If you are undergraduate or master’s UK or EU student (check eligibility) with outstanding academic performance and a strong desire to undertake a PhD programme at a world class research institution, you could be selected to receive full UK/EU tuition fees and stipend for a PhD at the Department of Materials. The EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) aims to provide research students with great potential the opportunity to work within their chosen research field with the support of a dedicated supervisor.

Opportunities for PhD funding via this scheme are extremely competitive. Applicants should be confident that they are able to demonstrate outstanding academic performance before applying for this scholarship scheme.

View our latest DTP research projects.

You will be able to start your PhD between 1 October and 1 April.

If you have any questions regarding the scheme, please contact Annalisa Neri, the Postgraduate Research Coordinator.  

DTP information


Successful candidates will receive the following financial support for up to 42 months/3.5 years:

  • Full funding for UK/EU tuition fees.
  • A stipend of £17,009 per annum to assist with living costs (this will be reviewed annually and may be increased in line with inflation).
  • A consumables fund of £1,000 per annum for the first three years.


  1. Applications are only accepted from talented candidates from UK. International students are also allowed to apply, but there is a reduced number of funded positions for Interational students.
  2. Applicants should hold or achieve a Master's degree in addition to a Bachelor's degree with at least a UK Upper Second Class Honours Level.
  3. Prior to applying candidates must have contacted a supervisor in the Department who has agreed to supervise their research project. You can check the projects available here
  4. Please note that supervisors are limited to supervise only one DTP student at any time. Please check below the list of unavailable supervisors. Please note: current registered Imperial PhD students are not eligible. The scheme is only open to new PhD applications.

How to Apply

There is no specific scholarship application form.  You should submit your application for admission to study at Materials through our online admissions system and we will evaluate your application based on academic merit and potential.

  1. When prompted for a research proposal you must ensure that it consists of approximately 1,000 words (maximum 2 pages) and outlines your academic and research achievements to date, explaining in brief your planned research project. The selection panel will not consider statements exceeding the 2-page limit. You may submit updated versions of this statement if required following application submission.
  2. To be considered for this scheme, please confirm in the funding section that you want your application to be considered for the Departmental DTP funding.

Application process

Candidates meeting or predicted to meet the eligibility requirements will be reviewed by the Department review panel. This panel will be formed by the Postgraduate Director, Postgraduate Admissions Tutor, Postgraduate Tutor, the Head of the Department and the Postgraduate Coordinator.

Candidates are assessed by the panel the following criteria:

  1. Academic excellence - as demonstrated by past academic results and by transcripts, awards and distinctions. Applicants should hold or achieve a Master's degree in addition to a Bachelor's degree with at least a UK Upper Second Class Honours Level.
  2. Research Potential - as demonstrated by the candidate’s research experience to date, his/her interest in discovery, the research plan and its potential contribution as described in their personal statement and in the departmental justification. 
  3. Suitability of candidate - as demonstrated by the strength of references and support from the proposed supervisor.

Successful candidates will receive an invitation to attend a personal/skype interview with the review panel.

The performance at the interview, together with the previous criteria will allow the panel to make a final decision. Successful candidates will receive written confirmation of their scholarship. Any offer of a PhD place will be conditional on the candidate achieving the predicted qualifications.


The deadlines will be the following (check Gantt chart at the end of the document):

  1. The first round will be at the same time as the first round of the President's Scholarship. You need to submit your application before the 8th of November. The decision will be made by the 15th of December.
  2. The second round will be at the same time as the second round of the President's Scholarship. You need to submit your application before the 10th of January. The decision will be made by the 31st of March.
  3. For the third round, only applicants who apply before the 28th of February will be considered. The decision will be made by the 1st of May.

Gantt chart

Non eligible supervisors

Here you can find the list of Academics that are not eligible as supervisors through the DTP funding:

  • Dr Sivaprakash Sengodan       (until the academic year 2023/24)
  • Prof Eduardo Saiz                     (until the academic year 2023/24)


  • Prof Arash Mostofi                     (until the academic year 2024/25)
  • Prof Julian Jones                        (until the academic year 2024/25)
  • Dr Iain Dunlop                            (until the academic year 2024/25)
  • Prof Aron Walsh                          (until the academic year 2024/25)
  • Dr Katarina  Marquadt               (until the academic year 2024/25)
  • Dr Cecilia Mattevi                       (until the academic year 2024/25)
  • Dr Stella Pedrazzini                    (until the academic year 2024/25)
  • Dr Fang Xie                                  (until the academic year 2024/25)
  • Prof Mark Oxborrow                   (until the academic year 2024/25)
  • Dr Alessandra Pinna                  (until the academic year 2024/25)


  • Prof Milo Shaffer                        (until the academic year 2025/26)
  • Prof Molly Stevens                     (until the academic year 2025/26)
  • Dr Florian Bouville                     (until the academic year 2025/26)
  • Prof Stephen Skinner                 (until the academic year 2025/26)
  • Dr Robert Hoye                           (until the academic year 2025/26)
  • Dr Ifan Stephens                         (until the academic year 2025/26)
  • Prof David Payne                         (until the academic year 2025/26)
  • Prof Jason Riley                           (until the academic year 2025/26)
  • Dr Stefano Angioletti-Uberti      (until the academic year 2025/26)
  • Dr Min-Son Pham                        (until the academic year 2025/26)