The purpose of the Resolution Policy and Procedure is to support the College’s commitment to promoting and ensuring a working environment where individuals are treated with respect and courtesy. The aim is to provide members of staff with a reasonable and prompt opportunity to resolve their complaint. It is hoped that complaints can be resolved amicably thereby maintaining, and where necessary, restoring good relations within the College.

This policy covers the resolution of complaints including those of unacceptable behaviour such as harassment, bullying or victimisation. Staff should refer to the Harassment, Bullying and Victimisation Policy for further information and definitions.
Complaints related to allegations of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment or sexual violence should be managed in accordance with the Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy.

The sooner issues are raised, the more likely they are to be effectively resolved informally. Staff should raise their concern as quickly as possible and usually within three months of any alleged incident.

Complaints should ideally be raised within six months of the incident or most recent occurrence.

If a member of staff wishes to remain anonymous it will limit the options available to address the issue. It may be possible to address a complaint through indirect methods, such as targeted training initiatives. Staff wishing to remain anonymous are encouraged to use the College’s online platform Report and Support.

The College expects members of staff to give a reasonable level of consideration to the informal options before resorting to the formal resolution process.

A member of staff wants to request resolution:

What should I do?

What are the next steps?

  • Direct the individual to the Resolution Policy [pdf] for full details on the process that will be followed
  • Advise the individual to cocontact the Employee Relations (ER) team if they have any questions regarding the process
  • Encourage the individual to make full use of the support that the College provides

What happens?

What happens when a member of staff submits a formal resolution request?

  • An appropriate manager will be identified to investigate
  • The individual(s) against whom the complaint has been raised will be provided with a copy of the complaint and given the opportunity to respond
  • The individual raising the complaint will be provided with a copy of the response
  • The appropriate manager will aim to meet with the individual raising the complaint within ten working days of receipt of the complaint
  • The appropriate manager will meet with the individual(s) to hear their response, normally within ten working days of meeting with the person making the complaint
  • Further investigation may be conducted (including meeting with any witnesses)
  • The decision will be confirmed in writing, normally within ten working days of the close of the investigation, and the following individuals will receive a copy of all paperwork:
    • The individuals, respective representatives, relevant line manager(s)
  • The person who raised the complaint will be given the opportunity to appeal the decision

What are the possible outcomes?

What are the possible outcomes of the formal resolution procedure?

  • The complaint is upheld and an informal resolution is recommended
  • The complaint is upheld and a disciplinary hearing is convened
  • The complaint is not upheld but with recommended actions
  • The complaint is not upheld and no further action is taken
  • The complaint is partially upheld and a combination of the actions above are recommended

Decision made, what do I do?

I have received a copy of the report outlining the decision of a formal resolution investigation, what should I do?

  • If there are any recommended actions (excluding cases where the recommendation is to convene a disciplinary hearing) you should ensure that these recommendations are put in place.  You should seek support from your HR Strategic support team.
  • You should meet regularly with the individual to offer support and continue to monitor the situation, regardless of whether or not the Grievance was upheld
  • Where you believe that regular contact between the individuals is undesirable, you should discuss the potential options with the Employee Relations team
  • Where appropriate, you should consider options to rebuild relationships between the individuals involved in a formal resolution process