Banner integration
Panopto Curriculum folders are created for an Imperial College accredited module that can contain any relevant content. Folders are automatically created in Panopto from the information held in Banner (the Imperial College student records system). They are created as an empty folder that is available to students (who are given Viewer access) on that module. Modules will need to be opted in for a corresponding folder to be created in Panopto.
Contact the Imperial College Curriculum Data Management team in the Registry department if you need a curriculum module added to Panopto.
Enrolments and access
For curriculum folders in Panopto, students will automatically be given Viewer access, dependent on the information held in Banner. 
The Module Leader will automatically be given Creator access; enrolling of additional members of staff to a folder should be carried out by the Module Leader or Faculty Ed-Tech teams. If you need further assistance with this, contact your Faculty Ed-Tech team or see our help materials on Panopto folder access.
Where to find Panopto Curriculum folders?
Log in in to Panopto and select Browse to navigate through available Panopto folders. Panopto Curriculum Folders are automatically created in the following structure:
\\\Academic Year
To aid navigation, some departments may include additional folder (i.e. Programme) between Academic Year and Module.
Panopto folder rollover
Modules opted into the Panopto-Banner integration will have folders automatically created in the summer term, before the start of each academic year. They are created as an empty folder that is available to students (who are given Viewer access) on that module. Students will be automatically given Viewer access on a Panopto Curriculum folder within 24 hours of being added to the corresponding module in Banner.
If you need to roll over content into a newly created Panopto Curriculum folder, either individually or in batch, please see our help materials on folder content management.