sessions to help students explore the opportunities available and to connect with diverse and interesting organisations.
- Focus on... Science Communication and Policy (January)
This week sees a selection of events to encourage engagament wiht careers in the science communication sector. There will be workshops on gaining an internship in this sector, talks from professionals and the chance to learn more.
- Focus on...Big Data & Analytics (January)
This week provides students with a number of opportunities to hear from and network with professionals who have built their career in the field of Data and Analytics across a wide range of industries. A series of company presentations, panel discussions and careers fair will give you insights into this sector.
How to participate in a themed week:
To register your interest to get involved with any of the themed weeks listed above - or outside of this if you have suggestions for events that could be included in a themed week:
- Please email with details of your organisation
- Note the week that you're intested in
- Include a proposal for an event, or your participation