Imperial College London


Faculty of Natural SciencesDepartment of Life Sciences

Honorary Research Fellow



+44 (0)20 7594 2370chris.wilson Website




N3.11MunroSilwood Park





Causes and consequences of obligately asexual evolution

Horizontal gene transfer between bdelloid rotifers questioned, The Scientist, July 2018

Cross-contamination explains "inter and intraspecific horizonal genetic transfers" between asexual bdelloid rotifers. Wilson, C.G., Nowell, R. W. & Barraclough, T. G. 2018. Current Biology 28, 2436-2444.

DNA Contamination

Four bdelloid rotifers in the genus Adineta

We still don't know how strange, celibate animals evolve, Imperial College, April 2018

The Curious Cases of Rutherford and Fry: The Enigma of Sex, BBC Radio 4 interviews, February 2018

Study sheds new light on sexless creatures, Imperial College, June 2013

(video): The mystery of the celibate rotifer, Science Friday, January 2010 [full story]

(Español)  La insólita especie animal que se reproduce solo por clones desde hace 40 millones de años, NCYT, Sep 2013

Science Podcast, AAAS, January 2010 [transcript]

Why asexual organisms are on their last legs, The New York Times, January 2010

How to survive without sex for 50 million years, National Geographic, February 2010

(Deutsch): Selbstverteidigungstrick: Rädertierchen flüchten per Salto, Der Spiegel, January 2010

(Português): Animal revela como sobrevive sem sexo, Folha de Sao Paulo, February 2010

(Español): Un escándalo evolutivo, Xataka Ciencia, September 2010

(Hebrew): Who needs sex anyway?



Nowell RW, Wilson CG, Almeida P, et al., 2021, Evolutionary dynamics of transposable elements in bdelloid rotifers, Elife, Vol:10, ISSN:2050-084X, Pages:1-37

Russell M, Qureshi A, Wilson C, et al., 2021, Size, not temperature, drives cyclopoid copepod predation of invasive mosquito larvae, Plos One, Vol:16, ISSN:1932-6203

Pathak A, Nowell RW, Wilson CG, et al., 2020, Comparative genomics of Alexander Fleming's original Penicillium isolate (IMI 15378) reveals sequence divergence of penicillin synthesis genes, Scientific Reports, Vol:10, ISSN:2045-2322

Wilson CG, Nowell R, Barraclough T, 2018, Cross-contamination explains "inter- and intraspecific horizontal genetic transfers" between asexual bdelloid rotifers, Current Biology, Vol:28, ISSN:1879-0445, Pages:2436-2444.e14

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