Risk & Business Continuity Steering Committee
Terms of Reference and Constitution
Terms of Reference
- To oversee the development and monitor the implementation of the College’s Risk and Business Continuity Management systems and associated policies and procedures.
- To keep under review the College’s Risk and Business Continuity planning and testing of those plans.
- To act as a focus for and co-ordinate College Risk and Business Continuity planning and execution.
- To monitor relevant regulations.
- To act as an interchange for information, ideas and best practice relating to Risk and Business Continuity.
- To review the College Risk Register bi-annually.
- To review its own terms of reference and constitution and those of its subordinate committees annually.
- The College Secretary
- The Director of Risk Management
- The Director of Safety
- The Head of Business Continuity
- The Director of Human Resources
- The Director of Student Services
- Faculty Operating Officers from each of the Faculties/Business School
- Director of Estates Facilities
- Head of Governance - Information & Communication Technologies
- The Director of Campus Services
- The Head of Central Secretariat
- The Director of Communications
- The Director of Occupational Health
- Imperial College Union Managing Director
One senior member of staff from:
- Finance
- Or other empowered delegate
Other advisors may be invited to attend on an ad hoc basis.
In Attendance:
The Risk Manager
The Scholarships and Governance Officer
8. The Risk & Business Continuity Steering Committee reports to the Provost’s Board and is to provide it with an annual report in October.
9. The Committee shall meet not less than twice a year.
The quorum shall be the Chairman, two Faculty representatives, and three other members which shall include representatives from ICT and Estates Facilities Operations.