A student in our bioengineering laboratory
Leah took part in a UROP project that involved developing an app for the self-management of type 1 diabetes.

What is UROP?

Our Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) is a chance to get first-hand experience of life in a research lab under expert supervision.

It's a unique opportunity to experience life as a university researcher and work on a real research project. You can even propose your own research idea, which could form the basis of your final year research project.

You'll get to explore the latest advances in your subject field – often beyond what is covered in your course. Some UROP students even get their name on a scientific paper which could be an impressive addition to your CV!

How does it work?

UROP is designed to be highly flexible: in some cases you may carry out a specific project, with a beginning, a middle and an end. In others, you may join an ongoing piece of research. Your supervisor may wish to try something speculative; others will be looking to utilise you in more straightforward ways, such as data analysis.

A typical UROP research experience lasts 6–10 weeks during the second or penultimate summer vacation but can also be at other times, including during term time.

What research topics can I work on?

There are around 450+ UROP opportunities available each year.

Imperial's research expertise spans an enormous breadth of topics so it's no surprise that past UROP experiences have been equally varied, from teaching dance routines to a humanoid robot to studying plant-fungal symbiosis with academics based at Kew Gardens.

While a number of UROP opportunities are advertised as part of the scheme, many opportunities are advertised internally by departments. 

Most researchers and academic staff also welcome applications from students directly so you are encouraged to be proactive and see if any UROP opportunities are available within your department. 

Find out more about our Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme.