Degrees we offer

We offer these undergraduate degrees in a range of subjects:

  • Bachelor of Science (BSc)
  • Master in Science (MSci)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)
  • Master of Engineering (MEng)
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)

The MEng and MSci are known as integrated Master’s awards. This means the Bachelor’s degree with Honours (BSc and BEng) is combined with Master’s-level degree (MSci and MEng) in a single, continuous course.  

Students on our six-year Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree undertake a one-year intercalated BSc degree in the fourth year. This allows them to gain a further qualification in a subject related to medicine alongside their MBBS degree. The College also offers a Graduate Medicine MBBS programme, which extends over five years.

We also offer Joint Honours degrees. These combine two disciplines and are available in.

Explore our courses


As well as your main degree, you may receive an award of Associateship. These come from one of our historic constituent Colleges:

  • Associateship of the Royal College of Science (ARCS)
  • Associateship of the Royal School of Mines (ARSM)
  • Associateship of the City and Guilds of London Institute (ACGI)
  • Associateship of the Imperial College School of Medicine (AICSM)

These are awarded to students, usually undergraduates, provided they have satisfied the College’s requirements for their course of study and the minimum period of study as required for the award of Associateship.

European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)

ECTS is an academic credit system for higher education widely used throughout the European Higher Education Area.

Credits express the volume of learning based on the achievement of defined learning outcomes and their associated workload. The credits you accumulate are transferable, meaning you may be able to use them towards another programme offered by the same institution or by another institution.

Some of our integrated Master’s degrees incorporate assessed work outside the academic terms and therefore attract more ECTS credits. 

Students on other integrated Master's degrees may be able to undertake additional study or project work in the summer vacations to raise their ECTS count – details of available opportunities will be confirmed by your department.

ECTS credits are not awarded on the MBBS programmes.

You can find the ECTS value of all our degrees on our course pages.

Potential changes to our courses

We always aim to deliver our courses as they are described in our prospectus and website. However, there are some circumstances where we may need to make changes – particularly as applications are usually made well ahead of starting and courses run over several years. 

This helps keep our courses dynamic and responsive, with academics delivering courses in a way that reflects their style and expertise, consistent with offering a world-leading education.

When we make changes and how we'll notify you