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We're Hiring!

Join the growing Mom Congress team.

Mom Congress is a national mothers’ rights membership organization that is addressing the most pressing policy issues impacting motherhood, including what we call “the motherload”—the stress that U.S. mothers carry (which also impact their children), at higher rates than other developed countries, and represent greater burdens to communities of color. Mom Congress is a membership “Movement” and also a “Moment” - with an annual training and advocacy event held in DC.

Mom Congress is currently a project of the non-profit organization, 2020 Mom. The aim is for Mom Congress to become its own independent non-profit organization by 2024 (continuing to receive support from 2020 Mom on an as-needed basis).

Our team is all work from home and team members are provided flexible work schedules. This role will require working some evenings and weekends. The ideal candidate would be based in DC, VA, or MD. However, the state of residence shouldn’t prevent a qualified applicant from applying.

Benefits include medical, dental, vision benefits available for those who work 20 hours or more. 401k, Paid Family Leave for full and part-time employees.

To apply, send a cover letter about your interest in the position and qualifications, resume, and brief bio to with the position title in the subject line.

Mom Congress Program Director

Location: Washington, D.C. area (preferred but not required)
Full Time / Exempt; Work from home


Mom Congress is a national mothers’ rights membership organization that is addressing the most pressing policy issues impacting motherhood, including what we call “the motherload”—the stress that U.S. mothers carry (which also impact their children), at higher rates than other developed countries, and represent greater burdens to communities of color. Mom Congress is a membership and marketing “Movement” and a “Moment,” the annual training and advocacy event held in DC each May.

Mom Congress is currently a project of the non-profit organization, 2020 Mom. The aim is for Mom Congress to become its own independent non-profit organization by 2024 (continuing to receive support from 2020 Mom on an as-needed basis). 2020 Mom will be assisting with the support of the setup of independent status.

This Position

Reporting to the 2020 Mom Executive Director, the Mom Congress Program Director will be responsible for the operational success of Mom Congress, including management and development of membership, digital content, webinars/trainings, and the annual in-person event. The Program Director will be responsible for hiring and developing a dedicated team (2-4 staff and contractors). The Program Director will be responsible for quality management/measurement and evaluation of these programs and will oversee the development of a membership self-governance structure with the support of consultants. 

In this newly established role, the Program Director will support hiring the staff and contractor team (2-4 staff and contractors) to build out Mom Congress’ capacity. The Director will also be the key external face of the Mom Congress community.

Specific Job Functions

  • Develop strategies to recruit and engage diverse, passionate, and underrepresented mothers from across the US for participation in the Mom Congress in-person event as well as through virtual town halls and other participation opportunities. 

  • In 2023, support development of a self-governing structure and leadership development process for Mom Congress so members/member leaders ultimately select policy, support building of individual and community self-efficacy.

  • Support the advisory board meetings through agenda development and engagement of advisors on an as-needed basis. 

  • Work with community partners throughout the U.S. to co-create the Mom Congress event and movement, recruit and engage ready mothers, and serve as our partners to improve motherhood. 

  • Support the recruitment and hiring of and manage the Community Engagement Specialist, Membership Specialist, and a marketing contractor to achieve program goals and outcomes.

  • Evaluate the success of the Mom Congress event and other engagement opportunities, identifying areas of opportunity for continued growth and improvement.

  • Monitor sign-on letter opportunities for policy that supports the Mom Congress focus areas/caucuses and draft/ submit sign-on letters. 

  • Analyze legislation and regulations, drafts legislation (working with contract lobbyists as necessary), draft regulatory comments to federal agencies and letters of endorsement/support/opposition on federal legislative initiatives.

  • Organize briefings as necessary and in conjunction with partner organizations.

  • Cultivate and grow the organization’s relationships with key stakeholder organizations and coalitions, educates and develops relationships with policy and government relations staff at key national organizations and coalitions, and represents Mom Congress at national coalition meetings, briefings and conferences.

  • Perform additional related tasks including writing policy-related blog posts and newsletter announcements, analyzing and reporting on policy/advocacy data, maintaining stakeholder information in the organizational database, and utilize organizational project management and communication systems.

Qualifications, Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes

The successful candidate will:

  • Have a baseline understanding of the federal legislative process. 

  • Be an enthusiastic leader capable of interacting with diverse teams to reach a common goal.

  • Have experience participating in coalitions and building strategic relationships with diverse groups and interests. 

  • Be self-motivated and eager. 

  • Know how to make timely, effective, and ethical decisions.

  • Possess the ability to take initiative and work constructively and cooperatively in a small team environment.

  • Have experience developing and evaluating programs, and successfully operationalizing innovative programs.

  • Possess strong project management skills managing complex, multifaceted projects resulting in measurable successes and program growth.

  • Have experience working in a fast-paced and high-performance organization.

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills with exceptional attention to details.

  • Demonstrate personal qualities of integrity, credibility, and a commitment to and passion for the mission of Mom Congress.

  • Have 5-10 years of relevant non-profit leadership experience (required), as well as 3 or more years of experience as a people manager (preferred).

Salary Range
The salary range for the Program Director is $80-95K, commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Application Process
Resumes received by March 30, 2022 will receive priority consideration. We will accept applications until the position is filled.

Mom Congress is an equal opportunity employer. We strive to create an inclusive and equitable workplace. We encourage applications from people of all backgrounds.