Personal statement
We assess your personal statement as part of our selection process. Your personal statement is a really important part of your application where you can convey what makes you the right student for the course you’re applying to.
It’s useful to highlight things that inspired your interest in your course, including:
- books you have read
- work or voluntary experience you have undertaken
- or any extracurricular activities you’ve taken part in
You may also want to use your personal statement to outline:
- your career aspirations and motivation for the future
- other personal achievements; artistic, sporting, musical, community or other
You should also use your personal statement to highlight the skills you have that will help you on the course, such as communication and time management, and any interests you have that will make you stand out.
Your personal statement will be analysed by UCAS’s Similarity Detection Service (SDS) so make sure that it is your own work.
You should avoid exaggerating or making false claims as interviewers may ask particular questions based on what you include in your statement.
For advice on how to start writing your personal statement, you can watch the video below or read how to write a personal statement.
UCAS Personal Statement Advice