Gender and ethnicity quartiles
These charts show the gender and ethnicity (BME staff, white staff and those who have not confirmed their ethnicity) split when we order hourly rate of pay from highest to lowest and group into four equal quartiles.
The proportion of women in the upper quartile has remained unchanged since 2020; however, the upper-middle quartile has seen a shift in favour of women to 48.7% (up from 45.6% in 2020) and this is reflected in the biggest change being seen in the median figure rather than the mean (the median figure starts in the upper middle quartile).
The BME ethnic group represent just over a quarter of the workforce (26.8%) however employees from the BME group are under-represented in the upper quartiles and are over-represented in the lower and lower-middle quartiles. The overall ethnicity pay gap reflects the fact that the ethnicity balance in each quartile do not reflect the overall College ethnic split.