Scam warning

Please be aware, applicants and students have recently been targeted in scams where discounted payment is offered for visas, tuition fees, or fee deposits.

Please always use a trusted source when making payment.

Read more about these scams

Payment methods

We have a number of ways for you to pay your University tuition, re-sit and accommodation fees. 

Payment methods include online by credit or debit card, online bank transfers or e-payments and telephone card payments. 

Please note that we do not accept cheques or cash payments either on campus or directly into our bank account. 

You can find out more about payment methods available and further information below.

Payment methods

Online card payment

Make a student payment via the Imperial College Payments website. Payments may be made by debit or credit card (e.g. Visa, Visa Debit, Mastercard, American Express; Imperial College does not accept Diners Club).  

  • A transaction receipt will be issued by our card payments system, this is not a formal receipt of payment to the College, more information on receipts may be found in the Receipts section below.
  • You are advised to contact your card provider before making large payments to inform them that you will be using your card for this purpose. If you have difficulty making large transactions on your card, you may be able to make two or more smaller transactions to make up the total payment.

International bank transfer or epayment

Using our online payments platform, international students, their parents and sponsors can pay in the currency of their choice using a simple and secure method powered by our partner Western Union.


Payment methods available include: 

Pay Methods



Benefits of WU® GlobalPay for Students:

  • Intuitive, mobile friendly interface for a seamless payment experience
  • Pay international fees by bank transfer or online e-wallet
  • Convenient payment methods including Alipay, Tenpay, UnionPay, Trustly, Sofort, etc.
  • NO transaction charges from Imperial College London or Western Union Business Solutions
  • Favourable exchange rates compared to most banks
  • Track your payment online step-by-step
  • Peace of mind that your full payment is received by Imperial College London
  • Customer support service to help you at every step

Telephone card payment

You can make a payment using your debit or credit card by calling our 24-hour automated telephone line: 0207 594 1195.

Please note that we are not currently accepting American Express cards using this method.

Payment by bank transfer

Where possible, please attempt to make payment from a UK account via Debit or Credit Card using the Imperial College Payments website which can be accessed here.

If you need to pay by bank transfer, please note that It is your responsibility to ensure that you notify the College of the purpose of your payment by using the following reference string: CID-Invoice Number-Student Name (e.g. 01234567-94123456-Your Name).


National Westminster Bank plc


18 Cromwell Place, London, SW7 2LB

Account Number


Sort Code


Account Name

Imperial College London


CID-Invoice Number-Student Name

Please note that you will be responsible for any transfer charges levied by your bank.

Other information


Self-funding students will receive an automatic confirmation email when funds are posted to their College account, this email serves as a confirmation of receipt of funds only and cannot be used as a formal receipt of payment. All bank charges are deducted from the payment before the funds reach the College and so the amount in the confirmation email may be slightly less than the original amount paid.

If you need a receipt for tuition fees, you may request this by email via this link: Please include the reason the receipt is needed in the email body as this will ensure the team issues the correct document.

Please note that the easiest and most secure way of confirming tuition fee payments to UKVI is via your CAS and not by a paper receipt. Payments uploaded to your CAS will be visible in My Passport, Visa & CAS on the student portal.

Receipts for accommodation payments cannot be issued by the Tuition Fees team; if you need a receipt for accommodation payments, please contact the Accounts Receivable Office at

Payment processing times

The time taken for a payment to reach the College and be processed against your invoice will vary depending on your method of payment.  The below table may be used as an indicative guide for our internal processing however please note that certain payments, especially bank transfers from overseas accounts, may take up to 5 working days to reach the College's bank account.

Guideline payment processing times

Payment methodApproximate processing time
Online 1-2 working days
Bank Transfer, including our online payments platform 1-2 working days
Debit/Credit Card by Phone 1-2 working days
Debit/Credit Card at Student Hub 1-2 working days

Please note, working days in the UK are Monday to Friday 0900–1700 hrs excluding bank and public holidays. Payments will not be processed against invoices during College closure periods.

Late payment

Any tuition fees not paid by the due date shall attract late payment charges at an annualised rate of 7.5% above the base rate of the National Westminster Bank Plc.

Late payment charges shall accrue daily on all overdue tuition fee balances until such time as those balances are paid in full or subject to a payment plan agreed with Credit Control.

If all outstanding amounts are paid in full within six months of the due date, the late payment charges shall be discounted to an annualised rate of 2% above the base rate of the National Westminster Bank Plc.

If a student's account is in arrears for a period of six months or more, the matter will be raised with the student's department and the College Tutors.

In accordance with Regulation Two of the Imperial College London Academic Regulations, any student with outstanding tuition-related charges will not normally be allowed to progress to the next year of their programme and may be required to withdraw from the College.

Download a full copy of the late payment policy (pdf).