Training and support
Study smarter with online training from D&A
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Using the right software and apps can help you increase your effectiveness and feel better equipped for the demands of work and study. Tackle remote or campus-based challenges by learning how to work better, faster and smarter. From mind mapping solutions to spell checkers, Imperial provides multiple options to help you improve.
To support you in using these apps to their full potential, Imperial has teamed up with Diversity and Ability (D&A) to offer all students one-to-one online technology training.
D&A will give you student-centred customised support in the following areas of study:
- Organisation and timekeeping
- Writing, planning and proofreading
- Reading
- Note-taking
- Research and referencing
- Revision
- Procrastination and stress management
The sessions can take a trainer-lead or student-lead approach.
A trainer-lead approach allows the student time to discuss the areas of study that they may be struggling with. The trainer can then introduce software that can be used to alleviate study challenges.
A student-lead approach allows the student to bring to the session specific software issues they are encountering. The trainer can then look at these issues and recommend solutions
Once you book a session, a technology trainer from D&A will be in touch, introducing themselves and explaining a bit more about how the online training will run. These sessions will be carried out online using Zoom. It is free to use, and you don’t need to sign up for an account or download anything in advance.