The kitchen is the place to prepare your food and to wash up food stuff. The cafeteria is for eating / drinking / socialising, and for informal and non-confidential conversations. The 4th Floor kitchen and cafeteria are allocated for the sole use of all ICT, CPD, HR Staff Hub and Safety Departments staff, and their guests.

The kitchen and the cafeteria are for everyone, so please always leave it clean and tidy.

Wash up your plates, cups and utensils, or put them in the dishwasher after rinsing. DO NOT LEAVE them in the sink. Cutlery tray is at the top of the dishwasher.

If there is a dishwasher with a green “GO” label, use that dishwasher to put your dirty items in. If it is full, please put a tablet in the tablet compartment, close the compartment and run the dishwasher by pressing ON, 1h and START buttons and then closing the door. Turn over the label to red “STOP”.

If the red “STOP” sign is displayed (or the red running light is on at the bottom right corner), the dishwasher is running. DO NOT USE that dishwasher!

If a dishwasher has completed its run cycle, empty the dishwasher and put turn over it to show green “GO” sign.