BEng/MEng JMC Degree Overview

The BEng/MEng JMC degrees are run under Faculty of Engineering rules. Marks are awarded evenly between the two departments for the first two years, with students being able to decide to take more subjects from one department in the final year(s). To proceed to the following year, students generally need to have obtained at least 40% in the preceding year (see below for specific progression rules). If you fail to pass a particular module, you may be allowed to resit, either in September or in the following year.

The marks from each year are accumulated over the three or four years of the degree to obtain a final mark. This is then used to decide the final degree classification. The marks from each year are weighted as follows:

CourseYear Weighting
BEng degree (pre 2019 entry) 1 : 2 : 3
MEng degree (pre 2019 entry) 1 : 2 : 2 : 4
BEng degree (2019 or later entry) [ 7.50% ]  :  [ 35.00% ]  :  [ 57.50% ]
MEng degree (2019 or later entry) [ 7.50% ]  :  [ 20.00% ]  :  [ 36.25% ]  :  [ 36.25% ]

First Year JMC Courses and Regulations

First Year JMC Modules and Regulations

List of modules

A full list of the First Year Autumn, Spring and Summer Term modules can be viewed on our Joint Maths and Computing First Year webpage. 

Core Modules
 COMP40008  Graphs and Algorithms                             2  5
 COMP40009  Computing Practical 1  1 - 3  20
 COMP40012  Logic & Reasoning  1 - 2  5
 MATH40002  Analysis I  1 - 2  10
 MATH40004  Calculus and Applications  1 - 2  10
 MATH40009  Introduction to University Mathematics  1  5
 MATH40012  Linear Algebra and Groups for JMC  1 - 2  5
There are 7 Core modules in JMC Year 1.
Summary of the table's contents
COMP40009 Computing Practical 1 Breakdown
ComponentShare of submoduleShare of module
 Haskell    30%
   Practice Test  0%  0%
   Interim Test  17%  5%
   Final Test  83%  25%
  = 100%  
 Java    40%
   Interim Test  15%  5%
   Final Test  85%  35%
  = 100%  
 C    20% 
   Group Project  44%  8%
   Main Test  56%  12%
  = 100%  
 Professional Issues    10%
   Ethics Project  50%  5%
   Research Project  50%  5%
  = 100%  
 Total    100%
all components


JMC Year 1 consists of 7 compulsory modules.

Continuous Assessment

Computing lecture modules have associated coursework, contributing 15% of the marks for the module. The remaining 85% of the module mark is assessed by written examination.
Maths lecture modules have associated tests and coursework where the format and contribution to the overall module mark varies per module.
Computing Practical 1 consists of an integrated module of coursework in all three terms. It also includes Programming and Professional Issues.
Programming is assessed by on-line tests and project work. There is also a research aspect, which runs in the first and second terms. This is assessed by reports and presentations.


Each module contributes its relative ECTS weight towards the year total, with the exception of MATH40009 which is ZERO weighted.
In total there are 60 ECTS in Year 1 - 30 ECTS in Computing modules and 30 ECTS in Maths modules.

Progression Requirements

In order to pass JMC Year 1 and qualify to progress to JMC Year 2, the candidate must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Achieve a mark of at least 40% for each of the compulsory Mathematics modules: MATH40002, MATH40004 and MATH40012;
  2. Achieve a "Pass" mark for Introduction to University Mathematics: MATH40009;
  3. Achieve a mark of least 40% for the each of the compulsory Computing modules: COMP40008 and COMP40012;
  4. Achieve a mark of least 50% for Computing Practical 1: COMP40009;
  5. Achieve a mark of least 40% for the year overall.

Supplementary Qualifying Tests

At the discretion of the Examiners, Supplementary Qualifying Tests may be offered to a student who marginally fails to achieve the above requirements.
A failure to achieve the 50% mastery pass mark for Computing Practical 1 (COMP40009) may mean that a candidate is required to withdraw from the degree.
Additionally, extensive exam failures (passing less than 30 ECTS worth of modules) may mean that a candidate is required to retake the year or withdraw from the degree.

MEng Registration

MEng candidates must normally achieve an aggregate 2:1 performance across both Maths and Computing disciplines to be allowed to remain on the MEng programme.
The final decision on MEng registration will be made based on the candidates overall performance in JMC Year 2.

Second Year JMC Courses and Regulations

Second Year JMC Modules and Regulations

List of modules

A full list of the Second Year Autumn, Spring and Summer Term modules can be viewed on our Joint Maths and Computing Second Year webpage.

Core Modules
 COMP50002  Software Engineering Design  1  5
 COMP50004  Operating Systems  1  5
 COMP50012  JMC Computing Practical 2  1 - 2  10
 MATH50014  Probability and Statistics for JMC  1  5
There are 5 Core modules in JMC Year 2.
Summary of the table's contents
JMC Computing Pratical 2 Breakdown
ComponentShare of submoduleShare of module
COMP50007.1    Laboratory 2      91%
  Pintos - Task 0 (Codebase Preview)  7%  
  Pintos - Task 1 (Scheduling)  14%  
  Pintos - Task 2 (User Programs)  21%  
  Linkload  3%  
  DevOps - Continuous Delivery  5%  
  WACC - Front-End  25%  
  WACC - Back-End  25%  
   = 100%  
COMP50007.2   Introduction to Prolog     9%
  Coursework  100%  
   = 100%  
Total    100%
These weightings are intended to mirror the relative assessment weighting for the associated courswork elements in Computing Practical 2 (COMP50007) and will be updated accordingly if that changes.
Elective Computing Modules
 COMP50001  Algorithm Design and Analysis  1  5
 COMP50003  Models of Computation  1  5
 COMP50006  Compilers  2  5
 COMP50009  Symbolic Reasoning  2  5
 COMP50010^  2nd Year Computing Group Project (DRP)  3  5
There are 5 Elective Computing modules in JMC Year 2 and students must select 2 of these.
Summary of the table's contents

Elective Maths Modules
 MATH50005  Groups and Rings  1  5
 MATH50006  Lebesgue Measure and Integration  2  5
 MATH50007  Network Science  1  5
 MATH50008  Partial Differential Equations in Action  2  5
 MATH50011  Statistical Modelling 1  2  5
 MATH50012*  Numerical Analysis for JMC  2  5
 MATH50014^  Group Research Project in Mathematics  3  5
 MATH50015*  Multi-variable Calculus for JMC  1  5
 MATH50016*  Linear Algebra for JMC  1  5
 MATH50017*  Real Analysis and Topology for JMC  1  5
 MATH50018*  Complex Analysis for JMC  2  5
 MATH50019*  Differential Equations for JMC  2  5
There are 12 Elective Maths modules in JMC Year 2 and students must select 5 of these (subject to module prerequisites).


JMC Year 2 consists of 4 compulsory modules and 7 selected modules.
The overall credit balance must be 30 ECTS in Computing and 30 ECTS in Maths.
A minimum of 3 Maths core modules (marked with a * above) must be selected in JMC Year 2
One of the Group Project modules (COMP50010 or MATH50014 marked with a ^ above) must be selected for term 3.

[ Note that, in JMC Year 3, you may choose up to two COMP50000 or MATH50000 modules from those offered above (with the exception of the Group Projects COMP50010 and MATH50014) so long as you have not already taken these modules in JMC Year 2.  ]

Logistics: Students selecting both halves of a core maths module in Year 2 will be enrolled in the 10 ECTS full-year version of the module instead.
- MATH50001 Analysis 2 subsumes MATH50017 Real Analysis and Topology for JMC and MATH50018 Complex Analysis for JMC.
- MATH50003 Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis subsumes MATH50016 Linear Algebra for JMC and MATH50012 Numerical Analysis for JMC.
- MATH50004 Multi-variable Calculus and Differential Equations subsumes MATH50015 Multi-variable Calculus for JMC and MATH50019 Differential Equations for JMC.

Continuous Assessment

Computing lecture modules have associated coursework, contributing 15% of the marks for the module. The remaining 85% of the module mark is assessed by written examination.
Maths lecture modules have associated tests and coursework where the format and contribution to the overall module mark varies per module.
Computing Practical 2 has an integrated programme of laboratory exercises that runs throughout the first two terms and there is a separate summer term group project.


Each module contributes its relative ECTS weight towards the year total.
In total there are 60 ECTS in JMC Year 2 - 30 ECTS in Computing modules and 30 ECTS in Maths modules.

Progression Requirements

In order to pass JMC Year 2 and qualify to progress to JMC Year 3, the candidate must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Achieve a mark of at least 40% in each of the Core and Elective Mathematics and Computing modules;
  2. Achieve a mark of at least 40% in JMC Computing Practical 2: COMP50012;
  3. Achieve a mark of at least 40% for the year overall.

Supplementary Qualifying Tests

At the discretion of the Examiners, Supplementary Qualifying Tests may be offered to a student who marginally fails to achieve the above requirements.
A failure to achieve the 40% pass mark for Computing Practical 2 (COMP50012) may mean that a candidate is required to withdraw from the degree.
Additionally, extensive exam failures (passing less than 30 ECTS worth of modules) may mean that a candidate is required to retake the year or withdraw from the degree.

MEng Registration

MEng candidates must normally achieve an aggregate 2:1 performance across both Maths and Computing disciplines to be allowed to remain on the MEng programme.
The final decision on MEng registration will be made based on the candidates overall performance in JMC Year 2.

Third Year JMC (BEng) Courses and Regulations

Third Year JMC (BEng) Modules and Regulations

List of modules

A full list of the Third (BEng) Year Autumn, Spring and Summer Term modules can be viewed on our Joint Maths and Computing (BEng) third year webpage.

Core Modules
 COMP60021  3rd Year Software Engineering Group Project  1  10
 COMPM0352  I-Explore  1 or 2  5
There are 2 Core modules in JMC BEng Year 3.
Summary of the table's contents
Final Year Project Modules
 COMP60026  Individual Project BEng - JMC  1 - 3  15
 MATH60050  Research Project in Mathematics  1 - 3  15
There are 2 avaliable project modules in JMC BEng Year 3 for the final year individual project and students must select 1 of them.
Summary of the table's contents


JMC BEng Year 3 consists of 2 compulsory modules, a final year project module (taken in either department) and 5 selected modules.

Computing: At least 2 modules (10 ECTS) and at most 3 modules (15 ECTS) are to be chosen from the overall list of Elective Computing modules which are made available in Year 3 (this selection does not include COMP60021, the 3rd Year Software Engineering Group Project).

Maths: At least 2 modules (totalling 15 ECTS) and at most 3 modules (up to 22.5 ECTS) are to be chosen from the overall list of Elective Mathematics modules which are made available in Year 3.

External: One option in JMC BEng Year 3 may be an external module (with technical content) offered by another Engineering department.

Year 2 Modules: Up to 2 modules (10 ECTS) in JMC BEng Year 3 may come from the Year 2 (COMP50000 or MATH50000) module lists (excluding the Group Projects COMP50010 and MATH50014), provided those modules were not already taken in JMC BEng Year 2. This may affect your overall ECTS total for the year.

Restrictions to Module Selections:


Each module contributes its relative ECTS weight towards the year total, with the exception of COMPM0352 which is ZERO weighted.
In total there are 60 ECTS or 62.5 ECTS in JMC BEng Year 3, depending on the distribution of Elective modules selected.

Degree Completion Requirements

In order to pass JMC BEng Year 3 and qualify to graduate with Honours, the candidate must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Achieve a mark of at least 40% in each of the Core and Elective Mathematics and Computing modules;
  2. Achieve a "Pass" mark for their chosen I-Explore module: COMPM0352;
  3. Achieve a mark of at least 40% in their final year individual project;
  4. Achieve a mark of at least 40% for the year overall.

Supplementary Qualifying Tests

At the discretion of the Examiners, Supplementary Qualifying Tests may be offered to a student who marginally fails to achieve the above requirements.
Extensive exam failures (passing less than 30 ECTS worth of modules) may mean that a candidate is required to retake the year or withdraw from the degree.

Third Year JMC (MEng) Courses and Regulations

Third Year JMC (MEng) Modules and Regulations

List of modules

A full list of the Third Year Autumn, Spring and Summer Term modules can be viewed on our Joint Maths and Computing (MEng) third year webpage.

Core Modules
 COMP60021  3rd Year Software Engineering Group Project  1  10
 COMPM0352  I-Explore  1 or 2  5
 COMP70012  Industrial Placement for JMC (first part)  3  7.5
There are 3 Core modules in JMC MEng Year 3.
Summary of the table's contents


JMC MEng Year 3 consists of 3 compulsory modules and 6-7 selected modules.

Computing: At least 2 modules (10 ECTS) and at most 5 modules (25 ECTS) are to be chosen from the overall list of Elective Computing modules which are made available in Year 3 (this selection does not include COMP60021, the 3rd Year Software Engineering Group Project).

Maths: At least 2 modules (totalling 15 ECTS) and at most 4 modules (up to 30 ECTS) are to be chosen from the overall list of Elective Mathematics modules which are made available in Year 3.

External: One option in JMC MEng Year 3 may be an external module (with technical content) offered by another Engineering department.

Year 2 Modules: Up to 2 modules (10 ECTS) in JMC MEng Year 3 may come from the Year 2 (COMP50000 or MATH50000) module lists (excluding the Group Projects COMP50010 and MATH50014), provided those modules were not already taken in JMC MEng Year 2. This may affect your overall ECTS total for the year.

Placement: The JMC industrial placement will run from June to September (typically the 2nd week of June to the 4th week of September).

Restrictions to Module Selections:
- MATH60000 modules that are taken in JMC MEng Year 3 and also exist as MATH70000 equivalents cannot be taken again as MATH70000 modules in JMC MEng Year 4.


Each module contributes its relative ECTS weight towards the year total, with the exception of COMPM0352 which is ZERO weighted.
In total there are 60 ECTS or 62.5 ECTS in JMC MEng Year 3, depending on the distribution of Elective modules selected.

Progression Requirements

In order to pass JMC MEng Year 3 and qualify to progress to JMC MEng Year 4, the candidate must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Achieve a mark of at least 40% in each of the Core and Elective Mathematics and Computing modules;
  2. Achieve a "Pass" mark for their chosen I-Explore module: COMPM0352;
  3. Achieve a mark of at least 40% for the year overall.

Failure in the 3rd Year Software Engineering Group Project (COMP60021) in the Autumn Term of JMC MEng Year 3 will ordinarily lead to discussion about transferring onto the JMC BEng degree for the remainder of JMC Year 3.

Supplementary Qualifying Tests

At the discretion of the Examiners, Supplementary Qualifying Tests may be offered to a student who marginally fails to achieve the above requirements.
Extensive exam failures (passing less than 30 ECTS worth of modules) may mean that a candidate is required to retake the year or withdraw from the degree.

Fourth Year JMC (MEng) Courses and Regulations

Fourth Year JMC (MEng) Modules and Regulations

List of courses

A full list of the Fourth (MEng) Year Autumn, Spring and Summer Term modules can be viewed on our Joint Maths and Computing fourth year webpage.

Selective Modules
 COMP70027  Individual Project MEng - JMC  1 - 3  20
 MATH97071  Research Project in Mathematics  2 - 3  20
There are 2 avaliable project modules in JMC MEng Year 4 for the final year individual project and students must select 1 of them.
Summary of the table's contents


JMC MEng Year 4 consists of a final year project module (taken in either department) and 7 selected modules.

Computing: At least 2 and at most 5 Computing modules are to be chosen from the overall list of modules which are made available.

Maths: At least 2 and at most 5 Mathematics modules are to be chosen from the overall list of modules which are made available.

External: One option in JMC MEng Year 4 may be an external module offered by the Imperial College Business School, the Humanities Department or another Engineering department (if not already taken in JMC MEng Year 3). Only one Humanities Department module may be taken for credit during the whole degree.

Restrictions to Module Selections:
- MATH97000 modules that also exist as MATH96000 equivalents that were taken in JMC MEng Year 3 cannot be taken again as MATH97000 modules in JMC MEng Year 4.
- COMP70015 Mathematics for Machine Learning and MATH97082 Statistical Modelling 2 share a significant amount of content and thus may not both be selected for credit.
- COMP70007 Computational Optimisation and MATH97405 Optimization share a significant amount of content and thus may not both be selected for credit.


Each module contributes the following weight towards the year total:

ComponentMark percent
Seven course options (each contributing 10%)  70
Individual project  30

Degree Completion Requirements

In order to pass JMC MEng Year 4 and qualify to graduate with Honours, the candidate must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Achieve a mark of at least 40% in their final year individual project;
  2. Achieve a mark of at least 40% for the year overall.

BEng/MEng Transfers

BEng/MEng Transfers

First year

Transfer between the JMC BEng and JMC MEng degrees (and vice-versa) will be permitted on agreement of the senior tutors during JMC Year 1. It is usually required that all transfer decisions have been finalised by the start of JMC Year 3, when the two degree streams diverge.

Second year

Transfer from the JMC BEng to the JMC MEng degree during the 2nd year may be permitted depending on the candidate's performance in JMC Year 1 and continuous assessment marks in JMC Year 2. Normally JMC BEng to JMC MEng degree transfer requests made during JMC Year 2 will be held until the candidate's final year total is known for JMC Year 2.

Required to Transfer to BEng

A candidate may be required to transfer from the JMC MEng to the JMC BEng degree at the end of JMC Year 2 if they fail to attain the necessary credit from their first two years. In order to progress to JMC MEng Year 3 candidates must normally achieve an overall aggregate 2:1 mark in both Maths and Computing disciplines in JMC Year 2.

Additional resources


Visit our year specific noticeboards for further information.

Programme specifications

This section provides a definitive record of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student may reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if they take full advantage of the learning opportunities provided. This programme specification is intended as a reference point for prospective students, current students, external examiners and academic and support staff involved in delivering the programme and enabling student development and achievement.

Computing Courses

View programme specifications 

Undergraduate handbook



MEng  Mathematics & Computing ( inc JMC specialisms)BEng  Mathematics & Computing (JMC)
  1. Degree and course information
  2. Regulations
  3. Course registration
  4. Timetables and exam information
  5. Accreditation
  1. Degree and course information
  2. Regulations
  3. Course registration
  4. Timetables and exam information
  5. Accreditation
Summary of the table's contents



Additional Information
  1. Careers Information
  1. Registry