The purpose of the Resolution Policy and Procedure is to support the College’s commitment to promoting and ensuring a working environment where individuals are treated with respect and courtesy.  The aim is to provide members of staff with a reasonable and prompt opportunity to resolve their complaint. It is hoped that complaints can be resolved amicably thereby maintaining, and where necessary, restoring good relations within the College.

This policy covers the resolution of complaints including those of unacceptable behaviour such as harassment, bullying or victimisation. Staff should refer to the Harassment, Bullying and Victimisation Policy for further information and definitions.

Complaints related to allegations of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment or sexual violence should be managed in accordance with the Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy.

The sooner issues are raised, the more likely they are to be effectively resolved informally. Staff should raise their concern as quickly as possible and usually within three months of any alleged incident.

Complaints should ideally be raised within six months of the incident or most recent occurrence

If a member of staff wishes to remain anonymous it will limit the options available to address the issue. It may be possible to address a complaint through indirect methods, such as targeted training initiatives. Staff wishing to remain anonymous are encouraged to use the College’s online platform Report and Support.

The College expects members of staff to give a reasonable level of consideration to the informal options before resorting to the formal resolution process.

I want to request resolution:

What should I do?

What should I do to request informal resolution?

Staff wanting to resolve an issue via the informal route outlined in this policy should complete an Informal Resolution Request Form [word] and submit it to the ER team.

Upon receipt of the request, a Resolution Facilitator, who will be a member of the ER Team will contact the member of staff to conduct a Resolution Assessment. This involves a discussion outlining all the options available under this policy to enable the member of staff to decide the next steps

The informal routes to resolution available to staff are:

The informal approach is both voluntary and confidential and if it is not possible to resolve an issue informally, a member of staff may decide to pursue their complaint through the formal resolution procedure as set out below. Informal routes to resolution will remain available to members of staff at any point during the formal resolution procedure should they wish to consider them.

What should I do to request formal resolution?

You submit your formal complaint in writing to the ER Team, via the Formal Resolution Request Form [word] who will appoint a suitable Investigating Officer to the case.

The complaint should provide details, with reference to dates, times and places, names of any witness(es) to the incident(s) (where applicable) and the action taken by the member of staff to resolve the matter so far. The complaint should also include details of the outcome or remedy sought. Relevant papers in support of the complaint should also be submitted. These will be sent to the appointed Investigating Officer.

The College understands that this may be a difficult time for you and you are encouraged to make use of the range of suport available to you.

What happens?

What happens when I request formal resolution?

  • An appropriate manager will be identified to investigate
  • The individual(s) against whom you have raised a complaint will be provided with a copy of the complaint and given the opportunity to respond.  You will be provided with a copy of the response
  • The appropriate manager will aim to meet with you within ten working days of receipt of your complaint
  • The appropriate manager will meet with the individual(s) to hear their response, normally within ten working days of meeting with you
  • Further investigation may be conducted (including meeting with any witnesses)
  • You will be advised of the decision, normally within ten working days of the close of the investigation, and the following individuals will receive a copy of all paperwork:
    You, the individual(s), respective representatives, relevant line manager(s)
  • If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you will be given the opportunity to appeal the decision

What are the possible outcomes?

What are the possible outcomes of a formal resolution investigation?

  • The complaint is upheld and an informal resolution is recommended
  • The complaint is upheld and a disciplinary hearing is convened
  • The complaint is not upheld but with recommended actions
  • The complaint is not upheld and no further action is taken
  • The complaint is partially upheld and a combination of the actions above are recommended

You will have the right to appeal the decision within ten working days of receipt of the outcome.

Who will find out?

If I request formal resolution who will find out about it?

  • The individual against whom you have raised the complaint
  • The respective representatives (if applicable) – e.g. Trade union representative or work colleague
  • The respective line managers
  • Any witnesses contacted as part of the investigation

All those involved in the investigation will be instructed to keep the matter confidential.

What support is available to me?

What support is available to me?

  1. Human Resources

    Members of staff can seek support and advice from Human Resources; by contacting the Employee Relations Team or their Strategic HR team.

  2. Trade Union Representation and Support  

    The College recognises three Trades Unions; UCU, Unison and Unite.  For more information on the role and support provided by Trades Unions’ representatives is available from the Joint Trades Union’s website.

  3. Staff Supporters

    A Staff Supporter is an existing member of staff who is part of a trained network of volunteers which provide confidential and positive assistance to all Imperial staff when they need information, guidance and support. Staff Supporters have received bespoke training and are able to provide confidential assistance on a range of issues, from queries about career advice or flexible working, to concerns about the behaviour of a colleague. Further information is available.

  4. Counselling

    All College staff and members of their family living with them can get free professional and confidential help from Confidential Care, the College's Employee Assistance Provider, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You can call 0800 085 4764 or log into using the User ID: Imperial and Password: College to access confidential advice and support

  5. Harassment Support Contacts

    The College has established Harassment Support Contacts to support individual members of staff who are concerned that they are the subject of harassment, bullying or victimisation at work.  The role of a Harassment Support Contact is to act as a sounding board, by giving individuals an opportunity to talk through their concerns with a trained member of staff who will respect their privacy, discuss options and implications, and generally provide confidential and informal support, A list of the Harassment Support Contacts is available.

  6. Occupational health

    The Occupational Health (OH) Service can provide specialist advice on your fitness for work and on health issues in the workplace.  This includes seeing you when referred by your line manager or Human Resources.  OH also provide advice on workplace adjustments to help ease you back into work following sickness absence, where appropriate.

  7. Equality and diversity

    Our dedicated Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Centre (EDIC) works to support staff and make Imperial a better place to work by promoting equality, diversity and inclusion. Find Out More.

    For more, please visit the advice and support webpages